Teng Qing and the Head President of the Great Liang Nation Refiner Master Association are the same sect senior and junior brothers. The relationship is good. After Teng Qing entered the 3-Star level other refiner master, the two The exchanges between them are even more varied, because other Refiner Masters at 3-Star level can be counted on one’s fingers in Great Liang Nation, and what’s more, this person is still his own same sect. Good relationship.

As for why Teng Qing came here, it was actually entrusted by Huo Tianci, because Huo Tianci came to see him before, and he was not Huo Tianci. I thought that Huo Tianci’s brother would be in I have played Jiajia, so I turned Huo Tianci away.

But now, this stuff is ignorant, because Teng Qing told him that he can succeed the three-star refining master, in fact, it has a close relationship with Huo Tianci.

In the final words, Teng Qing also presented a piece of cold iron stone as a meeting gift.

“This is Xiaoyou Huo. Last time I was going to give your senior brother Yu a small gift, but the last time I visited, Senior Brother was busy with business, so I didn’t see it. After all, you, Senior Brother, can manage This huge Refiner Master guild, so this time, he asked Junior Brother to bring me here by the way. Fortunately, Senior Brother is not busy today. Otherwise, this gift will probably not be sent out again.”

As soon as Teng Qing said this, I saw bursts of embarrassment on the face of the Refiner Master Head President, because last time, he was not busy with business, but simply looked down on Huo Tianci Brother will, now that this gift is released, he is instantly dumbfounded.

Because of this cold iron stone, but the material used to make Spirit Rank weapons, this is a lot of Refiner Master, yearn for something even in dreams, and now Huo Tianci will send a piece directly without saying anything. This really makes this Head President blushed with shame incomparable.

After all, he used to save Huo Tianci’s gentleman’s belly with the heart of a villain. However, Huo Tianci is still a gentleman. When thinking about this, the Head President seems to blame himself. Shook the head.

Finally, under the presence of Teng Qing, the Refiner Master guild in Great Liang Nation directly reached a PY deal with Huo Tianci’s brother.

As for the Talisman Array Master Guild, Huo Tianci does not need to take care of it at all, because his Talisman Array Master attainments, so to speak, he is ranked second in the Great Liang Nation, and no one dares to be the first. One.

What’s more, Huo Tianci still has two Mysterious Grade talisman in hand, and the rune, which doesn’t exist in this World, with these two hands, Huo Tianci just wants to say , What do I want you to do with the Array Master Guild!

However, in the end, the Array Master guild took the initiative to find the door and said to cooperate with Huo Tianci, because Martial Palace has no money to buy his talisman, except for credit, but Fools can see that this must be a bottomless pit, it’s okay to get the money back when the time comes, but what if you don’t?

Isn’t that the lack of wealth and wealth? Because of this, the Array Master Guild directly cancelled the cooperation with Martial Palace.

The cancellation of the transaction also means that the goods of the Array Master guild have been squeezed and there is no place to sell it. After that, the Array Master guild will also find some forces, but it is a pity that these The power, the appetite is not that big, to put it bluntly, it is impossible to eat the Array Master Guild, all the goods.

Finally, because of this, the Array Master Guild had no choice but to condescend and go to Huo Tianci’s Brother Association to discuss.

Although it was a bit unpleasant, Huo Tianci finally opened the door to welcome. After all, it is one of the three major professional guilds. If this is made incompatible as fire and water, it is not good. The most important thing is , Huo Tianci wants this Array Master Guild to completely sever ties with Martial Palace.

Otherwise, with the help of the Array Master guild, Martial Palace will definitely take a few more breaths, but now, Huo Tianci didn’t want to breathe for him, just wanted him. Life!

“It’s over, it’s all over, how about Lin Yue Elder? Have you contacted yet?” Han Ye was at a loss at this time, because the three major professional guilds have completely broken off relations with Martial Palace. , The most important thing is that he still can’t contact Lin Yue now, which makes him extremely frustrated.

“Elder Han, I contacted Master Lin Yue!” There was a Martial Palace Elder who used special Formation to remotely contact Lin Yue.

This made the people almost desperate, it was as if they had caught a life-saving straw, but unfortunately, this life-saving straw had not completely appeared, it had been completely cut off, because Lin Yue only He said: “The Martial Palace of the Great Liang Nation will be officially disbanded from today!”

Finally, Qiu Bin appeared and took over the fragmented Martial Palace.

half a month, let Tianhe Chamber of Commerce go bankrupt, and completely collapsed Martial Palace within a month. Seriously, this is simply the fantasy story, because these two forces are deeply rooted. In the Great Liang Nation, it is a thousand years old.

But what I didn’t expect was that Huo Tianci, a 16-year-old boy, would be destroyed within a month, and it was still completely destroyed.

That’s it, Tianhe Chamber of Commerce disappeared and replaced by Huo Tianci’s Taobao Chamber of Commerce.

Martial Palace is disbanded and replaced by Huo Tianci’s Brother Association.

“ding” system hint: Congratulations to the host for completing the task of destroying the demonic path in the Great Liang Nation and obtaining a reward for the task, a platinum lottery coin.

“hu~, it’s finally over!” A month later, Brother will be fully formed. If the model is almost the Martial Palace, there is Martial Arena, and of course there is also a mission hall, apart from this, There are also new things appearing, such as casinos.

Yes, Huo Tianci started to sell, Mahjong and playing cards.

Mahjong is very easy to make. It can be carved with wood, while playing cards are more difficult to copy. Fortunately, people who follow the Array Master union have a solution. The last one is similar to paper. The hard talisman paper appeared.

Except for the yellow color, the other texture and thickness are almost the same as playing cards on the earth.

Finally, because this casino is backed by the Brother Club, the business is extremely hot, because gambling in it is very safe, not to mention, the various services are also thoughtful, and most importantly, the mother never needs to I’m worried that I won and I was beaten.

“Now, come and have a look at lottery.” There is only half a month left before the Hundred Courts Tournament begins. In terms of realm, Huo Tianci can no longer improve, because his realm is already Arrived at the 9th layer of the profound master realm Peak, how to break through to the great profound master realm.

It’s very simple, just complete the breakthrough task, but this breakthrough task is very embarrassing. Huo Tianci was asked to win the first place in the Hundred Courts Tournament.

So the method of raising the high realm to improve the strength will definitely not work, so I can only use lottery to make Huo Tianci’s strength stronger.

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