Absolutely no one will believe it. Maybe in the end, Luoqiushan will be accused of being a demonic path person, and finally strangled to death. This is why Luoqiushan wants to turn Fuzhou City into a County City. One of the main reasons is that, because of this, he will have enough strength and foundation to fight the Martial Palace.

Also, avenge his mentor, because Luo Qiushan believes that the death of Master Chen Qi must be related to this Martial Palace.

“What a big game!” After listening to these, Huo Tianci only saw through the deep plans and distant thoughts of Luoqiushan, but compared to Martial Palace, which has been set for a thousand years, Qiu Shan’s game is still a little bit inadequate.

Because as far as Huo Tianci knows, the power of Martial Palace is spread across the entire seven-star chain mountain range. Can such a big situation be broken by these people alone?

When I thought about this, Huo Tianci was a little confused.

For this, Luoqiushan just said: “It doesn’t matter whether it is broken or not, but as long as you work hard to do it, it will not be wrong!”

Because if you don’t do it, there is only Waiting for death, and doing it, will there be a glimmer of survival.

Luoqiushan has seen through this point, so it will be extraordinary and refined, breakthrough to the realm of profound spirit, it is also the so-called, heaven and earth have no way, I am my own way, I will not go to hell, Who goes to hell!


This remark of Luoqiushan is completely rendered to Huo Tianci.

“Heaven and earth have no way, I am enlightened, I don’t go to hell, then who goes to hell!” Huo Tianci remarked this, chewed it in his mouth, and then he took what he got Demon Art fragment, and the fourth stone key, took it out.

After that, he also gave out all his plans.

“I am going to auction this Demon Art fragment in Tianhe Chamber of Commerce, so as to catch the people behind the scenes.” Huo Tianci wants to see who will come and buy it.

“I guess Tianhe Chamber of Commerce will be taken away directly.” Luoqiushan is aware of the collusion between Tianhe Chamber of Commerce and Martial Palace.

Huo Tianci slapped his head, thinking that he almost forgot about this, because Zi Yun is both the top management of Tianhe Chamber of Commerce and the top management of Martial Palace. This dual identity has already been shown. The ambiguous relationship between Tianhe Chamber of Commerce and Martial Palace.

If you guess right, the former is to collect money, while the latter is to collect talents, and finally sell their lives for them.

“Then I will open the Chamber of Commerce by myself!” Huo Tianci thought, I will just fight with you directly, anyway, I will have to do it sooner or later.

“This idea is good. It just happens that your secret recipes can come in handy. If mass production is possible, I think they can compete with Martial Palace and Tianhe Chamber of Commerce. !” Luoqiushan is extremely optimistic about Huo Tianci.

And Huo Tianci, of course, is full of confidence.

As for the name of Chamber of Commerce, Huo Tianci immediately thought of two words, that is-“Taobao”!

“Taobao Chamber of Commerce, it is up to you.” So, a Chamber of Commerce named Taobao appeared in Fuzhou City seven days later.

“Why did she come?” Just when Huo Tianci decided on the Chamber of Commerce name, a tearful man rushed into the lobby where Luoqiu Mountain was located. Huo Tianci saw this and immediately hid Aside.

As for who this tearful person is, I believe many people have already guessed it, yes, it was the Zi Yun at Martial Palace before, at this time Zi Yun has come to Fuzhou Academy, because She wanted to tell Luoqiushan about Huo Tianci’s death.

“Master Dean, I…” Zi Yun blamed herself at this time, because Huo Tianci’s death was indirectly related to her.

“Don’t be anxious, speak slowly.” In fact, Luo Qiushan still likes Zi Yun very much, whether it is Martial Dao or a person, but Zi Yun’s position is more embarrassing.

“Huo Tianci…he died in the land of Secret Realm.” Zi Yun endured for a long time, but finally she said it. Finally, Little Lass threw herself into Luoqiushan’s arms and cried It’s been a long time: “I killed him, wu~ wu~ oh…, if I didn’t pull him into Martial Palace, he might not die, it was all me, all me.”

Luoqiushan didn’t speak, but after looking back at the screen, Luoqiushan thought to himself that Huo Tianci’s pick-up method was okay, because in addition to Wu Qiushuang, there was this purple rhyme.

If Huo Tianci knew what Luoqiushan was thinking at this time, he would definitely have to scold him for being old and disrespectful.

However, Huo Tianci is extremely entangled in his heart at this time, because he wants to come out now, and said to Zi Yun that he is actually fine, but for the sake of planning, he can only choose to continue Hide, because he is now dead.

“How did you know that something happened to Huo Xiaozi?” Luoqiushan is still a wily old fox, because he wants to learn from Zi Yun about the Martial Palace.

In contrast, Zi Yun is just shook the head.

Luoqiushan didn’t want to be too hard for others. In the end, he closed his eyes slightly and said: “I know.”

Oscar acting, I have to say, the dean is old-fashioned. Ah, this expression, this expression is absolutely safe in place.

“You can hide things about Huo Xiaozi for as long as you can. I’m afraid I will just say that. Some people will not be able to bear it. As for the Huo Family, I will inform you.” Luoqiushan The voice was a little hoarse.

“Um~.” Zi Yun bit her lip and slowly nodded.

“Go out, I want to be quiet.”

“Master Dean, I…”

“It’s none of your business, Martial Dao Road, that’s it, it’s just a pity, such a good seedling.” In the end, I saw Zi Yun, bowed deeply, and then retreated.

After Zi Yun left, Huo Tianci walked out.

“Master Dean, you performed really well.” Huo Tianci was really convinced.

As for Luoqiushan, he rolled his eyes directly: “Don’t be happy too early, this little girl, you will definitely annoy you in the future.”

As soon as it came out, I saw a few more black lines on Huo Tianci’s head.

“Well…, he he he.” This also made Huo Tianci speechless for a while. I have to say that the dean has a true temperament.

With a glance, he is in the Alchemist Guild of Fuzhou City.

“My lord, why are you here?” Zhang Langguang was surprised to see Huo Tianci suddenly appear, because this is too unconscious.

“Why no one reported?” This made Zhang Langguang curious.

For this, Huo Tianci just wanted to say: “In fact, brother became your appearance, and then mixed in, so no one will stop this, because no one dares to stop.” Anyway, anyway. , Huo Tianci came to this Alchemist Guild.

“Sir, please sit down. By the way, my lord, who are you here this time?” Zhang Langguang thought to himself, this must be something, because Huo Tianci will not come to the Three Treasure Hall without problems.

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