It is precisely because of the end of the Age of Gods that magic finally replaced magic as the most important subject in the Imperial Magic Academy.

Of course, magic itself is not useless anymore, after all, the power of magic can never be replaced by magic.When facing a powerful enemy in the future, spreading true ether particles to change the combat environment and then using magic to defeat the opponent is also one of the tactics of the Xianqin Empire - it sounds a bit similar to Gundam OO spreading GN particles.

In order to maintain the study of magic, the Daqin alchemists headed by Xu Fu, like Ye Ting, applied to establish a school on the Japanese archipelago for the study of alchemy, while the local college in Daqin was only used to teach ether-based magic. Alchemy - or Taoism.

As for the Mystra Academy that exists in Colchis, it is now divided into several parts.

One of them is still studying magic, headed by Circe, the base has left the world and was moved to somewhere in the inner sea of ​​stars, and the exit linking the world was set up in northern Europe - they were later called "Wandering Sea" or "Moving Stone" bier".

The rest who intend to carry out magic research are also divided into two factions. One faction is led by Daedalus, who specializes in gold refining and transformation. The ability to program - they were later called "Atlas House" or "Giant's Crypt" (FGO Chaldea's spirometric computer is basically a product of Atlas House).

The rest stayed in Colchis.

Chapter 1019 What Daqin brought to the people of the world

As the ether replaces the true ether as the magical foundation of the earth, the era of gods ruling the earth has finally officially ended.

The surface that lost the true ether completely cut off the foundation for the birth of gods. It can be said that after the slaying of the mortal gods, except for the two major island countries that still have the remnants of the gods, the main land in this world has been completely lost. The soil where the gods were born, human beings have lost the biggest bondage on their heads, and the glorious era of humanism is coming.

Of course, it was the brilliant people under Ye Ting's rule.

As the true co-lord of mankind today, the emperor who rules the world, Ye Ting has only two tasks.

First, monitor the development of humanism and wait for the official birth of Alaya.

Second, continue to develop the Great Qin Empire and push it to prosperity.

In fact, except for the native land of Shenzhou, all the rest of the human beings on earth are just newly attached people. Compared with the loyal and loyal old Qin people and the people of the six countries who have been completely assimilated, these newly attached people have nothing to do with him. Enough loyalty and obedience - Da Qin is still a conqueror to them.

And without the loyalty and submission of all mankind, Ye Ting would not be able to control Alaya in a real sense.

According to Ye Ting's research, with the current prosperity of humanism, there is less than a hundred years left until the birth of Alaya. During this time, Ye Ting needs to make all the conquered people fully recognize Daqin through governance. rule and maintain sufficient loyalty to him.

In fact, this is not difficult. After all, it has been nearly a hundred years. In this era, it looks like four or five generations, or even more generations.

Ye Ting believed that with the advanced production and living standards of Daqin that surpassed the times for thousands of years, it was easy to gain the sincerity of the people who lived a primitive life before.

In fact, in the eyes of most of the conquered people, the conquerors from Daqin were regarded as god-like beings.

They rode steel-covered mounts and held artifacts that could breathe thunder and fire, and they could do anything in the world.

The place where they live is the city of God, which is a steel jungle with ingenious craftsmanship, with buildings as tall as mountains, and a clean and tidy environment like a fairyland. Most of them can use "artifacts" to do the work and live like a fairy.

You ask them if they would like to join these gods and live the same life as them, of course they would.

Individual diehards and fanatics are exceptions.

But these diehards and fanatics have lost their gods, so they are like rootless water, unable to make many waves in the crowd.

So, just after Da Qin conquered every country in the world, the era of vigorous construction came.

The earth in this era is not as good as the [-]st century. In this era, the population of the world is less than [-] million, and the population of the former Daqin can only surpass [-] million under the management of Ye Ting.

With a population of less than 21 million, the required living area and the number of cities are naturally far less than in the [-]st century. With the help of magic technology and the population diversion of Mars, everything that needs to be built is not as much as imagined.

But it still took the Qin Empire about ten years.

In the past ten years, countless new cities have sprung up on the land of the countries conquered by the Qin Dynasty, and railways and highways have connected the whole world. education popularization work.

After all, with the help of these ancient people, they rashly broke into the modern world, and they couldn't even do the hard work—that kind of work was generally handed over to machines in Daqin.

Let's put it this way, if there is not a sufficient level of education, these newly attached people are not even a labor force in Daqin.

And with the popularization of education, these more than [-] million newly attached people can finally gradually adapt to the modern life under the magic technology, and can also join the society as a labor force to support themselves with their own abilities. The labor force in Daqin is finally increasing rapidly. .

However, compared to Qin people who have adapted to the emerging magic technology, what they can do is only the lowest and hardest work.

But this is enough, even the lowest standard of living in modern times, in their opinion, far exceeds the enjoyment of the feudal aristocracy.

As these newly attached people officially integrated into the Daqin society, the original Qin people ushered in a class transition one after another.

Even ordinary workers and peasants who were originally at the bottom of Daqin society were considered high-level intellectuals compared to these newly attached people.

Ten years ago, a large number of Qin people with adventurous spirit responded to the call of the First Emperor, set out from Shenzhou, and came to all parts of the world to help these newly attached people build cities, educate them, and teach them knowledge and skills.

In the process, they reaped massive rewards.

Ten years later, these Qin people became the real masters of the new city, and the original natives here became their workers and employees, providing them with labor.

After all, in terms of knowledge level and understanding of modern society, how can these newly attached people surpass the Qin people who have adapted to this society for decades?If you want to upgrade from the most basic labor force to a mental laborer or even a capitalist, most of the newly attached people simply do not have that level. This is something that only the Qin people can do—this is the first-mover advantage of the Qin people.

Back then, the old Qin people used this first-mover advantage to exploit the people of the six countries, but now all the Qin people started to exploit people of different races with this method.

Thus, through advanced technology, culture, as well as economic and political means, Da Qin easily completed the rule and assimilation of these newly attached people.

And slavery, to put it harshly.

This process is somewhat similar to the process by which European colonists ruled the natives during the Age of Navigation, but more moderately.

After all, compared with the enslavement in the feudal and slave eras, capitalist enslavement is more subtle and silent.

Although the Great Qin Empire had laws that everyone under the emperor was equal, equality in law did not mean equality in substance.After all, compared to the aliens who just came out of the feudal life, the Qin people have a "civilized person" who has been for many years. They are all handsome, tall and wise. They have created a brilliant civilization. Today And shared this civilization with the aliens who have been living in dire straits.

How can such Qin people not be worshipped?

In fact, among the various ethnic groups of the newly attached people, there has been a wave of advocating Daqin culture and worshipping Daqin people—even if they themselves can call themselves Qin people now—everyone learns Daqin mandarin well and knows how to speak. It is an honor to write Xiaozhuan, everyone loves Qin people's festivals and wears traditional Qin people's costumes.

In contrast, their own culture represents feudalism and decadence, and is worthy of rejection.

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