God-level Big Mine Owner

Chapter 960: Natural gas is in emergency

Wang Xudong returned to the small villa of Zheng Xiaotong's house, and was not in a hurry to "send" Peng Runwei's computer the technical information about the large military transport aircraft in the "God-level Large Miner" system.

As soon as he came back, Zheng Xiaotong greeted him happily, "Brother Dong, Uncle Peng is looking for something with you, so hastily."

When Wang Xudong got off the plane, he was picked up by the military immediately. As a result, even Zheng Xiaotong was a little curious. When he met, he immediately asked.

"It's nothing, just have a chat."

Peng Runwei hopes to get a full set of technical data for the large transport aircraft. This kind of thing is really not good enough to tell Zheng Xiaotong, so Wang Xudong chose to take it one pass, saying that it was just a casual chat.

Zheng Xiaotong was just curious in his heart and asked casually. He didn't ask any more, but happily took Wang Xudong's arm and walked into the villa hall with Wang Xudong.

"Wow, it smells so good!"

The smell of a familiar meal floated over, Wang Xudong immediately shook his nose vigorously, and Zheng Xiaotong laughed, "Brother Dong, there is no such exaggeration."

"Xudong is back."

Wu Yaping came out of the kitchen wearing a scarf. She and her nanny were busy in the kitchen. My daughter and future son-in-law are back, so naturally they have to personally get a table of hearty meals to entertain.

Yesterday, when I received a call, Wu Yaping was very happy. I went to the supermarket early this morning to buy the freshest ingredients. After I came back, I was busy for a while, and now I basically finished the meal.

Wang Xudong said: "Auntie, you have worked hard again."

"It's not hard, it's not hard at all." Wu Yaping was full of joy, "As long as you don't dislike Auntie's craftsmanship."

Wang Xudong said quickly: "Auntie's craftsmanship is first-rate, not inferior to a five-star chef."

Knowing that Wang Xudong was deliberately boasting his skill, he was actually worse than a five-star chef. Even so, Wu Yaping was happy.

Wiping his hands, taking off his apron, and confessing to the nanny that there is only one side dish that needs to be stir-fried, and it doesn't take Wu Yaping to be busy in person anymore, just have a nanny in charge.

Wu Yaping took out a bottle of good wine from the wine cabinet and put it on the dinner table, "Xudong, your uncle will be back later, you two will drink two glasses appropriately."

Why is it appropriate, because Zheng Ming still has to go to work this afternoon, but he can't drink too much. Wang Xudong nodded and said, "Auntie, no problem."

Zheng Ming was coming back, Wang Xudong was happy for a while.

At noon, Zheng Ming came back, and the family was sitting together for dinner, the atmosphere was very warm. Zheng Ming also asked about Wang Xudong's current situation with concern, especially the situation of Xudong Mining Group. "

According to Wang Xudong, the daily output of Yinhai Oilfield No. 1 oilfield will reach 1 million barrels. After all the oilfields are completed, the daily output of this oil exploration area will reach more than 2 million barrels. Zheng Ming is very happy.

Especially after knowing that No. 2 oil area and No. 3 oil area are under construction and will produce a lot of oil in the future, Zheng Ming is even more happy.

"Xudong, if it were placed a year ago, we would hardly even dare to think about it. Without thinking, we would one day be able to completely get rid of the label of a big oil importing country and transform into a big oil exporting country."

Fuchuan Oilfield, together with the current Yinhai Oilfield, the two oilfields ranked No. 1 and No. 2 in the world are all in China. Not only can they fully meet the domestic oil consumption needs, there will be some oil surpluses that can be exported.

With the completion of the Yinhai Oilfield and stable production, China will definitely be a real oil exporter in the future.

The two happily chatted about the bank's oil field, and also talked about Qinglonggang.

When talking about this port, Zheng Ming also raised his wine glass, "Xudong, I heard that Qinglong Port has opened, and a lot of oil is shipped from there every day. Uncle congratulates you and hopes that you will build this port as soon as possible. Let it become the world's largest crude oil export port worthy of its name."

"Thank you Uncle!"

The wine glasses of the two touched gently, and both took a sip of white wine.

Wang Xudong noticed that Zheng Ming's face was full of joy, but if you look closely, you can still find a trace of sorrow. Could it be that something tricky happened at work?

It shouldn't be in life, nor will it be economically, that's only work. After guessing this in his mind, Wang Xudong still asked.

"Uncle, there is a trace of sadness in your eyebrows. Is there anything wrong with your work?"

After asking this question, both Wu Yaping and Zheng Xiaotong stopped, and looked at Zheng Ming with concern. Wu Yaping even said: "Old Zheng, something really goes wrong."

