“It is precisely because of this that I promised the old North Sea monster to help his grandson and win the Fire Spirit, because if you want to break through half the case and reach the real Profound Sect state, you must To have the help of Yi Yun Pill, what’s more, my life essence is close, and I can only rely on Yi Yun Pill to try it, but now, I am going to give up doing this. After all, Yue Ziyun is my descendant, and this disaster is also Starting from me, of course, there must be a prerequisite, that is, your words must be correct.” Yue Heavenly Fire is going to see Yue Ziyun, because he wants to prove that what Huo Tianci said is all true.

Huo Tianci also understood some of the issues when he heard this. It turned out that Heavenly Fire wanted to win the Fire Spirit in order to beg for help in pill concocting. If by the way, help his Heavenly Fire. Sect, into the real six-star Sect.

“If this is the case, how do you declare that Heavenly Fire Senior is going to help your own discipline to compete for the Fire Spirit?” Huo Tianci is strange.

Yue Heavenly Fire also replied: “Because otherwise, not only Heavenly Fire Sect, but also some other sects will definitely have opinions. After all, this Fire Spirit belongs to our seven-star chain mountain range. , And does not belong to the Beihai, so I declare to the public that the grandson of the Beihai boss is my discipline. In this way, it is justified and will not be criticized.”

What Yue Heavenly Fire did was actually helpless. After all, his life essence is less than ten years. Ten years is a very long time for the general martial artist, but for Yue Heavenly Fire. Waiting for the powerhouse of Ban Zongjing, it is almost a flash of a finger, and the short-term cannot be short-lived, so Yue Heavenly Fire, then “use the official authority for private interests”, of course, he also did it for Heavenly Fire Sect A little contribution.

Because the North Sea monster once served as the pill concocting guest official in a Rank Five Sect. If there is a Rank Five Sect at the end, if someone is sent as the Heavenly Fire Sect platform, then the Heavenly Fire Sect will follow Rank Six Sect, it has become a real Rank Six Sect, that is definitely a matter of ironclad.

This is also one of the conditions that Yue Heavenly Fire promised to help the North Sea monster.

Huo Tianci also fully understood everything when he heard this.

“It turned out to be like this.” This also made Huo Tianci couldn’t help but sigh, the true feelings of Yue Heavenly Fire, because he was in himself and his offspring, that is, Yue Ziyun, without the slightest hesitation choice. By.

As for why Yue Heavenly Fire did this, it is because this is a knot of his heart. If the knot is not removed, Heart Demon will surely appear. Then even if Yi Yun Pill finally cultivated , Then he can’t break through this half state.

Instead of this, it is better to save Zi Yun, after all, this is his descendant.

“In this case, Heavenly Fire Senior, then let’s go now, and I will take you to see Zi Yun.” With that, Huo Tianci took out three return to city charms.

Seeing Huo Tianci take out the talisman, Yue Heavenly Fire and the golden sun Taoist, what can I do because of the little talisman?

For this, Huo Tianci also explained in a low-key manner: “My talisman, although it seems simple, but when activated, it can move thousands of miles in an instant.”

After listening to this explanation, Yue Heavenly Fire and the golden sun Taoist were stunned for an instant, and then a ridiculous expression appeared on their faces, because how could this be possible, if so. God’s words, then Huo Tianci’s Array Master level must have at least six stars.

“Is it right? You will know if you have used it.” After speaking, two return to the city charms were handed over to the two seniors by Huo Tianci.

After Huo Tianci talked about incantion, Yue Heavenly Fire and the golden sun Taoists followed. Finally, at a zero point, there was only a whistling sound. All three of them disappeared in the original. Ground.

“This is Great Liang Nation, the Academy in Fuzhou City.” After seeing things again, Huo Tianci and the two appeared in another place, and then Huo Tianci, facing Yue Heavenly Fire Explain to Golden Sun Taoist.

“Great Liang Nation?” Obviously, Yue Heavenly Fire and Golden Sun Taoist, not at all, have been to this place, too, after all, it is just a small country, but in this small country, there are Bit, the most powerhouse in this World, one of the nine sons of True Dragon-Laughing Wind!

I have to say, everything can’t just look at the surface, it’s like Huo Tianci, isn’t it just a great profound master, but this great profound master can actually kill the profound king , And even then, refining some strange treasures that can’t be more strange.

For example, this time the city symbol.

At this time, the faces of the Taoists Yue Heavenly Fire and Golden Sun are full of surprises, because Huo Tianci’s city talisman is so powerful that it can actually do ten thousand in an instant. li.

At this time, on the other side, in the courtyard of Luoqiu Mountain.

Perceiving two extremely powerful auras, after suddenly arriving at Fuzhou Academy, Luoqiushan was terrified, and then he quickly followed these two powerful auras and hurried towards mountainside.

“God gift!” Finally, Luoqiushan found that Huo Tianci was back, apart from this, and two old men with white hair.

“It turned out to be two profound kings! No, one of them seems to be the same half. This…this…this, what is going on?” Luoqiushan was almost shocked. By comparison, because of such a powerhouse, the existence of destroying heaven and extinguishing earth is for him now.

Now that the powerhouse arrives suddenly, Luoqiushan is so-called not ready at all, it is almost scared to death.

“Don’t be afraid of you, I’m just here to take a look at my younger generations. If you don’t say so, I also want to thank you.” When Yue Heavenly Fire first saw Zi Yun, for some reason, he Suddenly, Yue Heavenly Fire’s heart beats suddenly. This should be that. The so-called blood is thicker than water. Now that he sees his younger generation like this, Yue Heavenly Fire feels extremely uncomfortable.

“Zi Yun, is your junior! What are you?” When Yue Heavenly Fire’s words came out, Luoqiushan was completely confused, because the background was a bit big.

Yue Heavenly Fire did not answer, because he has no intention of answering now, but Huo Tianci pulled Luoqiu Mountain aside, and elaborated on the matters in it. Of course, the true identity of Yue Heavenly Fire was that year. The matter of Da Yueren, Huo Tianci not at all said, just said Yue Heavenly Fire, which is the super powerhouse of Heavenly Fire Sect, plus, Vice Sect Master.

“Heaven…Heaven…Heaven! Heavenly Fire Sect’s Vice Sect Master!” Luo Qiushan was frightened, and even started to stammer, and in the end he almost didn’t continue to breathe. Because the background is too big.

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