As soon as these words of the Taoist golden sun came out, I saw the other people around, and they became a little lonely, because they all had seen Yue Heavenly Fire’s injuries, and they also thought about some cures, but it’s a pity , All useless.

In the end, everyone thought that for such major injuries, it is estimated that only the Heavenly Grade healing sacred medicine, the vitality bone pill, can be treated.

However, what is more frustrating is not to say that Heavenly Grade medicine pill, even if it is Earth Grade ten-grade medicine pill, there are very few in the seven-star chain mountain range.

“The ribs on the chest are broken!” On the other hand, Huo Tianci who heard this, eyes immediately flashed, and then he saw him slightly smiled and said: “I have a way to cure it!”

“It can be cured! Is it possible that little friend, you have that vitality bone pill!” Taoist Golden Sun hurriedly asked, because seeing his good brother was seriously injured in bed, his heart is actually very It’s uncomfortable, but now that it can be cured, he is going crazy with excitement.

Huo Tianci waved his hand: “I don’t have the vitality bone pill, but I do have divine medicine that can heal broken muscles and bones!”

The refining of black jade intermittent ointment Huo Tianci just has the materials for making it. After that, Huo Tianci needs to refine it due to the breakthrough task at a small stage, so Huo Tianci also refines some.

After that, Huo Tianci picked up a finger and a wooden box was taken from the space ring on his finger and held in his hand for an instant.

In the end, only a corner of the wooden box was opened slightly, and a strong medicinal fragrance instantly filled the room.

“What a strong medicinal fragrance!”

The medicinal fragrance is extremely pungent, and the strength of the medicinal fragrance can be felt by everyone just by smelling it with the nose. .

When the wooden box in Huo Tianci’s hands is completely opened by him.

The pungent scent of the medicine felt suffocated. In the end, only the black and bright ointment appeared in front of everyone.

“This medicine ointment, called Heiyu Intermittent Ointment, can be called the gospel for bone trauma patients. As long as the person is alive, even if the bones are crushed, it can be cured. Then, it will be accompanied by a four-flower jade lotion Dan, I believe that Heavenly Fire Senior will be able to recover as before.”

Speaking, another one appeared in Huo Tianci’s right hand, with four Dao Pill patterns like a flower medicine pill.

When everyone heard it was Sihua Yuludan, the look of shock on his face was doubled.

Of course, they are even more surprised, that divine medicine can heal broken bones.

“Huo Xiaoyou, my discipline, my arm was broken by a demonic path martial artist, can this be recovered?” The Sect Master of Shenjiamen hurriedly asked Huo Tianci like this.

Because if possible, his discipline can be restored to the original state and become a normal person directly. By then, he can even return to Martial Dao Road and continue to pursue the martial artist avenue of Supreme cultivation.

Huo Tianci nodded, and said the four words “Of course you can”, not to say that, he waved his hand and placed fifty black jade intermittent anointing directly on the crowd. In front of him.

“Because of the limited materials, I only made more than 50 copies, and this is the medicine ingredients that I need to make black jade intermittent ointment. I hope that Golden Sun Senior can collect it for me. Now, if I can produce this black jade intermittent ointment by then, then we will be a decent martial artist, and we will be able to completely avoid the pain of broken muscles and bones.”

At the last moment, Huo Tianci also handed a piece of paper to the hands of the Taoist Golden Sun, on which it was written the names of various materials needed to refine the black jade intermittent ointment.

“The old man will let people prepare now.” After taking a look, the Taoist Golden Sun immediately called a discipline to prepare the medicinal herb on the note, because the Taoist Golden Sun knew it well , What does this black jade intermittent ointment mean?

That can be completely cured, some of the injuries of Martial Dao disciple with bone injuries.

“As for the Four-Flower Jade Ludan, I have two more. Let’s take it to the more injured Senior.” Huo Tianci took out the other two Four-Flower Jade Ludan and said like this.

Everyone was nodded, and then took the Yuludan given by Huo Tianci, and went to heal immediately.

“Qing Senior Feng, then you go and gather the people who will reinforce the Qinghongzong.” Huo Tianci said to Qingfeng Taoist like this again.

Qingfeng Taoist nodded, and immediately holding a reinforcement token given by the Golden Sun Taoist, went to gather some half-emperor experts.

And Huo Tianci took advantage of this time and immediately followed the Golden Sun Taoist to come to the seriously injured Yue Heavenly Fire.

Yue Changfeng and Zi Yun are both here at this time, because the current situation of Yue Heavenly Fire is extremely not optimistic. Just now, he coughed up a mouthful of blood. This is A condition that only occurs after a severe internal injury.

It is precisely because of this that Yue Changfeng and Zi Yun have been stunned, because they are really afraid that Yue Heavenly Fire will leave them in the blink of an eye.

“Xiao Yun, Heavenly Fire Senior, how is he now?” Huo Tianci asked immediately as soon as he entered the door.

Seeing Huo Tianci’s arrival, the two people who had been unsettled before, didn’t know why, and immediately felt relieved a lot. After that, Zi Yun talked about Yue Heavenly Fire’s vomiting blood just now.

Huo Tianci nodded, and immediately put a four-flower jade Ludan into the mouth of Yue Heavenly Fire.

Then he took out clean water and immediately washed his hands, then lifted off Yue Heavenly Fire’s shirt, and applied some black jade intermittent ointment to Yue Heavenly Fire’s severely injured chest.

As soon as the black jade intermittent ointment was applied, Yue Heavenly Fire frowned and immediately relieved a lot. Not to mention, some very comfortable murmurs, but also from the old In the man’s mouth, pouring out slowly.

It was like a long drought and rain, and finally drank a sip of water, which completely saved him.

“Internal and external treatment, two-pronged approach, this time, Heavenly Fire Senior should be fine. By the way, I also have a three-flower jade dew pill here. After Heavenly Fire Senior wakes up, you will ask again. He still needs to take it.”

To be on the safe side, Huo Tianci gave Zi Yun another three-flower jade dew pill as a spare. As for the black jade intermittent ointment, the same is true.

“Then why are you going now?” Seeing that Huo Tianci was about to leave, Zi Yun immediately got up and asked.

“Go to support Qinghongzong, do you want to come?” Huo Tianci turned to look at Yue Changfeng who was aside.

Yue Changfeng clenched his fists, and fiercely nodded said: “Of course!”

“Xiao Yun, you can take care of Old Ancestor.” Yue Changfeng patted himself younger The sister’s little head, then said to her like this.

Zi Yun is nodded, because she knows that she will be a burden if she goes, so if she doesn’t go, that’s best.

On the other side, Qingfeng Daoists have assembled a team (ten people) of half-emperor powerhouse, apart from this, and mysterious king realm martial artists around the thirty-forty people.

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