Zheng Ming smiled, "It's not a big deal. The main reason is that we have encountered a little trouble in the natural gas import negotiations with a certain country. But rest assured, we are working hard, and the big deal will eventually make some concessions. I think this matter will eventually be negotiated. "

China is a large natural gas consumer. The domestic weather extraction volume is far behind the rapid increase in consumption in recent years. Natural gas needs to be imported every year. In recent years, the import volume has been increasing year by year. The rising trend.

Whether it is oil or natural gas, it is a buyer's market, and the buyer has the final say. China has to import such a hot weather, and the quantity is still so huge, the countries that have natural gas will be hardened. With this as a threat, if China does not make huge concessions, it is generally difficult to import enough natural gas.

It is now November, and the next year's natural gas import negotiations have begun. Zheng Ming happened to be a member of this negotiating team. Because the negotiations were not going well, there was naturally a trace of sadness in the eyebrows.

natural gas!

Wang Xudong thought in his heart that natural gas belongs to the gas mine in the "God-level big mine owner" system, and he can gather a large amount of natural gas through the system, build huge natural gas fields, and conduct large-scale natural gas extraction. Imported from abroad.

Therefore, Wang Xudong said: "Uncle, since others don't sell it, then forget it, we will no longer import natural gas."

"How can it work?" Zheng Ming refused without thinking. The import of natural gas is of great importance. If there is not enough natural gas, it will affect the national economy and people's livelihood. The simplest, if the supply of natural gas is insufficient, the gas consumption of many households will be affected.

It's hard for Wang Xudong to say directly, uncle, don't worry, I have a way.

Since he couldn't say that, Wang Xudong could only smile. Yes, I am not a god, so why can I extract a lot of natural gas?

Fortunately, Zheng Ming seemed to realize something. After refusing, he was stunned, then looked at Wang Xudong, and said with joy: "Xudong, do you have a way."

Wang Xudong directly admitted: "Maybe Xudong Mining Group really has a way. I am also considering entering the field of natural gas extraction. Maybe a large amount of natural gas can be extracted."


Zheng Ming's eyes lit up, his slightly frowning eyebrows completely relaxed, and he happily said: "If this is the case, then we have to be harder in the next negotiation. It is better for them to sell us natural gas. If you use this as a threat, ask for A lot of interest, then we will strand the negotiation."

In other words, put it aside first. If Xudong Mining Group can really extract a large amount of natural gas in the future, then there is no need to negotiate with this country on the import of natural gas. If Xudong Mining Group fails to extract sufficient natural gas, then Then restart negotiations.

However, if Xudong Mining Group really enters the field of natural gas extraction, the possibility that a large amount of natural gas cannot be extracted should be extremely small.

After understanding this, Zheng Mingxing rose up, "A few days later it will be the second round of negotiations. I will be transferred to the negotiating team again. At that time, I must be harder."

In a good mood, Zheng Ming, who was only prepared to drink two small cups, actually drank several small cups, about three or four taels of liquor, but Wu Yaping couldn't persuade him.

After a short rest after the meal, Zheng Ming was picked up by the driver and secretary, while Wang Xudong and Zheng Xiaotong went out happily. They didn't come to the capital for a while, so naturally they had to go shopping.

In the afternoon, the two of them wandered around in the capital. In the evening, Wu Yaping prepared a sumptuous dinner.

After dinner, the family watched TV and chatted, which was very warm. When it was time for bed, Zheng Xiaotong sent Wang Xudong to the bedroom upstairs.

Zheng Xiaotong held Wang Xudong's neck affectionately with both hands, and said softly: "Brother Dong, you are sleeping alone tonight, I will not accompany you."

After finishing talking, he bounced away, leaving Wang Xudong with a beautiful back. Wang Xudong smiled and gently closed the bedroom door. After all, the two were not married yet, so naturally it was not easy to sleep in front of the two elders. Together, but sleep in separate rooms.

The bedroom was very warm, clean and tidy. The bedding was all new, and there was a faint fragrance. Wang Xudong walked on the bed, feeling very comfortable.

Before going to bed, UU reads www. uukanshu.com Wang Xudong has one thing to do.

As soon as he arrived in the capital this morning, Peng Runwei took Wang Xudong over and talked with Wang Xudong for a long time. From the conversation, Wang Xudong could clearly feel that Peng Runwei was very eager for large military transport aircraft.

Wang Xudong can fully understand this point. In Peng Runwei's position, he hopes to make some achievements and greatly improve China's military strength to a level. This feeling is completely understandable.

Only with a strong military strength, China can be regarded as a real superpower, and a strong economy alone is not enough. Wang Xudong really fully understood Peng Runwei's feelings, and knew that if he did not want to do something big, but was content with the status quo, the upper management would not put him in that position.

If this is the case, then help him again, thinking that in his heart, Wang Xudong activated the "God-level big mine owner" system.


The third one is sent!

That's all for today's update, thank you everyone!

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