Now Martial Palace does not have medicine pill as inventory, and it still can’t be connected. For a while, the martial artists in Martial Palace complained bitterly, because normally they used military value to exchange medicine pill, but it was all instantaneous. Change to.

But now, they have to wait for a few days. It’s like you go to the bank to withdraw money and the bank says there is no money. So after this period of time, many martial artists have a reputation for Martial Palace. There was a hint of suspicion, because they had exchanged things before, so there was no such thing as waiting.

“Elder Li, the martial artist who came to redeem medicine pill today, that is more and more, what should we do now?” Fuzhou City Martial Palace, at this time, Great Elder Li Sheng, has already Kuaishou’s head is big.

Because of Alchemist Guild, they broke off business with them. Although there are some Alchemists in the Martial Palace, this is too much to hold on to many people.

“Then you contacted Mr. Lin Yue, Elder?” Li Sheng asked.

“No, but, we contacted Elder, vice president of Han Ye, it seems that he is in control of the overall situation.” Now, Lin Yue has no time to take care of such trivial matters. He had already given up on Great Liang Nation, so Lin Yue later threw the mess to Han Ye.

Han Ye at first, he thought he was a feisty man, but now, he almost turned his head all night, because this fuck is simply a hot potato.

“What did Vice President Han Ye, Elder, say?”

“Hold on for a while, and the medicine pill will be there soon.”

As soon as this is said, only Seeing Li Sheng covering his cheeks with his hands and shaking his head, because it was obvious that he was deliberately delaying time, which also shows that there is indeed no medicine pill in Martial Palace. Otherwise, why insist , You can just send medicine pill directly.

“By the way, Elder Li, here is a letter from you.” As he said, the man slowly put the envelope in front of Li Sheng, because during this time, everyone Almost all were bothered by the medicine pill incident, but it was so-called awake all night.

After that, Li Sheng sighed and opened the envelope.

However, what he didn’t expect was that this letter turned out to be a digging letter.

“Brother’s invitation letter! Invite me to the Brother’s Fuzhou City branch, when the branch is long!” For a while, Li Sheng’s mixed feelings, because Martial Palace is at this moment of life and death , If he was treachery at this moment, wouldn’t it be a villain.

In the end, I saw Li Sheng who was a little bit angry. He directly crumpled the invitation letter into a ball of paper and threw it aside.

“Elder Li, the major event is not good! The Refiner Master guild just issued a notice saying that starting today, we will no longer conduct transactions with our Martial Palace!”

“What! Even the Refiner Master guild did this!”

Just when Li Sheng was shocked, the other servant also hurried into the room.

“Elder Li, the Array Master Guild, also…”

I didn’t finish saying this, I saw Li Sheng, who was already slumped in his chair, because Three Great Guilds will not sell you anything at the same time. This is already announcing your death, because even if Martial Palace is more powerful, if there is no weapon medicine pill rune paper as a supply, then after that, it will definitely be more and more beyond making ends meet. In the end, it is chronically dead.

“Chairman Li, there are more and more martial artists outside the door. They are all Martial Palace members who have heard the wind and rushed over to exchange things.” I heard the three major professional guilds. , Broke off diplomatic relations with Martial Palace, so some martial artists who still had some martial value on them all ran over immediately and started to exchange things.

Of course, some of them were deliberately instigated by Huo Tianci, but this, after all, is also a fact, because nothing will be there anymore.

“President Lee, what should we do now?”

“Is it possible that our Martial Palace is really going to be destroyed like this?”

These Elders, all of them are ashamed at this time, because all this came so suddenly.

The former Tianhe Chamber of Commerce went bankrupt, and the following three professional guilds broke off relations with Martial Palace. The current Martial Palace, to be honest, is about to become the disabled man with broken arms and legs. Can only rely on, only a trace of things left, drag out an ignoble existence to live.

“President Lee, if the Martial Palace is gone, what should we do.”

“What nonsense! The Martial Palace is standing for a thousand years. This Do you need to be so scared for a small scene? I believe that Lin Yue Great Elder will definitely preside over the overall situation for us.” This person does not seem to believe that Martial Palace will perish.

However, people who know said: “Elder Lin Yue, has disappeared for a long time, now it is Deputy Elder Han Ye, who is maintaining the situation, but just now, Deputy Elder Han Ye has come to talk, let us, Continue to insist. Seriously, this fool knows that it is a perfunctory remark, so Martial Palace is really going to perish. This is not nonsense.”

The subordinates who have followed him for many years, to be honest, Li Sheng couldn’t bear it.

But now, what can he do, because they alone cannot save the current Martial Palace.

“What to do, what to do on earth!”

In the end, Li Sheng’s leftover light swept onto the letter paper he had just thrown away.

I stared at it for a long time, and finally I saw Li Sheng, who collapsed in a chair, stood up abruptly, and said: “No, we can’t sit and wait like this!”

“Elder Li, is it possible that you have a way?” This made the lonely crowd suddenly caught a life-saving straw, because Li Sheng is the backbone of their Martial Palace in Fuzhou City.

“Elder Li, if there is any, then you can tell us as soon as possible.”

“That’s right, we are all about to die.”

And Li Sheng, still did not answer everyone’s words, and finally saw him walk on top of the ball of paper that he had previously ravaged.

As he opened it slowly, Li Sheng’s hands were trembling, because if he did so, he would completely betray Martial Palace, but if he didn’t, his subordinates, then What should I do?

I can’t. Pick up the weapon again and go outside to live a life of hunting demonic beasts.

“We join the Brother’s Club. Anyone who wants to go will come with me. I can let you find something to do again.” Finally, I saw Li Sheng and slowly said this. , To be honest, Li Sheng didn’t do it for himself, but for the subordinates in front of him, but if these subordinates didn’t appreciate it, he didn’t know.

“Elder Li, is it possible that you want to betray Martial Palace?” Some Martial Palace Elders have a face that can’t believe it. They can’t believe that Li Sheng just said this Kind of words to come.

Li Sheng didn’t speak, just walked out silently.

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