The iron bars are glowing with white light. At first glance, it makes people feel extremely pleasing to the eye.

The “ding” was successfully decomposed, with a durability value of -9 and EXP +4. Congratulations to the host for obtaining two pieces of top grade iron essence.

“It turned out to be top grade iron essence! No wonder it will glow with white light!” Huo Tianci took the two pieces of top grade iron essence in his hand and weighed them to compare the weight of the long knife before. The top grade iron essence decomposed from these two pieces should have about 70% of the weight before decomposition.

In other words, the decomposition machine only took ten seconds to decompose the top grade iron essence of 60-70 percent contained in the long knife just now. To be honest, this It’s not a loss at all, because it melts into molten iron, then pours and recasts it, and finally makes it into a weapon. Each step in it is extremely expensive, but Huo Tianci doesn’t know how much it consumes.

“Heizi, let’s go to the Huo Family Blacksmith’s shop.” Huo Tianci almost knows nothing about smelting. It is not an exaggeration to call it an idiot. Fortunately, there is one in Huo Family. The smithy is in.

This kind of blacksmith shop is found in every small family, that is, to help the family to build some rateless swords, crossbows, horseshoes for riding horses, and some iron furniture for daily needs Small families have such ironware, not to mention Huo Family, one of the greatest families in Baili Town.

At this time, in the huge Huo Family blacksmith shop, a shirtless big man is directing a group of people, busying himself.

After seeing Huo Tianci walk in, the big man immediately greeted him: “The subordinates have seen the master of the house.” This person is named Huo Liqin, who is the chief of Huo Family Blacksmith Shop.

“Master Patriarch, are you here to choose weapons?” Huo Liqin’s face was full of excitement: “If it is, it is very good, because the villain was just now, but he created a Put a fourth-class weapon.” After speaking, Huo Liqin immediately handed a long sword to Huo Tianci, and then introduced it happily. In his words, besides excitement, it was more to show off, because of this , It’s amazing.

“It is estimated that in another ten years, the subordinates will be able to create a mortal rank sixth-class weapon, so as to truly become a Refiner Master.” Huo Liqin’s eyes are full. I look forward to it, because becoming a Refiner Master is a lifetime dream of their little blacksmiths, and the threshold for becoming a Refiner Master is to learn to make at least a rank 6 weapon, and this is extremely difficult to do.

Huo Tianci has already seen from the appearance of Huo Liqin who was 40 in that year, because it is difficult to refine tools, and it is even more difficult to refine high-level weapons.

Among them, refining resources occupies a large part of the reason, because the Huo Family is just a family in a small town, and the refining of high-level weapons requires at least iron essence as the material, and The value of iron essence, can compare with silver, which is not something that his little Huo Family can afford.

Because every failure will consume at least one hundred silver taels worth of iron essence. Huo Family has no money and is even more impossible. At such a high price, Huo Liqin did it because It’s more cost-effective to buy Huo Liqin directly.

Secondly, it is innate talent, which is exactly similar to cultivation, and talent also accounts for a large part of the reason. Huo Liqin is nearly 40 years old and will build a fourth-class weapon. Say something To be honest, this talent is so average, and it can be regarded as a master blacksmith in Baili Town.

As far as Huo Tianci knows, no one in Baili Town seems to be able to create a fourth-class weapon, no wonder Huo Liqin is so excited.

“Very good.” Huo Tianci patted Huo Liqin’s shoulder and praised him, because it is really not easy. Besides, Huo Tianci knows how powerful high-level weapons are. At that time, Huo Tianci didn’t have the help of a mysterious iron dagger, so that a dagger cut off Song An’s words with a ninth-class long sword. It is estimated that he will die in the end.

Also, if White Tier 4 weapons can be popularized in the Huo Family, then the battle strength of the Huo Family will definitely increase exponentially, because the weapons used by other families in Baili Town, Generally, it’s all that is the first and second class of the white rank, and even some of them don’t even have the grade.

“It’s too shabby.” When thinking of this, Huo Tianci couldn’t help shook the head, because it also showed that Baili Town was poor and backward.

After all, Baili Town is just a small town.

“How confident are you now that you can create these fourth-class weapons?” Huo Tianci asked.

After hearing these words, Huo Liqin immediately became very energetic, because Huo Tianci is now, but the Huo Family Patriarch, if the owner of Huo Family can speak to him, when the time comes Huo Tianci is happy, and he will pay some money. , Then he can turn over in this blacksmith’s shop.

“At least 50%!” Although it is the first time to create a white-tier fourth-class weapon, Huo Liqin is very confident, because he is now building a third-class weapon, which can be said to be stable, but it is lack of silver , To be precise, it is a lack of good building materials.

“Master Patriarch, the material on this fourth-class long sword was finally smelted by his subordinates.” Huo Liqin began to cry poor, of course, their blacksmith shop was indeed very poor.

After that, Huo Liqin told Huo Tianci about the current situation of their forge.

“Wait, you mean, there are a lot of discarded swords in your place?” When Huo Liqin said halfway, Huo Tianci suddenly stopped at him.

Although Huo Liqin didn’t understand why Huo Tianci was interested in those broken things, he still answered this question: “There are many. This is what he picked up when he cleaned the battlefield after eliminating the Wu Family. , But most of them are damaged. Some even broke into two halves and can’t be used at all. The subordinates are preparing to pack up the scrap iron for a while, and smelt it together, when the time comes, do It can also save some money for Huo Family.”

Huo Liqin said as he led Huo Tianci to a utility room. At this time, the utility room was full of various All kinds of broken blades, spear, sword, halberd, some of which have blood stains on them.

“So much!” Huo Tianci was surprised at first, because these blades, spear, sword, halberd, almost filled the entire room, and immediately, Huo Tianci laughed out of joy.

“hahaha, don’t worry about this time.” For others, these broken weapons are like broken copper and iron, but for Huo Tianci, this is no less than finding Treasure, because he is worrying, how to find these things and upgrade the level of the decomposition machine. By the way, he can also make a small amount of money. As a result, he didn’t expect, these things are in the Huo Family.

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