On the other hand, Hua Wuye’s complexion at this time is a bit fierce and tense, because if it is exactly what the discipline of Senluo Temple said, then he also lost. After all, Vast Ocean Sect and Soul Sect’s discipline can They are all here, and compared to these two huge monsters, their disciplines simply don’t have the advantage of grabbing treasure.

Finally, if according to the previous promise, that is, if neither of their disciplines can get the died during meditation Golden Core, then he and Lengfeng’s deep-cold crimson stone must be let out. Give to the martial artist who can win the died during meditation Golden Core.

In other words, not only did he not hit Lengfeng hard this time, but he also paid out his baby, but the so-called having given away a bride, to lose one’s army on top of it.

“Eh~, if I knew that, what kind of bet I had made at the beginning, really a prodigal.” Hua Wuye really regrets it, and he can’t eat Regret Medicine because of this regret. At the beginning, he made this promise extremely arrogantly under the eyes of everyone. If this is repentance, not only will he have no integrity at that time, but it is estimated that even the entire Heavenly Dao Alliance will lose integrity, that is, That quasi-sage-ranked deep-cold crimson stone, he will undoubtedly hand over this time.

However, if the person who finally got died during meditation Golden Core was the soul sect, he could have an excuse to stop the matter, because the soul sect is the Demon Sect, and His original bet only restricted decency.

For a while, for his own treasure, Hua Wuye had such an evil thought in his heart, that is the final victory, if it is the Soul Sect, it will be fine, because this way , His baby, will you keep it?

“Um~, ok, then you go first, I will stay here, just to see, that weird kid, who are you after all.”

“Then Brother Hua troubles you.” When the words were over, Leng Feng led Lu Yun and left the place.

As for Hua Wuye, he crushed a piece of jade talisman on the spot, and Li Haoxuan on the other side immediately received the echo of the fragmented jade talisman. In the end, I thought it was a bit embarrassing. Well, I saw Li Haoxuan in the crowd, and after a long time, he came here.

The last question is, it is exactly the same as the discipline of Senluodian said before, a weird kid, with one person, directly frustrated the disciplines of their two Rank Two Sects.

“Hua Elder, this is really not my incompetence, but the weird kid, it is so mysterious, you don’t know what the scene was like at that time, a dozen people, a dozen sharp blades , All hit the weird boy, but as a result, the sharp weapon in our hand seemed to hit the air. For some reason, they all penetrated the weird boy’s body, and finally fell completely. It’s empty.

That Lu Yun was the worst. He penetrated the past. In the end, the weird boy moved his fingers, like a thin thread like a blade, instantly like the spider web, turning That Lu Yun was completely sealed in it. In the end, if it weren’t for that weird boy who thought he was a decent martial artist, then Lu Yun would definitely not escape this catastrophe. As for me, it would be regarded as a disaster. When it comes to Chiyu, because the discipline is at first, there is no meaning to kill the weird boy. It is Lu Yun fascinated, so this is the only thing that… p>

In the end, I saw this Li Haoxuan, and he defended himself a bit, but what he said was the truth, because he was at first and really did not intend to kill Huo Tianci.

“Be penetrated like air?” Hua Wuye browses tightly frowns, because he hasn’t even heard of such a move, let alone talk about it, I have seen it, as for the previous Senluo Palace Disciple, just to give a general idea, now listening to Li Haoxuan’s such meticulous remarks, Hua Wuye only feels that this is simply amazing.

“If what you said is true, then the martial artist who died during meditation Golden Core will eventually be obtained. It must be the weird kid that you said.” While saying this, The corners of Hua Wuye’s mouth rose a little, because in this way, his deep-cold crimson stone would not need to be handed over, because Huo Tianci had absolutely no guts to ask them for it, after all, Huo Tianci, however, completely offended them, especially the-Lengfeng Senluo Temple.

“In fact, the same thing is felt by the discipline, because the kid is too mysterious, so I don’t say that. Just now, the disciple also heard some martial artists talk about the weird kid. The person who killed Soul Sect, if the discipline had known this, how dare to provoke such a powerful character, it was all caused by Lu Yun.”

Speaking of last, this Li Haoxuan is again Stepped on that Lu Yun, after all, this Lu Yun almost killed him at the beginning, and now there is a complaint in his heart, it is normal.

“Then let’s wait here now, I want to see how weird the weird boy is!” Hua Wuye wanted to see the mystery of Huo Tianci.

Leng Feng is the same, otherwise, he would not say that he will come back again.

On the other side, in Black Wind Island.

After deterring the disciples of Senluodian and Heavenly Dao Alliance, Huo Tianci continued to track down the Soul Sect, and the whereabouts of the ghosts were gone.

“First Senior Brother, that kid is there!!!”

As a result, I didn’t bump into a group of ghosts and enemies. As for who I bumped into this time.

Zhang Jian of Vast Ocean Sect! ! !

“Boy, hand over the baby, and we will let you go! Otherwise, the baby is on you, it will also harm you.” Compared with the previous threats of the Sun Luo Temple and the Heavenly Dao Alliance disciple, this Vast Ocean Sect The threat of is a bit advanced, because from the superficial literal meaning, these people seem to be good for Huo Tianci, too, after all, they just broke through to Profound Sect just now, and walked around in this half. In Black Wind Island, where there are a lot of Xuanzun, it is indeed a bit of a hot potato, which hurts himself.

As for who said this sentence, it’s actually not difficult to guess. Of course, Wang Tuotian was infallible. In fact, Wang Tuotian didn’t want Huo Tianci to hand it over, because he would directly There is a reason to do it, when the time comes, if you can get something, you can kill Huo Tianci even with it. Isn’t this two birds with one stone?

At the same time, this Wang Tuotian is also very smart, because Huo Tianci is sure of this, and he will not give it over, because whoever it is will be stubborn. , Plus good face.

It’s a pity that Huo Tianci now is no longer the former, “unarmed” Huo Tianci.

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