Ye Chen came to the living room and saw them discussing with a calendar. He glanced at long HaoChen sitting on the side playing with his mobile phone and said faintly, "HaoChen, go to Kunlun with me!"

As soon as ye Chen's words fell, everyone looked at Ye Chen, and Luo Wushuang asked first, "ling'er, what are you doing in Kunlun? Are you looking for Dongfang Zixuan?"

This is not only what she wants to ask, but also what they want to ask. There is an ancient sect that has existed for thousands of years. No one dares to provoke them, but now ye Chen is going to Kunlun. She can't think of any other reason except looking for Oriental Zixuan.

"Let it disappear from this world!" Ye Chen's plain words are full of an invisible arrogance. To destroy a sect or the Kunlun holy land that has stood for thousands of years, but from his words, it seems that the Kunlun holy land is just a third religion and nine streams, and it will be destroyed if you want to.

"Ling'er, in the imperial capital, you have turned the imperial capital upside down, which has made them very dissatisfied. If you go to Kunlun again, they won't wait to die, because they need the Pope to provide talents! Otherwise, they can't form a strong national security department at all..." Luo Wushuang said. Are the people of the Chinese national security department trained and trained by themselves? No, they are all selected from various sects, and some are elites among sects. Kunlun holy land is the leader in this field. None of the talents provided are dry food.

"Wang, husband, I have something to tell you about this." blood Phoenix looked at Ye Chen.

"Say." yechen automatically filtered the two words of her husband and faintly spit out a word.

"Husband, I think Westerners, the blood Phoenix is just my code name, and my real name is Irene. There was a group of strong people against the sky in Huaxia who set a rule for people who Huaxia thought. No one dared to break the rule. Their rule is: all outsiders are not allowed to make trouble and do no harm to anyone in Huaxia, otherwise they will be punished even if they are far away!

That group of people do not easily move around in the secular world, nor do they interfere with the pattern between times. They will only take action when the foundation of their country is threatened. As a blood clan in the west, if those who harm China are known by that group of people, they will frustrate me! "

At this time, when the snow girl heard Irene's words, her face became slightly ugly. Her original name was Angelina, who was also from western countries. She naturally knew that she was also afraid from her heart. That fear was no less than her fear of the forbidden God King.

That group of people is too strong, strong enough to describe it against the sky! With their cognitive level, it is estimated that ye Chen is the only one who can match it all over the world. Moreover, this group of people exists in every country. No one knows when it existed.

"Who are they?" for a moment, a question appeared in Ye Chen's mind.

"They are the guardians of the country. Every country has its own. They know the guardians of the country. Their abilities are different, but they all have one thing in common. They are the most powerful people and the most powerful force in every country. Looking at the whole world, it is estimated that only you can challenge them!" Irene said.

"Against the sky? What is against the sky?" Ye Chen sneered at the speech: "the against the sky in the air of mole ants is like a joke! If they don't know how to live or die, I can make them go on the road! Someone will take their place! It's not that I despise them, but that they really can't turn over any waves in my hands!"

Between the words, a breath of Ye Chen's body came out quietly, making it difficult for everyone to breathe. His breath makes people feel like a mountain pressing on their chest, which is completely unparalleled pressure!

"Go! Go to Kunlun Holy Land!" then ye Chen turned and left. Ye Chen, the protector of the country, has no fear of them, but he is in awe, because they are guarding their country with their own ability. However, awe does not mean he is afraid, can't provoke them, or they can be presumptuous in front of him. If they really annoy him, he doesn't mind changing people!

Because no one can bear his anger, even God! The same is true!

Chaos is angry, the Star River changes, and the world trembles!


Kunlun holy land, meeting hall.

"Old lord, ye chenzhen is really fighting! According to the news, saijil island in the Indian Ocean, centered on the island, has a radius of thousands of miles. It is all frozen into an ice field by an extremely cold force, and all life is frozen! And the hardness of the frozen ice is said to be hundreds of billions of times higher than that of diamond! What's more terrible is that on the island , thousands of people who had been used to deal with Ye Chen were killed. Their blood gathered into a stream and dyed the island red! But the current situation is very unfavorable to us! "Yuanshan's face is hard to see the extreme at the moment.

The six prohibitions and six kings gathered 70% of the manpower in the dark world, and also used the first mecha warrior made by science and technology and the gene warrior made by the latest biological gene technology to find Ye Chen trouble, but what happened in the end? In addition to the moon god, yuluocha and snow girl, all the participants died, and the frozen sea area... Everything, Yuanshan can be said to be shocking, and ye Chen's strength has exceeded his imagination!

"Why, why does a man in his twenties have such a powerful power against the sky? Is he really what Yunyao and Zixuan call waste?" Yuan Kun's face was dissatisfied with the unprecedented solemnity and unwilling.

"Lord, I'm afraid we've really kicked the iron plate this time!" said Yunyao. If Dongfang Zixuan didn't want revenge, maybe her family wouldn't die miserably. If it weren't for her, Yuan Ming wouldn't go to help her with Ye Chen's attack. If it wasn't for that, Yuan Kun wouldn't leave the customs and go to the imperial capital. Finally, he was humiliated by ye Chen's castration. If she and Dongfang Zixuan hadn't dumped a divorce letter to Ye Chen, then, None of this will happen... But it's just that if history, she can't change at all.

"How about kicking to the iron plate! If you fall there, you have to get up there! Isn't he powerful!? I'll see if he is powerful, or if he is more powerful in the forbidden area of the Holy Land!" Yuan Kun yelled darkly. He was unwilling. Ye Chen abandoned his second brother and roasted him with fire. He can't give up this shame!

"Forbidden area of holy land? Old lord! Do you know what disaster the world will face if you release that thing? Do you want to ignore the safety of the whole world for your hatred? You can't do that! Otherwise, it will be a disaster in the world!" Yun Yao said in horror.

There is a forbidden area in Kunlun holy land. A terrible thing is sealed in the forbidden area. If that thing is released, it will be a catastrophe!

"Of course I know what that means!" Yuan Kun's eyes were suddenly full of blood and roared, "but so what! I just want him to die! Life is better than death!"

"Old lord, don't lose your mind because of hatred! That thing has been sealed for thousands of years. If you release it, no one can accept him with the current earth with lack of spiritual power!" Yuanshan said. It won't make people and grateful. He doesn't want to die yet.

However, at this time, a cold cry, like angry thunder, came down from the sky and immediately spread all over the whole Kunlun holy land.

"Ants! I'll give you two choices! Surrender or - die!"

The sound of cold drinking is like the thunder roar of the nine gods, but it is like the sound from the nine hell.

In the Kunlun holy land, all the disciples raised their heads and looked at the blue sky. There, several figures stood in the air. The one in the middle, the one who is also the leader, has his hands on his waist, and a pair of cold star eyes look down on them. At the same time, a cold breath instantly envelops the whole Kunlun holy land, and the whole Kunlun holy land. At this moment, it seems as if the cold winter and the December moon are coming

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