Fang Chen and others appeared in the dark prison boundary.

As soon as he entered the prison boundary, Fang Chen noticed a very strong aura of the evil god.

Fang Chen instantly appeared next to Nangong Nayue.

That Nangong Nayue is much more mature than the usual lolita, so she should be the real person.

She had not yet awakened from her slumber.

But before her lay two bodies.

Fang Chen frowned slightly. He noticed the dirty and twisted power from the two corpses. Every inch of blood and bones was soaked in that power.

Obviously, they are the cultists who believe in Cthulhu.

And the cause of their death was the big hole in their chest, which was also full of twisted magic power.

"Could it be internal strife?"

Fang Chen raised his eyebrows. It was obvious that this was also killed by a cultist. Judging from the power left on the wound, it was much more powerful than the two corpses.

Moreover -

Fang Chen noticed a trace of the twisted magic power. The breath of elemental magic. The person who killed these two people was probably someone who had just been transformed into a cultist.

There was powerful magic in the prison barrier, and judging from the scene, it was she who protected Nangong Nayue who had not yet awakened..A candidate emerged in Fang Chen’s mind.

Xiandumu Aye

"What fun."

Fang Chen's lips curled up slightly. He thought of Nangong Nayue and Xiandumu Aye's love and death. They were obviously friends, but they had to be hostile to each other.

"It seemed that they had an internal fight and fled early. Fang

Chen said,"The fugitives locked in the prison boundary have also escaped. As usual, let's disperse."

He said to several people present:"This is a disaster that affects the whole world. Go, my fire-fighting team, kill all those cultists and save the world." Needless to say, King had a heroic consciousness and immediately took action.

The prison barrier was damaged and could not stop these people.

However, before King could escape, Koro-sensei had disappeared.

"Damn it, is this the power of twenty times the speed of sound?"

King drooled with envy. He is a warrior. He moves by running and jumping with his legs.

Koro-sensei not only has the ability to move at twenty times the speed of sound, but more importantly, he can perfectly control this power. He has the corresponding ability. Reaction!

He can enter the commercial district from his school in an instant, and can even buy a variety of food and items in the commercial district.

This shows that his reaction can keep up with his speed.

Of course, as for why he It's twenty times the speed of sound, but it didn't produce a sonic boom that could blow up the building when it acted. That's a matter of opinion.

This also made Koro-sensei's initial operations very smooth.

Because most of the cultists have specific clothes, Killer Relying on this characteristic, the teacher quickly found a group of hidden cultists.

When he saw one, he blew one up, and the cultists had no time to react.

After all, with twenty times the speed of sound, coupled with the methods of the world's number one killer, he could do it Killing with one hit is easy.

This can be regarded as a strong indicator. Anyone who can't withstand Koro-sensei's blow is a rookie.

Koro-sensei's battle process is broadcast live in the chat group, and the chat group can perfectly capture him Every frame of action.

But if you want to see it clearly, you can only rely on your own strength. A completely ordinary person like Xiao Mi can't see anything at all.

King watched the live broadcast there, drooling with envy.

King :"@ Korosensei, Koro-sensei, can you take me for a ride and take me to a gathering place for cultists? I also want to try it out."

As soon as he finished speaking, he felt his waist tighten, and a tentacle grabbed him and left quickly.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu looked at Nangong Nayue, who was about to wake up, then looked at Fang Chen, and said with a smile:

"Don't steal it."

After saying that, she left the prison barrier. The huge black wings stretched out from behind her, and dense dragon scales covered her body, hiding her appearance.

Fang Chen looked at her retreating figure and smiled:

"How can caring for group members be called stealing?"

At this time, Nangong Nayue finally opened her eyes.

"Sure enough, things got bad."

She said.

As the owner of the prison barrier, she could naturally notice that the prison barrier had been cleared at this time.

All the prisoners had escaped.

She looked at the corpse in front of her and tilted her head:

"Did you protect me? Nangong

Nayue looked at Fang Chen and said:

"If they get out of trouble, they should kill me immediately."

"not me.

Fang Chen smiled and said,"Aren't there still friends of yours in the prison barrier?""

A trace of gloom appeared on Nangong Nayue's face, and she murmured in a low voice:


"Okay, now is not the time to be sentimental."

Fang Chen said,"It's time to carry out the mission. The reward this time is very generous."

He patted Nangong Nayue on the shoulder:

"With strength, anything can be said. As long as the strength is strong enough, the best of both worlds can be created."

"you're right."

Nangong Nayue nodded. After joining the chat group, her vision transcended this world.

Problems that cannot be solved in this world can be solved by gaining power beyond this world.

Fang Chen and Nangong Nayue left. Prison enchantment.

Although according to the contract, she must sleep in the prison enchantment, but she can still do it for a short time. As soon as they came out, Fang Chen noticed an extremely strong twisted aura.

Filthy magic soared into the sky. , almost piercing the sky

"Are there any big forces in that direction?"

Fang Chen pointed there.

Before Nangong Nayue could answer, two more auras that were no less powerful than before rose into the sky.

"Two more."

After seeing the direction pointed out by Fang Chen, Nangong Nayue's expression changed instantly.

"Although there are many forces, according to the three directions you pointed to, there are exactly three major forces."

She looked solemn,

"That is the domain of the three true ancestors, the Forgotten War King, the Eye of Extinction, and the Chaos Witch. Have they also turned into cultists?"

"This should not be the kind of low-level cultist. This growing aura is probably from some higher-level servant races or even dependents."


Nangong Nayue's eyes widened,

"Now that the three true ancestors have been transformed, they might also attack the fourth true ancestor!"


"Oh? Fang

Chen raised his eyebrows,"Even if you knew the development of fate, did you still let Xiao Gucheng inherit the power of the Fourth True Ancestor?" You can completely replace it and no longer have to sleep in the prison barrier"


Nangong Nayue said:"At least for now, I still want to maintain my identity as a human being."


The picture shows Xiandumu Aye

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