As for why the level is not enough, it is because Huo Tianci has not been upgrading, well, he completely forgot.

[Decomposer] (auxiliary equipment), the current level is five, can be decomposed below Earth Grade, all equipment includes magic weapons, the current durability value is 500/500; EXP 2180/5000, EXP is full, automatic upgrade. Note: The durability value of the decomposition machine is reset and restored every 24 hours, so the host should not waste it.

So, Huo Tianci directly took out Spirit Rank ninth-class weapons to upgrade this decomposition machine.

Since the EXP is only half the difference, only seven or eight Spirit Rank ninth weapons are broken down, and the decomposition machine is full of experience.

However, it is a bit embarrassing that this is only the 1st Step that’s all, because the upgrade task on the decomposition machine requires Huo Tianci to decompose the Spirit Rank weapons from the first to the ninth and the Spirit Rank from the first to the ninth. Magic weapon is good.

Fortunately, Huo Tianci has already completed several of them before.

After that, just fill in the remaining pieces and the task can be completed.

As for Spirit Rank’s weapons and magic weapons, Huo Tianci also has a lot of them, because he didn’t throw them, but even if they didn’t, just refine a few on the spot.

In the end, only a ding sound was heard, the system hinted.

“ding” system hint: EXP is full, the task is up to standard, and the decomposition machine is upgraded successfully.

“Ding” congratulates the host, and successfully upgraded the decomposition machine to level 6.

[Decomposer] (auxiliary equipment), the current level is 6, can be decomposed below Heavenly Grade, all equipment includes magic weapons, the current durability value is 600/600; EXP 0/6000, EXP is full, automatic upgrade. Note: The durability value of the decomposition machine is reset and restored every 24 hours, so the host should not waste it.

Like realm breakthrough, the decomposition machine is restored to full blood on the spot after the level is upgraded. Otherwise, Huo Tianci will definitely no longer be able to use this decomposition machine today, because of the decomposition just now. , It has almost bottomed out the durability of the decomposition machine.

Fortunately, after the upgrade, all immediately returned to full state.

“This should be ok.” Huo Tianci thought, this time it is below Heavenly Grade, all equipment and magic weapons can be disassembled.

Sure enough, it was possible this time.

“ding” system hint: This is an array stone, which can be decomposed.

The decomposition of “ding” requires 50 points of durability of the decomposition machine. Note, this item has the probability of failure to decompose. Is the host determined now and decomposes this item immediately?

“I rely on it, this will fail to resolve!”

And this can make Huo Tianci, it was a burst of madness, but after a second thought, Huo Tianci also It doesn’t matter, because even if it fails, the rare and exotic stone inside is powdered and shattered, then when the time comes, he uses Eight Trigrams Furnace to refining and recovering it.

What’s more, Huo Tianci’s main purpose of using the decomposition machine now is to remove the “hard skin” outside the stone gamble.

This is the point!

So, Huo Tianci directly chose to confirm.

“I’m sure to decompose!!!”

The “ding” was successfully decomposed, with a durability value of -50 and EXP +100. Congratulations to the host for obtaining a piece of Lapis Lazuli.

【Lapis Lazuli 】: Heavenly Grade top rare and exotic stone, Five Elements are metal, generally used for refining weapons, especially women’s favorite.

The quality of Lapis Lazuli is respected by its high degree of transparency. The more transparent, the more it explains the high degree of texture of Lapis Lazuli.

Then Huo Tianci took this Lapis Lazuli in his hand and looked out. However, what surprised him was that the transparency of this Lapis Lazuli was so high that he could see the opposite thing clearly. .

In other words, this is a piece-top grade Lapis Lazuli! ! !

The same as azure jade, there is also the azure psionic energy in this Lapis Lazuli, but compared to azure jade, the azure psionic energy in Lapis Lazuli is relatively rare, or it can be so Let’s talk about it, azure jade is generally used to make armor, and Lapis Lazuli is generally used to make weapons, one offense and one defense, but the so-called complement each other.

Of course, this is not the point, because the point is that Huo Tianci’s decomposition machine can be used to decompose this stone gamble.

But it’s a bit embarrassing that the durability of the decomposition machine is only 600 points a day, and it takes as much as fifty points to decompose a stone gamble. Help, at best, you can only help Huo Tianci, to break down the twelve-block stone gamble that’s all.

But this is still enough, because the decomposition speed of the decomposition machine only takes five seconds to read the bar, and Huo Tianci himself can break four or five yuan a day, plus Feng Nine For the 13 others in Heavens, Huo Tianci thought, to break down the fifty-sixty stone gamble this day, it must be nothing difficult.

The most important thing is that Huo Tianci’s stone gamble, but 100% must be shipped, after all, the blood wheel can see through it directly.

So, Huo Tianci no longer wastes time, just summoned everyone, and then handed over the stone gamble he found to them and let them smash it together.

When Feng Nine Heavens and the others discovered that Huo Tianci had handed over them to the stone gamble that they smashed, all of them contained precious stones, their expressions were astonished. The next big apple.

Because it is accidental for one person and accidental for two people to have it, so if all people have it, it must be inevitable.

And this, once again completely shocked them, because this must be Huo Tianci’s power, not just as simple as good luck.

“master, is it possible that you can see through directly, is there any stock in this stone gamble?” Feng Nine Heavens couldn’t help being curious, and then asked Huo Tianci in a low voice.

Afterwards, without waiting for Huo Tianci’s answer, the Lifeng next to the right hand said something first: “The master can even break the Eight Divinatory Array, and now uses the superb rune-array technique. , To get a glimpse of the structure of the whole stone gamble. I think it’s quite normal.”

“I also think so. After all, the master’s knowledge of the stone gamble can follow The Black Wind Saint is up against each other, and these stone gambles are all made by the Black Wind Saint, and now it’s not surprising that the master can see through them.”

” That is, let’s talk about other things, just talk about not long ago, the master took us directly to break the maze and step into here, which is enough to perfectly explain all of this, that is the master’s talismanic skills, absolutely not simple, otherwise If you don’t, can you just ignore the 100 meters maze?”

For a while, everyone slid and slapped Huo Tianci again, but what they said was indeed the truth.

It’s just that they are all wrong, and that is all of this. In fact, it is not Huo Tianci’s high level of achievement in the talismanic technique, but it’s all that’s all that is powerful in that pair of blood wheel eyes.

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