“Damn, I knew that at the beginning I wanted the Five Dragon Pills and the Nine Dragon Soul Pill, so I sold this pillar, so I won’t worry about it for ten years.” Seeing Zeng Liang touched a thousand camphor wood pillars in the hall with a bitter expression, he reluctantly uttered these words.

“To be honest, I really didn’t see it. This is the Qianzhangmu.” Of course, Lifeng has also heard of Qianzhangmu’s power, but only saw the real thing. This is the first time that’s all. .

Feng Nine Heavens is also, of course Hao Hongzheng is even more so.

“By the way, I really want to remember that there should be a kind of special fragrance coming out of Qianzhang wood, but here, why is there not a little fragrance?”

“I don’t care if it has fragrance or not, now it’s okay to just cut it and sell it for money. When the time comes Spirit Stone is in hand, love has fragrance and fragrance.” With that, Haohong directly took out two big axes. , Planning to chop the Qianzhang wooden pillars in this temple directly, and then sell them for money.

However, just as Haohong was about to do it, Huo Tianci, who had been looking at the entire Qianzhangmu Temple before, suddenly stopped at him.

“Don’t do it!”

Finally, I saw the big axe in Hao Hongzheng’s hand, which stopped an inch before the Qianzhang wood pillar.

Hao Hongzheng was confused, because what did Huo Tianci tell him to stop for?

As for Huo Tianci, it is a deep breath, because if this is destroyed, then they will be finished.

And this is why, there is no trace of detoxifying aroma in so many thousand camphor woods, because these aromas are all collected under everyone’s feet through a Formation.

Finally, Huo Tianci pointed at his feet, let everyone see the situation around him clearly.

However, Haohongzheng and the others are still at a loss, because under their feet, there is just the stone ground that’s all, and what’s weird about this?

However, after Huo Tianci used the three-goed jade blood wheel to break away the maze, in an instant, I saw 13 people including Hao Hongzheng and Zeng Liang, suddenly sitting with limp feet More than half on the ground.

But the moment they were sitting on the ground, they stood up as if desperately, because the scene at their feet, even if it were described as “hell”, would not be an exaggeration. .

Purple and yellow two smoke linger, countless ghost corpses walking, and from time to time, you can see a few Ghost Sects and ghosts who are using the power of Ghost Dao Divine Ability to tear up the pressure. But under the containment of the white powder smoke, their Divine Ability, they are all like that cotton. They are empty and bulky, but they are powerless at all. Finally, they will kill them, let alone make a noise, even if It’s a little ripple, but none of it has ever surfaced.

The white powder smoke is exactly the unique fragrance on the thousand camphor wood, which was finally collected by the black wind Saint using a unique Formation to form the white powder smoke. Used to suppress these evil things.

Shang Ruo Haohong was smashing down with an axe just now, destroying this unique array, then the countless ghosts and demons underneath will be liberated, thus shredding everyone above them.

Fortunately, Huo Tianci stopped in time, and Hao Hongzheng also took the axe in his hand in time. Otherwise, the consequences would be absolutely unimaginable.

And this is why, Haohongzheng and Zeng Liang and the others will be frightened, because there is “hell” under your feet, can you not be frightened to make your legs weak.

At the same time, this also illustrates the extremely insidiousness of Black Wind Saint, because Black Wind Saint used imaginary formation to cover up this “scene of hell”. If others don’t know it, it will break the hall. If the Thousand Camphor Wooden Columns are broken, then the Formation will be destroyed, then it will be a disaster.

But Black Wind Saint also missed a point, that is, very few people can recognize this thousand camphor trees based on their appearance, because everyone’s method of distinguishing thousand camphor trees basically uses Sniff the nose and smell the unique scent on this thousand camphor wood. As a result, these scents were all used by the black wind Saint to suppress the evil ghosts, so there was nothing at all, and finally came here. All the people in this group regarded the palace made of Qianzhang wood as an ordinary wooden temple.

However, even if you recognize Qianzhangmu and you become greedy, then waiting for your ending may be even more miserable, because the ghosts under your feet, even the ghosts , But there are a lot of them. If this is released, it will not only be a greedy person, but it will definitely be a huge threat to other adventurous martial artists on the island.

After all, the martial artists who can enter Black Wind Island can only have half that’s all at most. If these ghosts are released, even if they are described by the words “disaster of extinction”, that’s all. Not too much.

“Master, according to what you said, we can only look at so many thousand camphor trees? Then we can’t get one even if we still have one?” Haohong thought to himself, this is too uncomfortable Come on, it’s as if there are a pile of golden mountains in front of you, but you can’t move a piece of it. The embarrassment of the thief is also uncomfortable.

“It is said that the thousand camphor wood the size of the palm, the finished amulet produced at the end can be worth several millions pieces of high grade Spirit Stone, and now this piece can’t be taken. Don’t be upset.” Then, Li Feng began to complain.

As for Feng Nine Heavens, of course it is also uncomfortable, but there is no way, after all, life is the most important thing.

“This purple and yellow smoke, if you guessed it correctly, should be the poisonous smoke. If this is breaking the formation, if the poisonous smoke inside and the ghosts gush out, we can simply attack the enemy. But, so I think, let’s forget it. After all, besides this Black Mountain, we still have eleven other places to explore. As the saying goes, if you stay in the green mountains, you are not afraid of not having firewood. “Feng Nine Heavens finally said this with reluctance, because there was really no way.

“Eh~~, then we will search all around and see if there are any other missing treasures. If there is no other baby, then we will leave, because Brother Feng said it. Yes, if the green hills are there, then we are not afraid that there will be no firewood. We simply don’t need to take our lives to take the risk.” Gu Sandao is also a little upset, because it feels like a treasure but cannot be taken, which is really unpleasant. Refreshing.

But there is no way, because there are too many ghosts and monsters under this foot. Apart from anything else, in these few minutes, they have not only discovered ten ghosts, but ghosts Zun corresponds to the Xuanzun in the martial artist, that is, under their feet, there are at least ten ghosts and monsters at the level of Xuanzun, but on the other hand, there are only six that’s all.

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