After entering the door, Xuan Ye went straight into the airport waiting room specially set up by the luxury passenger plane. Sometimes Qiantu was used for Qiantu. Even waiting for the plane would make you comfortable.

"Why don't there even a waiter here? Bring me a bottle of wine! I bought a noble passenger ticket, and I always have to get my money back." In the waiting room, a sturdy man in short sleeves, suits and shorts under his arms I caught a bag and was yelling.

Xuan Ye couldn't help frowning.

Soon, the crew in the waiting room had already brought up a bottle of red wine. This luxury airliner really had red wine, and this was a real service.

It's just that this person needs some more things later, such as food, steak, dessert, oysters, shark fin, etc., which makes people feel like they are here to eat.

However, the service spirit received by the airport staff is to satisfy all the requirements of customers.

It really came out with a series of things.

The people around are looking there, as if this person is out of character.

At the time of the last boarding, many people deliberately avoided this person. After all, no one wanted to cause trouble, even if they were in line, they would stay far away.

He unexpectedly didn't say anything about it.

Everything on a luxury airliner is extremely luxurious, with premium blankets on the floor, and seats are not as congested as ordinary airliners. They are generous and comfortable. When you lie down, you want to fall asleep, enough to adjust your seat angle at any time.

The extremely spacious inner cabin space maintains enough space for activities, and even a small range of running inside.

But unfortunately, Xuan Ye saw that the big guy was right next to him, and the boy was constantly smashing, as if he was reminiscing about the delicious food just now.

"Oh, it's comfortable." The sturdy man seemed to be very reluctant: "I really don't want to do business anymore. This luxury airliner is so comfortable!"

The last few words screamed, attracting everyone's attention again.


At this time, another mechanical sound rang in the other direction, which felt weird.

"Don't move, hijack the plane."

Different from the sturdy man, everyone suddenly noticed this cold and merciless voice. He was standing at the back of the cabin of the entire passenger plane, with a shotgun in his hand aimed at everyone.

"It would be great if I had another meal. Oh, I finally got on a luxury airliner."

Obviously the two partners in the partnership had already planned it from the beginning, with one attracting attention in the front and preparing quietly in the back.

It's not that I didn't know how to bring the firearms directly into the luxury airliner.

"Wait for you to get off the plane, can I take you to eat enough, do things for Lao Tzu."

That person looked very gloomy, but in Xuan Ye's view, both of them had very powerful strength, and they were both supernatural powers.

It's about to reach the level of a war spirit, but it is reasonable to take a gun. After all, whether it is a warrior or a war spirit, the physical strength is still not able to resist physical damage.

It cannot be invincible, it has been proven before.

Most of the people were frightened, and soon gathered into a pile to the back. Many of them still had some supernatural powers. For those who wanted to resist, the robbers could do it in one sentence.

"If you don't want the shotgun to make a big hole in this airliner and everyone falls into the sea, please hand over your money obediently."

Sure enough, many people are beginning to be obedient. After all, everyone does not want to lose their lives. The richer the people, the more they cherish their lives.

"En? You kid, get up!"

The sturdy man discovered that Xuan Ye was still lying down, but he didn't notice it just now!

Xuan Ye has been lying still, but it is difficult to notice. Seeing that Xuan Ye is just a high school student, the sturdy man is even more angry.

He stretched out his hand to pull Xuan Ye up.

"Get me up!"

Just when he was about to reach out in front of Xuan Ye, he found that his hand was bounced away, which was caused by Xuan Ye's supernatural power shield.

After the cold-spoken person at the other party saw it, he pointed a gun at a flight attendant and said, "Do you dare to resist?"

Xuan Ye thought about it again and again, still revoking the invisible divine power shield, his body got up by itself and stood with everyone.

I looked at the two opposing people. The cold voice kept long hair, and the sturdy man was responsible for collecting the money.

"The first person in the line pays the money first, the second person pays twice as much as the second person, and the third person pays four times the second person. You can queue up to make sure that you are all right and let you enjoy this journey."

Everyone was taken aback for a moment. They didn't expect the other party to hijack the plane in such a strange way. What is this?

Although everyone was very strange, one of them started to line up, and some people started to line up unconsciously. After all, the first person to pay was not enough.

The first person to pay said: "Hey, I pay the least, you fools."

