The Dragon Witch was at a loss for words. She was illiterate and had never read the Bible. Of course she didn't know these contents.

But, is the God she believes in like this?

The Dragon Witch couldn't help laughing. Next to her, Gil de Rey, whose eyes were bulging like blisters, asked:

"Saint, why are you laughing?"

"I just think God is more interesting than I thought.

Gilles de Rey said doubtfully:"Saint, have you heard the Lord's will?""

"Let’s call it that. She threw her consciousness into the chat group again.

Dragon Witch:"Since you can say such things, you must not object to my revenge, right?" Fang

Chen:"Of course I don't object to your revenge, but those people are innocent, and I don't agree with you attacking them indiscriminately.""

Dragon Witch:"Huh? What are you talking about, you who have exterminated the human race, superfluous kindness? Fang

Chen:"It is Yahweh who caused the flood that destroyed the world. What does it have to do with me, Fang Chen?" I have never done such a thing, I am a savior driven by interest."

Dragon Witch:"Savehost? Then why don't you come and save me?

Fang Chen:"Come here, I'm going to save you.""

Dragon Witch:"Are you kidding? I don't need it now. I want to kill all those traitors! Fang

Chen:"But it was the King of Eagle who ordered you to be burned to death. You killing people and setting fires in Orleans are just revenge of the hammer.""

Dragon Witch:"When I kill all those traitors, let the dragons and the flames burn the big eagle too!"

Nakiri Erina:"It is not good to massacre the city. Those people are indeed innocent.

Xia Shizi:"Big Eagle?" Orleans? I understand, it’s Joan of Arc!"

Dragon Witch:"I have long given up on kindness and become a witch!"

Xia Shizi:"But, your homeland really did not betray you. Charles VII has been looking for a way to save you, but the nobles in the country have been holding back, especially Gilles de Rey, who is the biggest holdback. serious."

Dragon Witch:"What are you talking about? Gildre is the only one left by my side, and he will not betray me.

Fang Chen:"Stop arguing. Her side has lunar history, which is different from other worlds. The behaviors of Gildray and Charles VII have been reversed."

Momonga:"Moon?" Does Niang Shining have that world view?

Fang Chen:"Yes, and Jeanne's face looks very similar to Artoria's.""

Xia Shizi:"But it's okay. I remembered that Fang Chen used Artoria to catch Gildre before."

Irisviel:"I wonder how Saber is doing now."

Fang Chen:"But what I said about saving Black Joan was not a joke."

He uploaded a screenshot

【Mission: Rescue the Dragon Witch (Black Joan of Arc), a member of the group. Mission reward: 10,000 points, number of people to perform: only one person】

【Mission description: As a saint, Joan of Arc will not have any resentment. The Dragon Witch, a member of the group, is just an imaginary heroic spirit dreamed up by Gildray with his own anger and the Holy Grail. It is not the side of Joan and cannot return to the Throne of Heroes. Will disappear after the end of the singularity]

Dragon Witch:"Are you kidding me? I'm lying? That guy is the waste left behind by me!"

Xiao Meiyan:"Anyway, since we have a mission, It shows that Miss Black Jeanne will indeed perish."

Dragon Witch:"I don't need saving! Besides, why am I Black Jeanne, and what about that guy, Jeanne White? Just because I am evil and she is good?"

Fang Chen:"No, because your clothes are black."

Dragon Witch:"……"

My sister is super cute:"Awesome, you are worthy of being the leader of the group." Fang Chen:"Also, I don't care if you want to be saved or not, but I definitely want to get points."

Hatake: 50-50:"The leader of the group : 'I'm just a ruthless points machine’"

Momonga:"But only the group leader can accomplish this task, right?"

Murasaki Yakumo:"Anyway, we don't know how to save the Aerial Heroic Spirit, or in other words, we don't know what the Aerial Heroic Spirit is."

Scathach :"It would be okay if I killed the enemy. I can't do this kind of task. Runes can't do this kind of thing, but maybe I can start with the Spiritual Foundation."

Irisviel:"Mr. Fang Chen is not Has the soul been materialized? Maybe this is also an idea."

Momonga:"Looking at the discussion of the big guys, I trembled. If I traveled through time, I would definitely be able to join the discussion with my strength."

Xiao Tongtong:" How long has it been? Why hasn't your crappy game been shut down yet?"

Momonga:"I don't know, but I saw that the issue of shutting down the server has begun to be discussed in the forum, and the number of people online is getting smaller and smaller. I couldn't match anyone in the arena for half a day."

Fang Chen:"Are you too hard on krypton gold, and the game customer service decided to suspend the game?"

My sister is super cute:"That's very possible, although Flying Squirrel can earn krypton gold. The money is not much, but maybe the game's operators have seen it and decided to comply with your feelings and shut down the server later?"

Momonga:"No, I spent so much gold just because I want him to shut down the server as soon as possible!"

Xia Shizi :"Even the krypton gold boss is looking forward to him shutting down the server. I wonder what the producer of this game will think if he finds out."

Fang Chen:"Okay, let's stop talking nonsense. I'll go to Hei Zhen to see her first. What's going on?"

Fang Chen crossed over, and in the black hall, Hei Zhen stared at Fang Chen warily, while Gildre glanced at him in surprise:

"Who are you? How did you get in?"

Holy light appeared on Fang Chen's body, and the power of divine majesty forced Gildrey to kneel down. The dazzling light stimulated his blistered eyes to shed tears.

"is God! He was laughing wildly,"

Has the great Lord finally laid eyes on the saint?""

"I did come for her, but Gildre, did you know that the saint also appeared?"

Fang Chen said calmly,"But because of the witch you made, she lost most of her power and her precious phantom was sealed. She is only a little stronger than ordinary people. Coupled with the legend of the Dragon Witch, her current situation is... very difficult"


Gildre's eyes suddenly changed when he looked at Jeanne d'Arc, and a look of struggle flashed in his eyes.

Ultimately, he created Jeanne d'Arc because he missed the real Jeanne d'Arc and hoped that she would betray those who betrayed her. Her people take revenge, but if it affects the real Jeanne...

Black Jeanne noticed the change in Gildre's emotions, and the murderous intention couldn't stop pouring out:

"Are you going to betray me too? Gildray!"

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