“Liu Senior Brother, why are you shiver coldly, is it possible that, is the strength of my this fist’s head, which is a bit heavier?” After another brutal fist hit his hand, Liu Xubai once again. After being shaken back more than ten steps, in the end he saw his arms and legs trembling slightly, because Huo Tianci’s brute force was beyond his imagination.

As for why he didn’t fall, it’s because of Huo Tianci’s strength and excellent control. Unless, he pretended to fall, but he was afraid that he might show up when he flopped, so he always showed resistance. The momentum comes, but this resistance is to be abused.

“This kid must have been pretending before!” At this point, Liu Xubai finally reacted, because as long as Huo Tianci wants, he can beat all the contestants with a single punch, because His strength can be solidified. On the other hand, other people can only blast out that’s all. In front of solid strength, it is like a pile of dust, which will disperse as soon as it blows. There is no way to fight back. force.

In the end, I guess it’s boring. Huo Tianci said: “Liu Senior Brother, how about you use your profound energy to fight me?”

Huo Tianci wants to be dignified. Rightly defeated Liu Xubai, but as soon as these words came out, Liu Xubai actually agreed: “This is what you said!”

“a gentleman’s brief remark is faster than a horse whip !”

“Then give me defeat!” Immediately, I saw Liu Xubai’s arm, a mysterious energy of scarlet gold entwined in an instant.

Then, this scarlet gold profound energy condensed into reality and burst out of his arm.

Xuanqi Fist!

Liu Xu shouted out of white violence, because he wanted to wash away the shame of being abused before.

In the face of this, Huo Tianci remained motionless. Finally, with his palms folded, he also yelled: “Great Vajra Palm!”

In an instant, a golden palm print, He blasted out directly from the air, and finally collided with Liu Xubai’s Profound Qi Fist.


The profound energy burst into a ball, instantly overflowing, curling up the wind, and also circling out in bursts. When everyone was marveling at the power of the two, only the next shot of the two was seen. Xuan Qi Quan and Great Vajra Palm once again blasted together instantly.

After making five or six rounds, the two people who felt stalemate immediately began to move, because they were ready to come close to their opponents to determine the outcome of this fight.

God works ever-changing!

The movement of the footwork speeded up in an instant, and finally Huo Tianci took the first step and threw a punch at Liu Xubai.

Liu Xu’s white face showed a touch of surprise, because Huo Tianci not only exploded in amazing strength, but also in speed, which made him have to face it.

Finally, when the wild fist struck his face, a solid golden shield shielded him.

Crimson Golden Shield Armor Fight!

This is Liu Xubai’s special skill. He used profound energy to consolidate a shield to withstand the opponent’s offensive. After seeing Huo Tianci’s brute fist, it hit the shield. , He immediately turned from defense to offense, and moved towards Huo Tianci made a move.

But in the next second, a golden ancient bell instantly enveloped Huo Tianci’s whole body, and completely resisted Liu Xubai’s leg offensive.

This made Liu Xubai’s eyes widened, because of this move, he absolutely didn’t expect it, and Huo Tianci just wanted to say, this kind of move, I will too!

But there is a trick, you will never!


After opening the Golden Bell Cover, Huo Tianci’s right hand index finger, directly pointed out, hitting Liu Xubai’s left leg, and finally saw Liu Xu’s white legs soft. , He collapsed directly to the ground because Huo Tianci hit the numb points on his legs and feet. In terms of strength, this guy could not move his legs for at least three days.

“Liu Xubai! I lost!” After the scene of collapsing to the ground appeared, everyone was shocked, because Liu Xubai, one of the Inner Sect ten great experts, was unexpectedly, One finger was defeated by Huo Tianci, an outer sect freshman.

“No wonder he dared to fight Feng Xiao to the death, it turned out to have real power!” When he got here, everyone suddenly realized, because no one would commit suicide.

“Is Feng Xiao coming tonight?” someone asked.

People who knew some of these reasons replied and said to him: “Feng Xiao fell to his waist and was lying in bed to recuperate. I don’t know what happened. So tonight, I didn’t come.”

“I was on the way, and I heard someone talk about it. He seemed to be making trouble in Tongrentang, and then he was thrown out of the building by the guards.”

“It’s so miserable, but he deserves to be thrown out of the building for making trouble, after all, who made him make trouble.”

Huo Tianci just wants to say that this is the consequence of his pretense, As for Liu Xubai’s words, because he could not move his left leg, he directly confessed his defeat because he had completely lost the combat capability. He finally sat on the ground and felt ashamed because Huo Tianci was just a mystery. It’s nothing more.

But he also has excuses.

“Let’s make a trick, let’s wait and see!” Liu Xubai believes that Huo Tianci’s one yang finger is an indiscriminate method. It is precisely because of this that he is unhappy. Finally, before leaving, he also uttered a cruel word to Huo Tianci, because he was very unwilling to lose, because Huo Tianci was imitate the dog and steal chicken, otherwise, he would definitely lose.

For this, Huo Tianci just said: “It seems to be lifted.” Because Liu Xubai was carried out. After all, his left leg was scrapped, I have to say, Huo Tianci can also play.

“You…!” Liu Xubai was choked and couldn’t say a word. In the end, he gritted his teeth and was carried away from here with a furious expression because he was going to see What’s going on with his legs, fortunately, there is no big problem, otherwise, he will definitely go to Huo Tianci desperately.

After Liu Xubai left, the system promptly reminded him.

“ding” system hint: Congratulations to the host for winning the first place in the Wendou competition and a silver lottery coin.

In addition to the system rewards, Huo Tianci also has a Grade 3 True Blood Dancan. This is the first prize tonight, and the rewards are pretty generous.

After that, everyone continued to drink and celebrate Wu Qiushuang’s birthday.

When the birthday party was about to end, Huo Tianci pushed a big cake and came to Wu Qiushuang’s side, because according to the way of celebration on the earth, there will be a cake for the birthday. As for How did this cake come from? Huo Tianci can do it with Shadow Clone. The body plays with everyone upstairs, while Avatar is forced to make cakes in the kitchen of Haiyan Building. Fortunately, finally carry out.

“Sweet, delicious!” This is the first thought in the minds of everyone who ate the cake.

“Is it possible that this is Haiyanlou’s new dim sum?” Someone guessed.

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