At this mention, everyone was irritated, and even when someone started queuing up to get ahead, it turned out to be about to fight.

After one, two, three or four were all bidding for money, they all had their own little excitement, after all, they paid too little money.

Xuan Ye just smiled from the side and said, "The first person in the line is also your accomplice. Let him pay the money first and push others to pay. In the end, when the money is collected, you will use the bomber or jump. Fleeing in the same way, there are similar magical weapons on your body that can assist you in landing. After all, you did not intend to let everyone survive from the beginning.

"After all, they all saw your face."

Xuan Ye's word Zhuji could see the dramatic changes on the opponent's face.

After a while, the long-haired man actually sneered: "Oh, it's really a hero, but even if you see what it is, the ending remains the same."

The people around began to stand up, because the people just now are now in the crowd.

The man smashed into the hijacking gang, and now there are three people in total.

"Okay, now that the money is collected, there is no need for you to survive." The long-haired man himself said bluntly, ignoring the thoughts of the person in front of him.

I saw that the long-haired man's artifact was already worn on his body, and it was also distributed to two other people.

The guns in his hands were also given to the other two people. No accident, they all wanted to break the wall of the airport or kill the people present before fleeing.

This is the plan now.

Just when the three of them wanted to blast it away directly against the wall, the long-haired man stopped, turned his head and said to everyone: "Before this, you should die first, just in case, after all, you are all I saw our faces."

As soon as the voice fell, the long-haired man raised his gun at Xuan Ye’s group of people, stating that he wanted to solve everyone in order to prevent future problems. Just when Xuan Ye felt that he needed to do it himself, there was a crew member in front of him. Moved.

"Let it go, let them go, kill me if you want."

A little crew member in front of Xuan Ye looked very young, that is, she did not look very different from Xuan Ye in age. This was a crew member, but Xuan Ye did not expect it.

Because Xuan Ye only felt a little bit of divine power fluctuation from her body, not enough to see.

"You?" The long-haired man was also surprised that there are still people who want to die, which is really rare in this era.

But obviously for these desperadoes, a person doesn't matter to them anymore, and they can't change the established facts.

"Oh, it's pretty, why haven't I seen you before? If you are willing to accompany me, I don't mind letting you go with me."

The sturdy man showed a wicked look, staring at the attractive stewardess, and wanted to come and hug her waist.

At this time, beside Xuan Ye, the stewardess had exploded with divine power, which was enough to be a warrior. It turned out that she had been hiding her strength from the beginning.

Just waiting for this moment to be able to kill the opponent with his own strength.

I saw the stewardess directly blasting all of her divine power forward. You must know that this place is on the passenger plane. If the attack explodes, everyone will be affected.

Although it was the flight attendant's stress response, it was too much.

"you wanna die!"

The opponent also fired a shot suddenly, and the scattered bullets radiated forward, and at the same time the divine power on his body whizzed out. The opponent turned out to be a warrior-level person, and there were magical weapons on his body to provide him with strong protection. .

After counteracting the flight attendant's attack, she now has shot bullets and supernatural power directed at the flight attendant and the people around her. This is definitely not something she can resist.

The people around closed their eyes and screamed, not daring to face the scene where they were about to become bloody.

However, the pain of the body has never come, and then he opened his eyes to see what the situation was.

The vigorous young man who first appeared as an adult began to block his body in front, as if he had endured all the attacks.

The stewardess immediately worried whether the boy would endure all the attacks with his own body, and then would the boy die.

And all this is because of myself.

"Are you all right! Don't scare me."

When I saw the front of Xuan Ye, I saw that all the shotguns fell down, the supernatural power shield on Xuan Ye's surface just disappeared, and Xuan Ye himself was not injured at all.

The people on the other side were stunned, but the flight attendant who had just captured what Xuan Ye had just done was dumbfounded.

"Unexpectedly, there are people with such a powerful divine power here. It seems really unexpected."

The long-haired man turned out to shoot at Xuan Ye directly with other people, saying: "One person can block, how can you block three people!? Die!"

In the cognition of ordinary people, humans cannot directly fight against bullets without injury, so these talents will bring guns.

Bang bang bang

With three gunshots, everyone closed their eyes again, but after a short while, they still didn't feel their own pain. After opening their eyes, the shot fell to Xuan Ye without injury, and everyone was stunned.

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