“By the way, Heavenly Fire Senior, when will the national competition begin?” Huo Tianci asked.

“Three days later.” With that, Yue Heavenly Fire also delivered a Heaven and Earth Bag to Huo Tianci.

This Heaven and Earth Bag is filled with refining materials for refining Yi Yun Pill, Spirit Stabilizing Pill and Yellow Dragon Pills.

“Okay, then Senior, you can come to get the pill tomorrow. As for the matters in the clan, Senior, you can handle it at your discretion.” Huo Tianci directly started the arm-flinging shopkeeper, in fact, even he If he wants to deal with it, he has more than enough energy. After all, he doesn’t understand anything. What’s more, Big Dipper Sect is formed by the amalgamation of ten sects. The streaks here are really complicated.

So it is safest and the most appropriate to be handled by Yue Heavenly Fire.

Just another day passed. The next morning, after giving the medicine pill to Yue Heavenly Fire, Huo Tianci returned to Great Liang Nation, Baili Town with Zi Yun. Up.

At this time, a Martial Dao Academy is being built in Baili Town.

Finally, when the townspeople inquired that this was a place for them to learn cultivation, they were very excited, because in places like Academy, only the city of Fuzhou exists, and the city of Fuzhou is Where, it’s a city!

The residents of Baili Town, to be honest, some of them have never been to Fuzhou City in their entire lives.

Now that this precious place, that is, Martial Dao Academy, appears here, they are almost crazy with excitement.

Many adults among them, all with children, have already signed up.

“This Little Brother, you should come from the imperial city, so how much money do you need to enter the Academy?” Some townspeople, holding children in their hands, looked like a dragon , Asked the discipline of Big Dipper Sect.

The discipline scratched his head and laughed, and then explained like this: “I am not from Great Liang Nation, but from the discipline of Big Dipper Sect.”

“What! Big Dipper Sect, Zongmen! Isn’t this what the book says, those Super Great Influences! Then we can’t afford the tuition.”

The townspeople heard it was from the Zongmen, then All of them are startled, and some of them are even scared away, because these people can kill them all with just a flick of their fingers.

“This, in fact, does not need money, because we Sect Master said, what is it called, what is compulsory education, anyway, it is no money, and what is more, if you find a genius, you can still get it Money, let alone, when the time comes, there is also the opportunity to directly enter our Big Dipper Sect and directly learn Martial Dao. Anyway, it is very good.”

I took out a leaflet. The leaflet wrote about the registration method of Martial Dao Academy, and the way to participate in the national competition.

When everyone sees “welfare” so good, it is completely dumbfounded, but some townspeople can’t believe it, because under the sun, how can there be such a good thing as a pie in vain? Not to mention, these townspeople were also wary of the Big Dipper Sect’s discipline. They thought that these Big Dipper Sect’s disciplines were all the bad guys.

In the end, it wasn’t until Huo Tianci appeared, that everyone believed all this.

“Sect Master!!!”

When the discipline of Big Dipper Sect saw Huo Tianci, it was a salute to cup one fist in the other hand immediately.

Because of their Sect Master, but a legendary character who is no longer Legendary, the Great Profound Master Realm killed the Profound King, Profound Spirit Realm, and directly destroyed the entire mountain of impermanence, just these two Point, this is enough to make them admire for life.

“Sect Master? Huo Family master is Sect Master!”

“This is impossible, how is this possible!”

“I must be here Dream.”

“Oh hello~, you pinch yourself in your dream, what are you pinching me for?”

“You stupid, pinching yourself doesn’t hurt.”


For a time, the townspeople in Baili Town were completely confused, because before this year, everyone said All of the waste materials have become the Sect Master of the sect as written in that book.

This is indeed a bit like dreaming.

“Master Patriarch, you can be regarded as coming back!” At the same time, everyone in the Huo Family who stayed behind in Baili Town also rushed over after hearing the news.

After hearing that Huo Tianci had become the Sect Master, they also thought they were dreaming.

Because of this, it is too exaggerated.

But the facts tell them that all this is true.

“It turns out that Martial Dao Academy is the master of the Huo Family, a great gift to our folks!” When they got here, everyone suddenly realized.

Huo Tianci nodded, it’s actually not just them, even other people, other martial artists in the seven-star chain mountain range, folks, will also have this gift.

“Master Patriarch, who is this pretty girl?” Someone asked curiously, Huo Tianci side Zi Yun.

Huo Tianci is also straightforward: “This is your Mrs. Patriarch.”

Zi Yun was also a bit shy after being so introduced, but after that, Zi Yun immediately took out some red envelopes and sent It was given to everyone present, because she came home with Huo Tianci.

“What is this white stone? Is it possible that, is it the black stone!” Everyone was a little excited when they saw that there was a beautiful stone in the red envelope.

Because a black stone can be exchanged for several 100,000 taels of silver, I have to say that the wife of the Patriarch is really generous.

However, this can make the Big Dipper Sect disciple standing aside, it is speechless for a while.

“This is Spirit Stone!” A Big Dipper Sect disciple finally couldn’t help but said it out, because these people are too eye-sighted, apart from this, he is still a little jealous, because This Spirit Stone is still the high grade, and even he does not exist.

Huo Tianci saw this, it was immediately given to these Big Dipper Sect disciples, some medicine pill, after all, others have gifts, they don’t have them, it’s a little bit so embarrassing.

“Cultivation well, and then repay the sect as soon as possible.” Finally, Huo Tianci said these words to these disciplines.

“Thanks Sect Master Xie.” Looking at the top grade medicine pill in his hand, these disciplines are just excited. In the end, they are all cup one fist in the other hand and said to Huo Tianci.

“Keep going.” Then, Huo Tianci came to the black river fort with Zi Yun.

Because there are some Huo Family members in the Black River Fort.

Finally, Huo Tianci placed the Huo Family on both sides in the imperial city of Great Liang Nation. As for walking through the back door and taking the Huo Family to Big Dipper Sect, Huo Tianci not at all chose to do so. , Because besides him, the other people in the Huo Family are no more powerful than profound practitioners. If they were allowed to live in the Big Dipper Sect, where the profound spirit expert walks all over the floor, really, this is likely to harm them.

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