Angel of Peace: The principle is based on illusion spells, capable of creating a permanent, insurmountable shielding field that will be deployed on the planet's surface.The existence of the barrier can refract light, and based on this, a planet-level illusion can be created-basically an upgraded and enhanced version of the "Eye of the Moon". The life living in it is equivalent to being permanently encapsulated in the barrier. Civilization The development gradually stagnated, and finally it was like a planet-level specimen.

The construction of this weapon references the power of Aphrodite, who possesses the godhead of love and beauty.When Aphrodite personally presided over the launch of the "Angel of Comfort", the effect of the illusion would be greatly enhanced.

Sonic Kill: Creates and emits an accelerated stream of Sonic radiation that sweeps across the planet's surface.The characteristics of this spiritual stream are aimed at the destruction of "civilization", absorbing the products of civilization to enhance its own power.No matter how clumsy the theory and wisdom are, as long as it is a creation designed through intellect, it belongs to the category of "civilization" and becomes the object of destruction by "spiritual annihilation".Therefore, under the annihilation of the spiritual child, the planet where it is located will lose all its civilization in an instant and return to the original wilderness.

The weapon was built with reference to the power of Attila the civilization destroyer.When Attila launches "Spiritual Killing" by himself, its destructive effect on civilization will be greatly enhanced.

Ether Plague: Disperse a large amount of specialized true ether into the atmosphere of the target planet, they will invade the star and integrate into the ether cycle of the star, and at the same time assimilate the ether or other ether-like substances of the star, and eventually they will not know what to do. Juejian completely transformed the ether system of the star into a specialised real ether controlled by the goddess Hecate, thus completely falling into the control of Hecate, thus making the species that use ether to fight against the star lose the ability to resist .

The construction of the weapon is a reference to the power of the Leyline goddess Hecate.When Hecate launches the "Ether Plague" by himself, its assimilation effect on ether-like substances will be greatly enhanced.

Celestial Judgment: Cast holy truths onto planets through psionic projectors.The projector is capable of producing a mysterious catalyst that enhances specific psionic wavelengths and induces specific vocations in the biological brain.This process will make all believers become true believers, and even non-believers will gradually develop belief in the object set in the psionic projector - and this target is naturally the first emperor himself.The final result of using this weapon is that the intellectual beings of the entire target planet become loyal followers of the First Emperor, thus surrendering without a fight.

The construction of this weapon was based on the power that Ye Ting's Angel Legion had learned from their old Lord, the Lord.When the Angel Legion personally presides over the launch of "God's Judgment", its effect on the target's Faith Inspiration will be greatly enhanced.

The above five great killers are the result of Ye Ting's combination of magic, divine power, and technology.

Although there is no chance to actually apply it in the war, Ye Ting knows that if he really hits a certain planet, its ability to kill the planet can basically be equivalent to that of the wandering star soldiers sent by the predatory star.

Although this "anti-planet weapon" is currently only installed on the Epang Palace, according to Ye Ting's plan, he plans to use the space dock to mass-produce warships equipped with this weapon in the future.

Because the weapon's destructive power is too large, the damage range is too wide, and the required generating device is too huge, it can only be installed on Titan warships or even larger space warships.

And unlike the behemoths of the Epang Palace, even a Titan-level warship can only install one of the five major killers at most. After that, there is no room for even a slightly larger weapon module. .

Ye Ting named this giant warship "Colossus", which was only loaded with "anti-planet weapons".

Due to the foundation of the construction of the Epang Palace, the construction technology of Daqin's space giant warships has been greatly improved.

Unlike the docks used to build other space battleships, or even the Titans, the Colossus' dock has abandoned the traditional concept of dry docks. The Colossus is assembled from a large number of independent construction platforms that can move freely - just like the construction process of the Epang Palace.

Of course, the Colossus Dock still only exists on the blueprints, and preparations have just begun at the central court.

But once the mass production of "planetary weapons" is completed, Ye Ting will be able to go outside the solar system and start a journey of conquest of the sea of ​​stars, just like preying on the stars.

