Become an expert on the local list. Every month, you have to accept challenges from others at least twice. This is when Martial Palace is testing your strength. It is also when Martial Palace gives some newcomers, that is, new People on the local list have the opportunity to continue to climb.

This is what Wu Guang is like. When he sees his first opponent, a rookie dumb kid, he is excited and don’t want it.

“A scum of 8273 wanted to challenge me, huh~, really act recklessly!” Wu Guang, who laughed at him, was stunned for an instant after the local leader came out. God.

“Challenger, Lonely Night!”

“Lonely Night!” Wu Guang, of course, has heard of these two words: “Isn’t this, that Fan is number one on the list? “Wu Guang murmured, but after he thought about it, he shook the head again, because it would take at least several years from the Body Refining Realm to this Profound Master Realm.

“Impossible, this is absolutely impossible, since it is impossible, it is definitely the same name.” There is no lack of strange things, the name is the same, it is not strange at all, this Wu Guang before, can just I have encountered an opponent with the same name as my own, so this Gu Ye with the same name is not surprising.

Finally, under the guidance of Dibang Bangling, Huo Tianci’s battle illusion and Wu Guang’s battle illusion each came to the other side.

Fighting is also triggered immediately!

“You are still wearing a black robe, who do you look down on!” Not to mention the low rankings, and wearing a black robe to pretend to be forceful, this made Wu Guang’s heart suddenly burst into unhappiness.

However, just as he was about to make a move, he saw a dazzling white light suddenly shot out of the black robe.

Sun Fist!

This is the move of Crane Fairy in the anime Dragon Ball. The effect is to blind people’s eyes. In the end, Huo Tianci was entangled in the dragon and elephant and knocked Wu Guang to the ground with a punch.

“You…you, your sneak attack!” That Wu Guang lost, was not convinced, because of the sudden dazzling light, he simply didn’t expect that he would be punched out in the end, it was really helpless. .

But there is no way. If you lose, you lose. In the end, because of this, Wu Guang’s ranking of the rankings directly dropped a thousand. This is the martial artist that was challenged. After losing Punishment.

Compared with being kicked out of the list, this is relatively light. It is precisely because of this that experts on the local list rarely challenge others because the punishment for failure is very heavy. Unless, you have confidence in yourself. Obviously, Huo Tianci is such a person.

“Lonely night wins, the ranking of the rankings has increased to-987.”

After the rankings of the rankings were finished, I saw system and immediately issued a reminder.

“ding” system hint: Congratulations to the host for completing the second ring of the [challenge list] task, and enter the top one thousand places.

“ding” gets the task reward——【Intermediate lottery bag】*2.

“Ding” [Challenge Landing List] The third ring of the mission is opened, and it enters the top 100 of the land list. The task reward-[Intermediate lottery bag]*3.

Because there are still tasks, Huo Tianci continues to challenge.

“I want to challenge the 100th place!”

Good luck, this 100th place happens to be there.

“girl?” Not to mention, and she is still a beautiful woman, with slender white legs, pretty face cheeks with melon seeds, and a touch of more charming sexy red lips.

“Damn, hit girl, this is not good.” Just as Huo Tianci was talking to herself, the beautiful woman holding the golden whip had moved towards him and attacked.

The golden whip whizzed down from in the sky, and the fierce whip wind, like a blade, moved towards Huo Tianci “xiu” in full.

Huo Tianci has already retreated immediately, but the range of whip wind is too dense and vast. In the end, I saw half of Huo Tianci’s black robe, all of which were left behind by the hot red lips. In place.

“Even so!” The beauty with red lips had a look of surprise in her eyes, because her golden shadow whip’s swing speed, the average Great Profound Master Realm expert, sometimes can’t escape , However, this 987 boy actually avoided it, which had to make her treat her differently.

As for this beauty with red lips, why know that Huo Tianci is a kid? That’s because Huo Tianci has taken off the black robe. After all, it is half gone.

“How old are you?” The red-lip beauty retracted the golden whip, her eyes were incredible, because Huo Tianci’s appearance was exactly similar to that of a 15-16 years old child.

“It’s still two days away, 16 years old, what, can it be said that I am very handsome, I just scared you.” Huo Tianci touched his handsome cheeks and said with a very good feeling of himself.

For this, the beauty with red lips directly waved the golden whip in her hand, and immediately saw a loud noise of “Pa”, which was uploaded from the ground.

“glib tongue!” In the end, the red-lip beauty squinted at Huo Tianci and said these four words. On the other hand, Huo Tianci’s instinctive reaction took a step back, because he thought, this red The golden whip of the beauty of the lips will be moved towards his body, but now it seems that I just want to scare him that’s all.

“Suck~, whip queen!” This had to make Huo Tianci think of this word.

Afterwards, without waiting for Huo Tianci to speak, the beauty with red lips spoke out first: “I won’t fight brat, you just give up.”

Huo Tianci thought, you Ah’s actually snatched my lines.

There will be again.

Where is I young! I’ll be sixteen in a while!

“I said beautiful women, don’t look down on people. Besides, have you seen me? You said I’m young!” Huo Tianci said righteously, he thought, Lao Tzu’s butt, neither Xiao Hao Fa, actually said that I am a brat, impossible.

But the beauty with red lips was wrong. She thought that Huo Tianci said it was too small, which meant it.

Soon there was a blush that appeared on her left and right cheeks, and finally she threw away the golden whip in her hand and shouted at Huo Tianci: “Xiaodeng disciple! Give me pay with your life !”

“Huo Tianci even said that I was young!” Huo Tianci was also unconvinced, and then he grabbed his hand grasps directly, which was like a golden whip coming from a gale.

“What!” After this scene appeared, I saw the beauty with red lips, instantly frozen in place, the expression was a surprise, that was a surprise.

“You little disciple, are you amazing?” In surprise, the red-lip beauty still didn’t forget to praise Huo Tianci, and then she whipped her hand and wanted to take the golden whip It was taken back, but Huo Tianci’s five fingers, like the crab tongs, buckled her golden whip firmly in the palm of his hand.

After that, no matter how hard the red-lip beauty is, she can’t take the golden whip back into her hand.

“Huh…hu~, you let me go!” In the end, there was no way, the red-lip beauty had to speak out and let Huo Tianci let go. During the speech, the red-lip beauty panted quickly and was ashamed. The red cheeks are also 30% red, it seems that it is Huo Tianci’s strength, it is a bit surprisingly big, so she can’t shake it at all.

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