After the waiter left, Wu Qiushuang, who was holding a spoon and a small bowl, prepared to drink some fish soup.

But at this moment, Huo Tianci stopped her.

“Wait, there seems to be an insect in it!” I took a closer look, really, there is a fingertip-sized black insect swimming in the fish soup.

Seeing this, Wu Qiushuang instantly lost his appetite.

“Why, this is the fish I finally caught.” Wu Qiushuang looked disappointed. After that, she wanted to go to the waiter to reason, but Huo Tianci stopped her.

“Forget it, people are also unintentional, I’ll go and order another one.” Then, Huo Tianci took the fish and moved towards the door and walked outside.

Go out, close the door, and then, Huo Tianci, who was imprinted with one hand, transformed into the appearance of the waitress just now.

Body-Transformation Technique!


Huo Tianci disappeared and the female service appeared instantaneously. In the end, I saw the waitress, pushed open the door of Ye Yu’s private room, and walked in.

“A few guests, this is the fresh fish soup presented by our store.” Huo Tianci, who turned into a waitress, said so.

For this, Ye Yu didn’t respond much, but the burly man felt a bit familiar, because he always felt this pot of fish, he seemed to have seen it somewhere.

Of course, he didn’t think much about it, because almost all the bowls in the restaurant looked the same.

“The soup is good.” Ye Yu took a sip, repeatedly nodded.

Huo Tianci slightly smiled: “This is our signature dish, then, the guests, eat slowly. If you have any needs, please come to greet us.” After the words fell, Huo Tianci left without looking back. Private room.

But just as he was about to step out of the room, Ye Yu suddenly stopped him.


“I rely on it, it won’t be discovered.” Huo Tianci’s heart tightened, thinking that he was exposed, but Ye Yu next The words made him completely relieved.

“I heard that your bed here is relatively soft, and the sound insulation effect is also very good. In that case, I will live with you tonight. Now, go and help me prepare a few rooms. And, the people next to me are my friends. I’ll settle their accounts. Yes, help me prepare a few pots of good wine. I will drink in the room later, hey~hey~hey.” After time passed, Ye Yu also felt that it was almost time.

After that, he drank the fish soup while dreaming about the next beautiful thing.

For this, Huo Tianci just wants to say: I will help you find a sow later.

“Good guest.” After nodded, Huo Tianci left Ye Yu’s private room.

When I went out, the Body-Transformation Technique’s technique was lifted instantly. After that, I saw Huo Tianci and immediately returned to his private room.

“Qiu Shuang, why don’t we go out to grill the fish and eat, while fishing, while grilling.” Huo Tianci thought, this double reed singing, a little tired, but even more tired, still behind, Because of this friend, I have to sing three songs.

“By the way, this is a gift for you.” At the end, Huo Tianci took out an alchemic furnace from the Heaven and Earth Bag.

This pill furnace looks relatively simple, but inside, there are many things.

“Lava mineral crystals!” Yes, the inside of this pill furnace is all made of lava mineral crystals. The faint red light that Wu Qiushuang noticed at first glance Arrived.

“Qiu Shuang, be my girlfriend.” People always propose a ring. Huo Tianci is a good choice. Just take a pill furnace, but this pill furnace is very valuable. In terms of grade, There should be Grade 5.

In the Great Liang Nation, the highest pile furnace is only Grade 3.

Wu Qiushuang originally wanted to push back because it was too expensive, but after hearing Huo Tianci’s words, she immediately accepted it.

“Okay, then, let’s go out to grill the fish and eat.” Wu Qiushuang thought to himself, this big wooden head has finally gotten around today.

Just after Huo Tianci and Wu Qiushuang left, Ye Yu, who was in the next room, got up and stood up, because based on the medicine efficacy time, Wu Qiushuang and Huo Tianci should have been feverish now.

“MD, even myself I got hot, but playing in front of others is really exciting.” Ye Yu also thought that his body became hot because he was over-excited. ,actually not.

Finally, I opened the door next door and looked at it. As expected, a man and a woman next door were lingering on the ground.

After seeing this, Ye Yu was so excited, because it was exactly the same as the script he had originally envisioned.

“Tie them up, and then send me to my room.” Ye Yu was about to take care of Wu Qiushuang in front of Huo Tianci. I have to say that this kid is good at playing.

But Huo Tianci can play better than him.

In the guest room upstairs.

Just after Ye Yu took off his pants, Huo Tianci and Wu Qiushuang, who were brought into the room by him, disappeared into the same place in an instant.

“What’s the matter? How about the two of them?” Ye Yu blinked his eyes, a foggy head, but at this moment, a warm current surged into his heart. With the crotch, this is the state of the kinky Joyous Union Powder when it completely broke out.

“Ah~, it’s hot!” Gradually, Ye Yu’s body became hot like a soldering iron.

“Is it possible that is!” When he got here, Ye Yu seemed to have discovered something. Just as he was about to cry out for help, a pair of big silent hands covered his mouth.

Then, a hand knife, fiercely hit his neck.

“It seems a bit troublesome to get a pig up here. Why don’t you just throw him into the pigpen.” This person, not Huo Tianci, who else could it be, and in the end only a touch of damage was revealed The Italian Huo Tianci, carrying the goods directly, came to the pigpen in the back kitchen of Juya Building.

“I’ll give you some more of this.” Then, Huo Tianci took out a few small blue pills from his pocket, and then stuffed it into the mouth of this man.

In the end, I saw the screams of sows in the desolate pigpen. No, it should be a shout of joy.

“Fuck, these sows tonight are in heat a bit, I don’t know if the three boars can resist.” A cook in Juya Building was a little worried, because There are thirty sows in the pigpen, and there are only three boars.

At this time, beside the moat.

“Why did you go for so long, this fire is extinguished.” Seeing Huo Tianci picking up a firewood, after picking it up for a long time before returning, Wu Qiushuang was somewhat angry because of this fine speaking of which , But their first date, but Huo Tianci, has not been in the state.

For this, Huo Tianci looked sorry, because Ye Yu, he had to clean up.

However, this tidying up requires that this product cannot be pulled out for a lifetime. After all, this is a lingering one night with a group of sows, maybe even the boars, he will not let it go.

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