Not enough?

Then continue with 100 million!

It was ten drops again, and suddenly, the natural phenomenon finally came. I saw that the Yan Yang Fruit vine, which was cut in two pieces, grew again under the naked eye of Huo Tianci. New branches and vines came out, and finally the new branches and vines intertwined, forming a shape similar to an arch.

After that, some red flowers the size of fingertips slowly bloomed at the end of the vines.

When the florets were in full bloom, a red fruit slowly penetrated from the flowers.

This is Yan Yang Fruit!

Seeing this, Huo Tianci is very excited.

When I got here, Huo Tianci no longer gave “severe materials”. It was just a symbolic one. It was just a drop of magical green liquid on each side, because the 30 drops in front were Yan Yang Fruit. If it is not completely absorbed, Huo Tianci estimates that Yan Yang Fruit will be poured to death by him.

As for why Huo Tianci had just made a lot of information, it was like rescuing a critically ill patient, and only a large dose of medicine could save people.

After the rescue, there is no need to do this, because next, let it be adjusted slowly, otherwise, if the medicinal power is too strong, it will be counterproductive, and it will help.

By then, if the Yan Yang Fruit vine has recovered as before, Huo Tianci will not have to worry about these things, but now, it is necessary to pay attention to it.

Just three days later, Yan Yang Fruit’s fruit vines were all wrapped around the walls all around.

During this period, Huo Tianci has carefully observed that during these three days, the magical green liquid in the Heaven Wielding Bottle has produced three drops, which is one drop per day.

It’s like a resurrection coin in DNF, giving you one a day.

The last three drops of magical green liquid were all poured on the rhizome of Yan Yang Fruit vine by Huo Tianci.

In the next second, all Yan Yang Fruit vines trembled, as if they were saying to Huo Tianci, I want more.

But Huo Tianci directly cracked the crack and cut off most of the Yan Yang Fruit vine.

Because the more fruit vines, the lower the effect of the magic green liquid, because it is spread out.

It’s like a big watermelon, eaten by one person, just like ten people eat, one person must eat more, on the contrary, ten people must eat less.

The same goes for this fruit vine.

As for the usefulness of the cut fruit vines, Huo Tianci continued to plant it in the ground and used the magical green liquor to revive and grow, while the other part, Huo Tianci prepared to refine it. Spirit Treasure.

Use fruit vines to refine Spirit Treasure?

Are you sure you are joking?

Huo Tianci will tell you exactly, this is not a joke, of course, only using Yan Yang Fruit vine, it can’t be refined, and it needs sand mud, Tianyuan crystal, and top grade chalcedony stone. Just work.

Among them, the golden sand mud can make the Spirit Treasure have the ability to become bigger and smaller, and then the Tianyuan crystal will be mixed into the refining materials to make the refining treasures with stronger toughness In the end, the top grade chalcedony stone is used as a psychic Spirit Treasure, allowing martial artists to use Spiritual Qi to control the baby.

These three materials are indispensable. As for the others, the refiner can freely consider, such as the flame net that Huo Tianci wants to refine.

Huo Tianci directly uses Fire Attribute vines as the main source of fire, and the vines make a net magic weapon, but the so-called like a fish back in water is precisely because of this, Huo Tianci wanted to use these Yan Yang Fruit vines to refine a flame net.

If Huo Tianci wants to have the ability to no stronghold one cannot overcome, then Huo Tianci can mix in some advanced refining materials with gold attribute in the refining process to make it more rigid .

Anyway, as long as you want to, then you can refine it. As for the final success or not, it will only be known after you have practiced.

Of course, compared to others, Huo Tianci’s refining advantage is huge, because he has Eight Trigrams Furnace in his hands. It is precisely because of this that Huo Tianci can be so self-willed. To create, and refine a new Spirit Treasure out, as for others, it is not to blow, certainly very few people dare to do it.

After all, as long as the refining fails, the Spirit Stone of Hua Hua is gone.

But for Huo Tianci, this local tyrant, this is simply not a problem, because he is now only the Spirit Stone poor.

Boom…swing! ! !

Just when Huo Tianci was about to go out to find the materials for refining the flame net, I saw the small courtyard room suddenly heard a sound of breakthrough.

This small courtyard is Huo Tianci’s temporary foothold in flame city. Apart from him, Zi Yun also lives in it, but after returning, Zi Yun retreats, saying breakthrough to mysterious king realm.

As a result, didn’t expect. After three days, the breakthrough was successful. I have to say that the help of the lava Buddha fire to Zi Yun is too great.

In the end, the door was slightly pushed open, and a lovely man wearing lithe and graceful walked out slowly.

After seeing a place of vine fruit in the courtyard, Ke Ren’er’s beautiful cheeks unexpectedly showed a slight surprise, because Huo Tianci even started to grow flowers after a few days. By the way, it can be said to be extremely cozy.

But after taking a closer look, the trace of surprise on Ke Ren’er’s face turned into a complete shock in an instant.

Because these flowers and grass are all the Yan Yang Fruit vines.

And above it, Yan Yang Fruit is countless.

“This is all…you planted it?” Zi Yun asked in surprise.

Huo Tianci nodded: “It’s okay to fool around. Is it boring anyway.”

“But now, it’s not boring anymore.” He said, with a smirk. Huo Tianci stepped forward and hugged Zi Yun’s waistline.

I guess she was a bit shy, Zi Yun still used her small fist, and fought Huo Tianci a few times, but after that, it was natural.

Just so I don’t know how long I’ve been intimacy, Zi Yun blushed and said this to Huo Tianci: “Husband, wait…wait, wait for the evening…, um~.”

Girl is shy, Huo Tianci still understands, yes, it’s still daytime, so Huo Tianci slowly throws away her hand, and then slowly nodded.

On the other hand, Zi Yun’s face is red, and he is about to bleed.

As for Huo Tianci, he suddenly thought of the birthday gift that system gave him—ten boxes of Durex.

But we really don’t need this thing.

On the last night of spring breeze, Zi Yun has changed from a girl to a charming woman, and Huo Tianci has matured a lot.

This is probably the man, the gap between and the boy has become more responsible.

“ding” system hint: Congratulations to the host for successfully breaking the position and getting a reward for breaking the position-a special lottery coin.

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