In other words, the cost of Huo Tianci’s refining is almost equal to the cost price of the materials, which is an extremely exaggerated matter.

This is like on the earth, a ton of steel only costs 3,000, but if you turn this steel into a car, it can be worth 30,000. If it’s a luxury car, it’s 300,000, a sports car. , That is 3,000,000, now there is no use limit for Grade 1 spiritual medicine water. Obviously, it is the sports car, and its value will definitely be sky-high.

“Huo Brother, how many clover purple grass do you want, then I will definitely find it for you.” Wei Liangji was so excited, because this spirit liquid has no restrictions on its use. Having a few bottles, wouldn’t it be possible to use his sacred beast Chimuhu’s lore trick without restriction in the following battle?

Wei Liangji became even more excited when he thought about this.

If Xuanling before, compared to the formidable power of mystery skills, then after Xuanling, it compares with Spiritual Qi, because the magic weapon Spirit Art is certainly powerful, although it can destroy heaven extinguishing earth, but not enough It’s just like a car. Without fuel, even if it’s a top luxury car, you can only watch it, but you can’t use it.

So good supplies, that is, medicine pill, is also the most important thing.

“the more the better, yes, I still have a few bottles of Grade 1 spiritual medicine water in my room, or I will bring it to you, you can sell it for me, of course, priority is given to redeem If there is no three-leaf purple grass, you can let them use the kill points to bid at a high price.” Huo Tianci said.

Of course, Huo Tianci doesn’t have Grade 1 spiritual medicine water anymore. As for why he said there is in the room, it’s because he has 37 three leaves in his hand. Zi Luo Cao, when the time comes, just give Huo Tianci five minutes, then these three-leaf Zi Luo Cao will turn into Grade 1 spiritual medicine water.

“Well, good, I will definitely help Huo Brother sell you a big price.” Wei Liangji was very excited.

In the end, only twenty bottles of Grade 1 spiritual medicine water came into the hands of Wei Liangji.

“Senior Brother Wei, you are now, but the person I trust most.” Huo Tianci said like this while handing the potion.

Of course, Wei Liangji heard what Huo Tianci said. After all, this is tens of thousands, so he even went to the huge thousand, middle grade Spirit Stone business.

Huo Tianci was a little worried that he would make things tricky secretly, and even just ran away. Actually, it is normal. To be honest, if this is replaced by Wei Liangji himself, he is also worried. After all, this is his own hard work. Something made by hard work.

Of course, Wei Liangji is not such a person, because Wei Liangji knows that Huo Tianci is the biggest treasure, after all, this potion is in the hands of Huo Tianci.

It’s like a money printing machine, just like a large sum of money. Huo Tianci is now the money printing machine, and these Grade 1 spiritual medicine water is the large sum of money.

Who will Wei Liangji choose in the end?

Furthermore, Huo Tianci still treats him well.

“Huo Brother, please relax, I am Wei Liangji, but I have a way of life.” Wei Liangji also did not swear and so on, because sometimes, it is exactly the same as that fart, just Go talk big, after all, it is the real thing.

Huo Tianci nodded, and then continued: “If the refining is on track, I will definitely give Senior Brother Wei a greater benefit, but now, everything is just the beginning, the potion is not too More.”

“I’m not in a hurry for this, then I will be here first, thanks to Brother Huo for his kindness.” Wei Liangji was not happy because Huo Tianci even made a promise with him, saying that in the future We still need to give him benefits, which surprised Wei Liangji. After all, he just received a bottle of Grade 1 spiritual medicine water, and he was already very satisfied.

After all, this thing can be used indefinitely. When the time comes fights with people, the Spiritual Qi is exhausted. If you take this out and take it, it will save your life, maybe , Can also kill the enemy.

Finally, with a face full of excitement, Wei Liangji left Huo Tianci and continued to sell the spiritual medicine water.

Huo Tianci closed the door and continued to refine the spiritual medicine back to the water, until the medicinal herb was refined again, and Huo Tianci stopped.

“Sleep well.” In the past few days, Huo Tianci didn’t rest much. After putting the Eight Trigrams Furnace away, Huo Tianci fell on the bed, ready to squint and rest for a while. .

I don’t know how long it took, his Heaven and Earth Bag suddenly appeared a group of golden light.

Huo Tianci seemed to feel it, and immediately woke up suddenly.

After searching for it, it turned out to be the token that Taoist Golden Sun gave him before.

“Is it possible that it is a golden sun Senior, I saw Heavenly Fire daoist?” Huo Tianci thought like this: “Whether it is or not, I will know if I go.” I thought, Huo Tianci stuck out his finger, tapped the tip of the token, and immediately saw the golden light emanating from the token, getting brighter and denser, until Huo Tianci was completely wrapped.

In the end, I saw Huo Tianci and disappeared into this room out of thin air.

Afterwards, the painting style changed, and Huo Tianci appeared in a hall.

At this time, there are two old man men in this hall. One of them is the golden sun Taoist Huo Tianci knows. As for the other one, Huo Tianci didn’t have to think about it and guessed it, it must be that Heavenly Fire daoist is correct.

“Junior Huo Tianci, I have seen golden sun Senior, Heavenly Fire Senior.” After a little look, Huo Tianci immediately cup one fist in the other hand and said.

Heavenly Fire daoist At this time, it was Huo Tianci who moved towards with his back. When he turned around and showed his face, Huo Tianci’s mind suddenly popped out the word “like” .

“Is it possible that this Heavenly Fire daoist is really Zi Yun Old Ancestor?” Huo Tianci suddenly felt that this probability is so great.

“This little friend, as you said, it is very strange.” Heavenly Fire daoist was also looking at Huo Tianci at this time. When he found that Huo Tianci really didn’t have a dantian, he The complexion was somewhat surprised.

Afterwards, I saw Golden Sun Taoist saying: “It’s not strange, let’s put it aside, but Huo Xiaoyou’s strength is absolutely beyond doubt, and his high-level person turns into fire. It is also true. If he enters you Heavenly Fire Sect, and then cultivation Heavenly Fire seven kills, I think, the Profound Sect realm, he is absolutely breakable, even if there is no dantian.”

The Taoist Golden Sun advises Huo Tianci again, because the Taoist Golden Sun thinks that Huo Tianci is an unpolished gem.

But Heavenly Fire daoist said: “There is no dantian, the restrictions are too big, and what’s more, whether he can break through to the mysterious Spirit Realm world, then there are two more to say.”

” Without the profound spirit, this little friend Huo didn’t kill the profound king in the same way.”

“That’s just an outside rumor, true or false. This has yet to be investigated, but since you let him come, then I Just see how he can handle it.” Heavenly Fire daoist doesn’t seem to want to quarrel with the golden sun daoist anymore, after all, what he says is nothing but seeing is believing.


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