“hu~ hu~ huh!” After his sanity recovered, Rayong took a few breaths in succession. Because of the poison of blood mist just now, his whole mind almost filled his mind. Fortunately, the Detoxifying Pill helped him disperse it. All, otherwise, he will become a murderous machine that kills the sky.

“Thank you Brother Huo, it’s so evil inside.” At the end, Rayong grumbled and swallowed a mouthful of saliva, because the world behind the stone gate is more terrifying than the outside.

“Are you scared?” Huo Tianci thought to himself, is this exciting enough, otherwise it’s not interesting.

Royong slowly nodded, because he was really scared just now. After all, he was almost demonized just now, the kind of terror, if you don’t know it personally, you won’t understand it at all.

Seeing Luo Yong’s panic expression, Huo Tianci touched the chin thought for a while and said: “Why don’t you stay here and wait for me to come out?”

As soon as these words came out, Rayong is even more reluctant: “This, I’ll go with you.” Because there is no Huo Tianci, Rayong is even more panicked. After all, when the time comes in trouble, he can’t stand it alone because of ordinary ghosts. , He can’t even beat.

The stone gate is slightly open, so Huo Tianci and Luo Yong entered directly, probably because they were mostly covered by the stone gate. After entering, it was completely dark at first.

However, Huo Tianci has already used his supernatural powers [Clear Eyes and Wind Ears] to explore first. After the exploration road is not dangerous, Huo Tianci only entered inside, but this section of the small corridor is all around, But the so-called “corpses everywhere across the field”, of course, most of these corpses have become sparkling bones.

If you accidentally step on it, it will make a click, click, and click.

Although they couldn’t see it, the two of them knew what it was. Inadvertently, the atmosphere became more terrifying.

“Finally came out!” At the end of the 30-meter-long corridor, the two of them walked slowly for 60 seconds, until there was light in front of Rayong, who was as timid as a mouse. Then he let go of his hands that tightly grasped Huo Tianci’s arm.

Huo Tianci thought, if you were a girl, it would be so good, maybe in the end, you will devote one’s life to, and in the end, you turned out to be a “dead gay”.

I have to say, reality is really skinny.

“The hall of curiosity!” Through the passage, it is a huge hall of the main hall. Although the hall of the main hall is not illuminated by torch, it is still bright as daytime. Huo Tianci thought, this should be blood The master of the Sha Temple, what kind of Formation has been laid out, that’s why the dark hall, which was originally dark and black, was as bright as day.

Looking around the hall all around, it was very messy, as if it had been destroyed by people. Not to mention, the corpses are everywhere. It is not difficult to see that this place should have been fighting before, and this battle , The scale is not small.

Because the all around walls of the hall are covered with blades and sword marks, this is not something that ghosts can make, so it can only be a battle between living people.

“Brother Huo, it’s done! There is a profound tool!” When Huo Tianci looked at the blade and sword marks, Luo Yong, who was so scared to pee his pants before, suddenly burst into joy. , Because he was on the ground and found a mysterious tool.

But after he took the profound tool in his hand, he only heard a bang, and the profound tool broke into four or five knots in an instant.

“Damn, No way, the profound tools can also rust? And this is still broken?” Luo Yong looked confused, because he saw these things for the first time.

In contrast to Huo Tianci, I have seen this scene, and more than once.

“The barren ancient land! Is it possible that the battle here is related to the barren ancient land?” Suddenly, what happened to Huo Tianci, because the profound tools in the barren ancient land were so broken. This had to make him connect these two things together.

“Don’t move, let me take a look first.” When Huo Tianci was digging the Transmission Array in the barren ancient land, he dug a lot of these broken profound soldiers, and then he took out some After comparing them, he found that the damage levels of the two types of mysterious soldiers were extremely similar. In other words, this was the weapon used by Dayue Kingdom and the powerhouse of the profound emperor 1600 years ago.

“Found it! Among these weapons, indeed, there is also the word Heavenly Fire!” The weapons of Dayue Country usually have the word Dayue engraved on the bottom of their bodies. However, the Xuanhuang powerhouse’s The power, the bottom of the body, is engraved with the word Heavenly Fire. Finally, Huo Tianci followed this clue, which is the word Heavenly Fire, to check the ancient book and ask the dean. Qiu Shan, at last he knew that the word Heavenly Fire meant a Rank Eight Sect-Heavenly Fire Sect.

In other words, the war of annihilation before 1600 was a contest between the Great Yue Kingdom and the Heavenly Fire Sect. In the end, it was obvious that although the Great Yue Kingdom was huge, it occupies the entire east of the Seven Star Chain Mountain. However, when facing a Rank Eight Sect, he still couldn’t escape the doom of destruction.

As for Heavenly Fire Sect, why do you want to destroy the Great Yue Kingdom, Huo Tianci now has an eyebrow, that is, the Blood Fiend Temple hidden in Secret Realm! And the so-called “Divine Art”-the Weeping Demon Sutra!

After all, this is the ability to become the Supreme cultivation technique of the Demon Emperor. This is an individual, but everyone will be jealous.

It is definitely not surprising that the fight resulted in a dispute.

But Heavenly Fire Sect is still there now. If the Profound Emperor had snatched the Weeping Blood Demon Sutra back then, then Heavenly Fire Sect would now become a Demon Sect.

And Demon Sect, everyone is punishable. A decent martial artist is absolutely impossible. It is impossible for a Demon Sect to exist so just and honourable for thousands of years. So, it must be there. What else is there.

There is a fragment of the Weeping Blood Demon Sutra, one of which is now in Huo Tianci’s hands, that is to say, that Emperor Xuan, not at all snatched the Weeping Blood Demon Sutra, or It can be said that it was not completely snatched away, because some of the fragments were still left behind.

Now, the survivor of Dayue Kingdom is looking for the Weeping Demon Sutra, not to mention, but also keep on saying that the Demon Sutra is Divine Art.

“Is it possible that, is the entire Dayue country falling into the demonic path? Finally Heavenly Fire Sect came to execute justice? The Dayue country was wiped out?” Huo Tianci can only guess like this now. Because now the total signs are showing that this is the case.

“Suck~!” This all made Huo Tianci deeply sucked in a cold breath, because this truth shocked him too much.

For a long time, Huo Tianci only then spirit slowly recovers, and then he picked up the broken profound artifacts scattered on the ground while thinking to himself, Zi Yun, is she a demonic path person?

If so, would you do it yourself?

Huo Tianci asked himself that.

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