Chapter 787 Blood Totem Secret Technique

“Ha ha.”

“Want to work hard?”

“For us, it’s useless.”

Maruen said lightly.

Beside Maru En, the titled Douluo of the 93rd defensive system, Edmund, directly propped up the shield totem.

Get the blessing of defense.

The totem Martial Soul is different from the Martial Soul recognized by Lin Fan.

It’s not the display of soul abilities one by one.

Instead, after directly casting the totem Martial Soul, the casting of the spirit ability only changes the totem’s amplification strength and effect.

That is, there is only one kind of attack from each person.

Attack methods and tactics are constantly consuming the opponent, slowly consuming the type.

In this way, Lin Fan and others would not worry about being defeated quickly.

However, the seven totems increase each other.

The effect of such a team battle is a little too good.

Lin Fan wants to deal with this totem team.

The only way is the power of Realm.

Nine Profound Spirit Thunder Realm display.

Destructive thunder and lightning.

Instantly isolated the totem increase around Maruen.

At this moment.

Both his face and his teammates changed slightly.

Everyone could feel that Maruen’s breath seemed to be cut off and disappeared.

And at the same time, the halo effect of Markuen’s battle totem also disappeared directly.

“Is Realm?”

“Hmph, I have known for a long time that you would use such tactics.”

Maruen snorted coldly.

Lin Fan felt a little bit bad about Maru En’s words.

The other party obviously had a foreboding Lin Fan’s plan.

Maruen snapped a bite of his tongue.

Blood spurted out.

His body’s breath instantly strengthened.

Behind him.

Totem Martial Soul, integrated into itself.

On the other side, Marcus did the same.

Both of them used the same secret technique.

At this moment.

Lin Fan could feel the increase of other totems blocked by his Realm.

Melt into Maruen’s body again.

Originally, Maruen’s weak situation was instantly reversed.

“Captain Lin Fan.”

“Knowing that you have the power of Realm.”

“The power of Realm can indeed block the mutual increase of our Totem Martial Soul.”

“I have to say, your insight is great.”


“Our blood totem secret technique can integrate ourselves with the totem.”

“Your body is a totem.”

“Even if you have the power of Realm, you can’t stop the totem from increasing.”

“I have to say that your tactical arrangements are correct.”

“Resolve me first, others have no power to increase.”

“Then the combat power will be very low.”

“It can’t be your opponent.”

“However, you didn’t expect my blood totem secret technique.”

Maruen said with a smile.

Their totem team can have almost the top ten power.

With an ordinary Spirit Power level, it is almost impossible to do it.

Can get to this point.

Relying on the mystery of the totem Martial Soul, they increase each other.

And now.

He even revealed his own hole card.

Maruen went all out and suddenly collided with Lin Fan.

After getting the increase of everyone, plus the increase of the blood totem secret technique.

The situation became one-sided.

Lin Fan was crazily crushed by Maruen.

There is almost no force to fight back.

“Captain Lin Fan.”

“Give up.”

“I am the one who casts the blood totem secret technique.”

“Your Realm’s power will not be effective.”

“This battle is over.”

“It’s a matter of time before I beat you.”

“If you lose, none of your teammates can hold it.”

Maruen said to Lin Fan again.

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