"You high-grade magical instruments are only of this level."

Xuan Ye's figure appeared behind Gemini's brother, but the figure in the original position was just an afterimage, and it was now gone.

How fast is it to achieve this!

The attack of the two followed, and the magic weapon began to change. The original size of Chengdu's arms also began to swell, resembling a living creature, turning the momentum of the attack, and pulling out from the deep pit on the ground. , Even directly out of the control of Gemini.

"Brother, don't waste time with him, this guy is too dangerous!"

The magic weapon that turned around in time separated Xuan Ye and Gemini, and the scales on his body started to spread out, wrapping Xuan Ye and his body.

The other magic weapon descended from the sky, trying to give Xuan Ye a big round, so that Xuan Ye's speed could not be used.

"Coming and going, the biggest reliance of the two of you is this magic weapon. I really can't see how you rank in the end."

Xuan Ye burst out of divine power and directly increased taxes on all the scales around him. The so-called high-grade magical artifact disappeared without a trace at this moment, just like paper, is the direct magical artifact so inferior!

At this time, the other magic weapon on his head also fell, and the divine power on Xuan Ye's body also began to whizz out, breaking through the level of the warrior in an instant, and rushing straight into the war spirit in front of the two.

"How can this be!"

Gemini has never seen anyone who can do this, when the realm can be changed at will.

At this time, the divine power vortex on Xuan Ye's palm had already appeared, but this scene made Gemini laugh out: "Dull! Even if you hide your strength, the divine power vortex can't resist."

High-grade magical weapons, but with hardness that surpasses the level of war spirits, such a head-on will only break his hands, even if he just shocked both of them with divine power.

That can't say how tough the warrior's body is, after all, it is a human body.

Keng Keng

On top of Xuan Ye’s head, the magic weapon and Xuan Ye’s divine power vortex collided with each other, sending out sparks. Gemini could see Xuan Ye’s divine power vortex as if it were a big mouth in the blood basin, directly destroying the magic weapon, advancing and destroying every inch. .

"Ah! Enough! Enough! Let me go!"

The elder brother saw that Xuan Ye actually destroyed his magic weapon in this way, but found that the connection between the two was broken for no reason, and he could no longer manipulate the magic weapon.

He could only watch Xuan Ye ruining inch by inch, and he vomited blood. Gemini had used these two magical weapons for a long time, and they were all connected with each other.

Now that the two are completely destroyed, it is also implicated in the original realm of the Gemini stars, and their divine power aura has also begun to drop sharply. Although they are still maintained at the level of war spirits, they are not as strong as before.

"Okay, enough fun, tell me where the first place is."

Xuan Ye still didn't have the slightest damage, no matter how stupid he was, he could see the gap between Xuan Ye and himself. At this time, the Gemini, who was weakly squatting on the ground, could only think that Xuan Ye could no longer be defeated.

"I, we have agreed that we can't disclose it, and we don't know." Brother said, this is the truth, no matter who it is, as long as it is a reward hunter, your own safety is the most important.

They are facing the reward object in Nansheng City, and their exposure is to die.

"You don't have to say it, just follow my words and it will do."

Xuan Ye walked towards Gemini, no matter how strong a person he was, he would always form an answer in his mind when faced with an inquiry. Such an answer would not be spoken out, it would definitely appear in his mind at that time.

This process is uncontrollable. It's like I told you not to think about the goddess in your heart, but now you have the appearance of your goddess in your head, or some of her habits, face, body, all kinds of things. Information.

"Where is he."

"Nansheng City? Which district?"

"It turns out that they are not in these two districts, who else is there?"

"So you have an appointment with him, where is the place and time next time?"

Xuan Ye asked four consecutive questions, just like talking to himself, it was just a neurosis in the eyes of others, but the shock on Gemini's face became more and more exaggerated. He clearly didn't say anything, why did he say everything? It can be said!

It was indeed in Nansheng City, not in Shuangjiang District or Yunluo District. I did have an appointment with that person in the next week, just to discuss whether to deal with Xuan Ye together!

"You, how do you know, maybe you already know the time and place." The Gemini star had no idea that Xuan Ye would know everything in such a self-talking way.

"Thank you for telling me."

At this time, behind Xuan Ye, Lin Qing, Boss Wang and his wife all went downstairs, just in time.

"You, you wouldn't want to kill us."

