Huo Tianci is afraid that he will teach Master Tan directly, and Master Tan will not accept it, so he came up with this method. By the way, he can just learn the technique of arranging Formation, but the so-called is two birds with one stone. Come on.

“Teach…Teach, teach me?” As soon as these words came out, Master Tan was instantly confused, because Huo Tianci directly taught him such a precious instrument without a second word. This makes him so-called, flattered.

But Master Tan is not a fool, after all, he has lived for more than a thousand years.

“What does the little friend want the old man to do?” Master Tan asked, because there is absolutely no free lunch under the sun.

Huo Tianci still bluntly said: “I just want to help master you, step into the ranks of the five-star Array Master that’s all, or you can say so, I want master you to squeeze out that Xia Wencheng Position.”

“Brother Huo, you and Master Xia, also…, no, do you have any grudges?” Kong Hao almost missed it.

Of course, it was too late, and finally Konghao scratched his head, somewhat embarrassed.

And Huo Tianci is more straightforward: “I want to avenge a senior, and this Senior, I must have heard of him, he was 2000 years ago, left the Qinghongzong talisman formation master-Zhuo Xing.”

“Zhuo Xing?” Konghao still scratched his head, because of this name, he was not familiar with it. As for the four masters of Tan master, the same was true because when Zhuo Xing left Maybe these people are not born yet.

But Master Tan is different, because he had personally seen how Zhuo Xing was forced away back then.

The Sect Master of the Qinghong Sect at that time, I won’t say much. So did Xuchang, because these two people had already died during meditation, and the deceased was the big one, so Master Tan turned it over. , But that Xia Wencheng is really hateful. Not to mention the defected Master, he also stole the talisman that Zhuo Xing had developed at the time.

Although Master Tan was not Zhuo Xing’s discipline back then, he still received some advice from Zhuo Xing during the period. Therefore, in the heart of Master Tan, Zhuo Xing is almost half of his Master. .

Now this fuse is lit by Huo Tianci. To be honest, Master Tan is a little angry.

Because of that Xia Wencheng, it is simply not a thing.

“In fact, Zhuo Xing Senior, not at all completely dead.” At this moment, Huo Tianci suddenly said this sentence, because Zhuo Xing’s fleshy body has disappeared, but his Spirit Soul was hidden in the black river tower of Black River Fort by his special method.

Master Tan became excited when he heard this.

“Zhuo Senior, where is he now?” Master Tan asked a little excitedly.

“In a small town, it’s just Spirit Soul.” Huo Tianci then said: “If I have the opportunity, I can take you to see it, but now, I’ll report it first. Let’s talk about Qiu again.”

Because if they don’t take revenge, what kind of face they have, and then go back to see Zhuo Xing.

Tan master nodded, because Huo Tianci said it very true.

As for how to take revenge, it’s actually very simple, as long as Master Tan has the Array Master level and breakthrough to five stars.

By then, Huo Tianci estimated that without his own hands, the current Qinghong Sect Sect Master Qingfeng Taoist would let that Xia Wencheng get out, or maybe even kill Xia Wencheng directly.

And how the master Tan breaks through to the five-star Array Master level is actually very simple. It is enough to understand Huo Tianci’s intermediate magic resistance rune. If it is not enough, Huo Tianci has Advanced?

It is precisely because of this that Huo Tianci has stayed with the Tan master in the past few days. As for Konghao, he went to the breakthrough.

On the third day, Master Tan finally figured it out a bit, drawing the middle-level magic resistance rune technique.

“If you don’t know anything, Mr. Tan can come to me at any time. I should all stay in this Azure Hongzong resident for a few days.” Huo Tianci said politely.

Tan master nodded, and then sent Huo Tianci out of this symbolic array room, and after a few more polite words, the two separated.

Following words, Huo Tianci returned to his room, then he opened the Heaven and Earth Bag and took out the sheepskin scroll with the method of making spiritual liquid.

Back to spiritual medicine water, Earth Grade spiritual liquid!

When these words came into Huo Tianci’s eyes, Huo Tianci already knew that he had picked up the treasure.

After that, Huo Tianci continued to look down.

“You can instantly restore the powerhouse above the mysterious Spirit Realm, the Spiritual Qi consumed by itself, the higher the level of the spiritual liquid, the more recovery, and there is no limitation on the use time.”

“What! There is no limit to the time of use!”

The last sentence, but the so-called completely surprised Huo Tianci, because as everyone knows, restore the Spiritual Qi medicine pill, all There are restrictions on the use time. For example, Spiritual Qi pills, Spiritual Qi pills can only be taken once every one and a half hours.

As for the Spiritual Qi Dan, it will take an hour before it can be used again, but this time for spiritual medicine water, there is no such restriction. In other words, the water for spiritual medicine can be reused and added. Use it, one bottle will restore half of Spiritual Qi, won’t the two bottles be full.

“I rely on, I have made a fortune!”

For a while, Huo Tianci couldn’t help jumping up with excitement, because the emergence of spiritual medicine water this time is enough Breaking the market where Spiritual Qi medicine pill is now restored, and even more, can produce absolute monopoly.

Because of this spiritual medicine water, who would use the Spiritual Qi pill that can be taken only one hour, and even the Spiritual Qi pill that can be taken only one and a half hours.

As for how to make it, there is a detailed process on the sheepskin scroll, and the refining materials are all written on it.

But there is a bit of material in it. Huo Tianci is the first time I have seen it. After all, this time spiritual medicine water, but the medicine is only available to martial artists above the mysterious Spirit Realm, and for him, now only big In the Profound Master Realm, there are some spiritual medicines that have not been seen before, which is normal.

As for the others, they are very common to refine Spiritual Qi pills and spiritual grass spiritual medicine to refine Spiritual Qi Dan.

Because Konghao retreats, Huo Tianci found Juan, because he wanted to see if Juan could get this kind of medicine ingredients.

“Ziluocao requires more than three leaves. This is a bit difficult.” Juan said embarrassedly.

Because Luo Cao itself is a famous cultivation medicine. As for why it is called a famous cultivation medicine, it is because Luo Cao can speed up the transformation. The spiritual Qi of martial artist within the body will finally be faster Use martial artist to cultivation on the realm.

Raw grass is generally green. As for how to become purple, that is, ziluo grass, it takes 500 years to grow, and it takes 300 years for Luo grass to grow from germination to full growth. In other words, it takes 800 years to complete the formation of a purple Luo grass.

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