Chapter 958



“The opponent’s southeast defense line is loose.”

Pan Feng said to Mu Wentian with a look of excitement.


“too slow.”

“Not to loosen the opponent’s line of defense.”

“But to tear him apart.”

“It’s too late to go on like this.”

“Let the whole army prepare.”

“Strike the entire eastern line of defense with all your strength.”

“Let everyone post it.”

“Merge with the enemy’s army.”

“This can reduce the pressure on the Yao Japanese military shield.”

“I need everyone, desperately.”

“tell them.”

“Within half an hour, if you don’t tear the opponent’s line of defense.”

“We all have to die.”

“All have to die, understand?”

Mu Wentian almost roared angrily.

Mu Wentian’s half-million army was evacuating.

Lu He, Mu Feng’s army suffered heavy losses, basically losing most of it.

And now, with Mu Wentian’s army.

The two add up to a total of 400,000.

The loss just now, plus the onslaught.

Mu Wentian’s army began to suffer massive casualties.

Reached more than 100,000 casualties.

Lin Xiaoshanshou.

The line of defense he laid out was like an iron bucket.

Moreover, because of the first opportunity, the loss is slightly smaller.

But even so, Lin Xiao and his army had lost more than 20,000.

This number, Lin Xiao and others are very distressed.

But the war is so cruel.

War, where are the undead.

Mu Wentian knew that his army had fallen into an unprecedented crisis.

As the supreme commander, the marshal of this army.

He would never see that his own army was wiped out.

There is no support behind him.

Want to keep the own army alive.

Must break through, find a way to break through.

Desperately to break through.

When Mu Wentian issued a military order to fight to the death.

The onslaught became more intense.

“Duke Lin Xiao.”

“Mu Wentian’s army has begun to fight back desperately.”

“The attack is three times more violent than before.”

“Continue like this.”

“Our casualties are too heavy.”

Deron, returning from the defense line, said with some worry.

More than 300,000 troops attacked a line of defense.

It’s not a random and aggressive attack, but a moderately aggressive attack.

This is not so easy to deal with.

The offensive and defensive battle turned into an exchange battle in an instant.

Numerous casualties.

“I know.”

“But now, we must resist.”

“I have overwhelmed the army.”

“There are still twenty minutes.”

“Hold on for twenty minutes.”

“No, hold on for fifteen minutes.”

“You can withdraw from the line of defense.”


“Tell the soldiers on the line of defense.”

“Allow you to retreat slowly.”

“However, only one kilometer can be withdrawn.”

“The red line I gave must be held.”

“You can think of ways to relieve stress.”

Lin Xiao said solemnly.

If Mu Wentian’s army is distressed because of the heavy losses, he dare not fight hard.

Then in the future, we will face life-and-death battles with other armies of the Yaori Empire.

so what should I do now?

Lin Xiao knew this was a tough battle.

But he has nothing to do.

“His Royal Highness.”

“Now the war is a little bit jiaozuo.”

Looking at the chaotic offense and defense in the distance.

Ji Linluo frowned slightly.

“Jilin Luo.”

“I’ll leave it to you here.”

“I need your elite mecha.”

“Quickly, drive to this line.”

Lin Fan pointed to the Galaxy Cluster in the Meteorite Fortress and said.

There, there is a small outpost town.

“His Royal Highness.”

“What are you?”

Lin Fan’s direction.

Ji Linluo was a little worried.

I think Lin Fan will take any risky actions.

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