For the first time Gemini felt that his life and death were in the hands of others, but Xuan Ye didn't even look at them, and said to Lin Qing: "Call your people, don't let them leave your surveillance."

"Good." Lin Qing habitually replied.

But looking back, it wasn't right to think about it. When did I obey Xuan Ye's words, even though my mother asked me to come and help him, I didn't want it in my heart.

After the Gemini was taken away, Boss Wang also returned home under the arrangement of the Lin family. Now Xuan Ye already knew where that person was, and he didn't need his efforts.

"Come on." Xuan Ye said.

Lin Qing subconsciously walked toward Xuan Ye's back, and as expected, he hugged Lin Qing on his back and jumped in the other direction.

Facts have proved that even if I tried it before, I still can't adapt so quickly now. All the scenery below keeps getting smaller, jumping farther than I just did.

"Where are we going again!" Lin Qing screamed.

"Go to the place where the hunter's first prize is offered. Now that you know where it might be, let's see what's so great."

Lin Qing was shocked: "You have already fought once, and your divine power has already been consumed. Do you want to go? You are not dead!"

"This supernatural power is nothing to me."

"Just your strength, how much is there? Don't be kidding."

In Lin Qing's eyes, Xuan Ye was just a warrior. After the battle just now, Xuan Ye took back his divine power and returned to this level.

She didn't know that if Xuan Ye's divine power was released, I am afraid that the entire Nansheng City could not hold it, perhaps more.

Xuan Ye and Lin Qing went to the snack street in the next area together. It was a bit like the street where Boss Wang had been, but it was completely different because there were no people here.

There are old restaurants and hotels on both sides, and people on the street are in twos and threes. There are only a few people who come out to sell, and they are weak. According to the truth, there should be a lot of people here.

"Did you come to the wrong place?" Lin Qing also asked. Now that after the shock just now, he just wanted to have a meal, only to find that everything here is tattered.

From Xuan Ye's point of view, he was quite sure that he hadn't come to the wrong place, because the surrounding area was full of danger. Although it was silent, he felt it as soon as Xuan Ye entered this area.

"That's right, you have to be careful." Xuan Ye said, although he knows that there are people here, he does not know the specific location, and the other party does not know that he is here.

It is impossible to perceive hostility or killing intent to himself. Since this time, I am not sure if the other party is here. After all, it is not the time set between him and Gemini, maybe not.

Or, just wait here.

"Are you two here for dinner? Please come inside."

When Xuan Ye and Lin Qing were walking on the road, some people actually started to solicit people to do business on this deserted street, which did not match the atmosphere of this street.

When the two looked over, it was actually an old gentleman waving to them, with long chopsticks in his hand, obviously a cook.

"I don't have an appetite. The environment for eating in it is definitely not good, and I won't eat it even if I die." Lin Qing is used to eating high-end goods, now he also looks at the appearance very much.

Just when Lin Qing wanted to leave, a very strong fragrance floated, as if an invisible hand was holding Lin Qing's footsteps.

"It's the scent of this house!" Lin Qing turned around in surprise, and said, "Maybe there is no heaven inside?"

Lin Qing pulled Xuan Ye into this store. It was really unusual at all. The simple and elegant tables and chairs, as well as the independently separated rockery and running water, could still hear the sound of the Dingdong Spring.

Sit down at a table in the front row. You can clearly see the boss's cooking process. It is an open kitchen, and you can serve it as soon as it is done.

It's actually a ramen shop.

"Why don't you put up a sign at the door and renovate it. It seems that no one comes to the door as if it has been in disrepair." Lin Qing was all complaining, and it seemed that he didn't want that to happen.

The boss is an old gentleman who speaks very slowly, but the speed of making ramen under his hands is very skilled: "Hehe, the people who come are usually old friends. Now the old friends are dead and walking, and there is nothing left. I thought about doing it for a while and didn't do it."

Lin Qing sounds a bit bleak, does it happen to everyone when he gets old, and the people around him will disappear for no reason. In the end, even living for too long is a pain.

"No, you still have to cry." Xuan Ye said sternly beside him.

"Do you have humanity? This is a major event in life, sickness and death, and you will also experience it." Lin Qing scolded Xuan Ye, actually not giving the old man face at all at this time.

The ramen was quickly prepared and served. The skillful noodles were laid out, poured into the soup, sprinkled with chopped green onion, and the secret sauce. The whole ramen presentation was very appetizing.

"It smells so good, I'll start now."

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