“This crocodile meat is quite delicious. It happens to be dry food for us.” Huo Tianci thought, if this scaly crocodile had a twenty zhang length, it would be better, because there is plenty of dry food. They can stay here for a few more days.

In this way, in the end of the Secret Realm, almost all the things in the middle circle were swept clean by the “robber” Huo Tianci. As for the deepest zone, Huo Tianci did not dare to enter. Because of the powerful demonic beasts and ghosts inside, Huo Tianci alone cannot fight against them. In the end, for the sake of safety, Huo Tianci had no choice but to give up and only abused the “experiences” in these central areas. Babies.

After all, no matter how many heavenly materials and earthly treasures, it is no use to enjoy it without life.

“Almost, you can go out!” In the end, Huo Tianci, but the so-called profit is full, not to mention, he also took five people to be younger brothers.

Moreover, all of them are great profound masters.

As for the next step, of course it’s time for revenge. It can also be said that it’s for the people. After all, this Martial Palace, but a wolf in sheep’s clothing, is on the surface for the sake of the martial artist. , But in fact, after fattening the martial artists, they are taken directly to “slaughter” them, and serve as stepping stones for their great cause.

Huo Tianci estimates that in these thousands of years, at least there has been an absolutely martial artist who died because of such “injustice”, that is, I don’t know why I died.

At this time, Fuzhou City, in the Martial Palace.

A death list was placed in the hands of Martial Palace Great Elder, Li Sheng.

Li Sheng trembling hands, looked down one by one.

Wang Chong-death!

Li Hui-death!

Zhang Yuan-death!

Lone night-death!

“Unexpectedly, no one survived!” At the end of the sight, this Li Sheng could not stand still, and slumped directly on the chair. Because of this Secret Realm mission, he “persuades” the experts in these places to go, but now, no one has come back.

“Silver Messenger! What about Elder Lin Yue and others?” Li Sheng couldn’t believe all this.

On the other hand, the messenger in silver just shook the head slowly: “Lin Yue Elder, he was also seriously injured. It is probably not very good luck. Then the Secret Realm channel is at the end. , There was a big collapse. In the end, Lin Yue Elder struggled with the price of serious injuries, but only rescued a few people that’s all. As for the others, eh~, they have all been trapped and died in it. Some people even The explosion that collapsed in that space was blown to pieces, Elder Li, still looking in silence.”

The silver-clothed messenger performed a bitter trick according to the plan. I have to say, this acting skill. Exactly, kind of Oscar, because of Li Sheng, I completely believe it, because Li Sheng knew that the channel of Secret Realm was on the verge of collapse. Now that such things happen, no one wants to see it.

“It’s a pity these boys, especially that, Lonely Night!” Li Sheng’s most reluctant thing is the Lonely Night that Huo Tianci played.

“Such a good seedling is now ruined in my hands, eh~.” Li Sheng is the Elder Li, he was the one who gave Huo Tianci to the Secret Realm. “Good” opportunity, but is this opportunity really “good” now?

Li Sheng shook the head, closed his eyes and meditated for a long time.

“Elder Li, this is a little thought from the top of Martial Palace. If you find the families of those who died in battle, I hope you must make proper arrangements.” In the end, the silver messenger left a Heaven and Earth. Bag, after that, disappeared.

Heaven and Earth Bag contains a thousand low grade black stones. After seeing this, Li Sheng couldn’t help but feel that Martial Palace’s heart is really good, but in fact, it is the wolf’s ambition. Low grade black stone, not to mention a group of experts, even if it is an expert, you can’t train it. I have to say that this Martial Palace’s method of eating people without spitting out bones is really superb.

Shortly after the silver-clothed messenger left, a stunning girl wearing a light gauze slammed the door open.

“Eldest Miss! Why are you back?” This stunning girl’s face was anxious at this time, and I took a closer look, isn’t this the Zi Yun who had left before.

“Is he back in Gu Ye?” Zi Yun knew that Huo Tianci was Gu Ye. When she learned that Huo Tianci had gone to the Secret Realm, she was rushing without stopping. It was a pity that it was too late, because when she learned that it was ninth day, but it would take two days at the earliest to get back to Fuzhou Academy from imperial city.

It is precisely because of this that Zi Yun will come back now.

“Guye? Do you know this person?” Li Sheng looked surprised, because Zi Yun’s identity was out of the ordinary.

“Don’t ask me if I know him or not, I want to know now, is Gu Ye back!” Zi Yun was mad, from the way she spoke, it turned into a roar, enough to see come out.

“Isn’t it saying, don’t you no longer look for the secret key? Why do you cheat me over and over again.” After the roar, Zi Yun’s expression became more anxious, and finally She bit her lip, pinched a small pink fist, and muttered this silently.

And Li Sheng was shocked by the appearance of Zi Yun, and finally he had to trembling with fear and handed the death list sent by the silver messenger to Zi Yun’s hands.

Lone night-death!

When the fourth line of characters on the list was reflected in Zi Yun’s eyes, suddenly, I saw the edge of the corner of this Little Lass’s eyes, and there were drips of warm tears, because of chasing In the final analysis, it was the Martial Palace that she invited Huo Tianci to join in the first place. Now this is what happened. To be honest, she is absolutely to blame.

“How should I face Qiu Shuang, and Xiao Heizi.” Finally, I saw Zi Yun, with her hands covering her cheeks, she slowly squatted on the ground, and then wept bitterly.

The sound is so hysterical, as if something suddenly disappeared in the heart.

At the same time, on the other side, in a courtyard of Zhongfeng Courtyard in Fuzhou Academy.


In the empty room, there were five sounds of smashing the floor. Take a closer look. It turned out to be the six Huo Tianci, through the city return symbol, from the Dayue Secret Realm, back to the other courtyard.

As for why there were only five “booms”, it was because the first person who appeared did not make any sound.

“Damn, I forgot about it.” Huo Tianci was the first person to be reported. After Luo Yong was reported, of course he fell directly on Huo Tianci’s body. , After all, this is not an online game. After returning to the city, the character models can be superimposed on each other. In the end, it is precisely because of this that Huo Tianci fell blood mold, because after Luo Yong fell on him, he just got up and was actually The next person who was reported was smashed, and in the end, he was smashed five times in a row. I have to say that he looked a bit miserable, and looked like that pile of Luohan from a distance.

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