Everything that Yuxing could do, he could do.

Chapter 1023 Conception of the Ring World

The way the predatory star Wilpa conquers the planet is to send the part of the wandering star that surrounds it according to the type of target civilization, and all kinds of invasion weapons made by Wilpa.

For example, for a planet like Earth that has a "civilization" and retains true ether and gods, the predator sent by the wandering star is Attila, who restrains civilization and magic - the only thing that is missed is the power of the earth's restraining force, which actually creates An unreasonable thing like a star-made holy sword.

And Ye Ting's five "star destroying weapons" also have similar functions.

For example, the "Earth Blast Star" is a direct physical damage, and it is specifically aimed at civilizations with low physical defense capabilities, or lack of control over the star itself, and very dependent on the star itself.

The "Angel of Peace" is aimed at purely material civilizations, civilizations that do not have much research on the spiritual and soul level, and the typical target is the realistic Blue Star.

"Spirit Killing" completely imitates Attila's ability, and its essence is equivalent to the planet-level enlarged version of Attila's final Noble Phantasm "Star Tears, Sword of War God". It was "Spiritual Killing" rather than Attila herself, and it is estimated that the Earth of Xingyue has already fallen.

The "Ether plague" is aimed at pure magic civilization. As long as the modified civilization does not have a god with the same clerical rank as Hecate, it is basically impossible to resist the assimilation of the "Ether plague", and it directly descends from magical civilization back to the dark Middle Ages.

"God's Judgment" is aimed at planets with belief traditions, and the stronger the belief, the better the effect.

With these five "star destroying weapons", it basically includes the types of civilization that Ye Ting can imagine, and Daqin may encounter in the future expansion.They will be the ultimate guarantee for Daqin's future expansion of Xinghai.

Of course, the universe is vast, and the civilizations in it have different abilities. It is impossible to encounter a civilization where the five "star-killing weapons" can't be helped.

But it doesn't matter. With Ye Ting's ability, Mooncell's help, and the help of the goddesses, a targeted "star-killing weapon" can be designed in minutes.

However, in addition to offensive weapons such as the Colossus, what Daqin lacks are defensive facilities.

Since Daqin has already entered the interstellar era, what this defensive facility needs to defend is not just the earth.

In today's solar system, the earth is of course the main territory of Daqin, where most of the population is located, but there are also Daqin's observation and military bases on the moon.

Taking into account the factors of pollution, material transportation and efficiency, the earth has now achieved the transfer of heavy industry to Mars, and now Mars is the foundry planet of Daqin. The surface, atmosphere and orbit of Mars are full of heavy factories. Daqin's heavy industry produces hundreds of More than [-] out of [-] were completed on Mars, and most of the rest existed in space, leaving almost no heavy industry on Earth.

Saturn, Jupiter, Venus and even Uranus and Neptune are all important resource origins in Daqin.

Some large satellites of these planets even already have Daqin colonies.

In the asteroid belt of the solar system, there are also mining institutions in Daqin, and many rare elements are mined from the asteroid belt.

In short, the entire solar system is Daqin's sphere of influence, and now Daqin's scientific research ships and mining ships are even trying to head out to the Kuiper belt in the outer Neptune region.

The most important part of this, and the part worth defending, is naturally the terrestrial planets such as Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars in the asteroid belt, followed by gaseous Jupiter-like planets such as Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.

So Ye Ting planned to build a solar system defense circle based on the asteroid belt to prevent invaders from outside the solar system from invading the solar system, causing irreparable losses to Daqin.

Chief among them is, of course, [-] young predatory wandering stars that visited the solar system.

The Predator Star, also known as the Harvest Star, is one of the comets that pass through the Milky Way in a cycle of [-] years. Of course, this is not uncommon. There are many comets passing through the Milky Way, but it is really scary. Yes, when he passes through any galaxy, he will destroy all civilizations with intelligent life along the way.

No, destroy is not appropriate, as its name suggests, "predation" would be more appropriate to describe it.

That is to eat each other.

According to Attila, this Destroyer of unknown origin and purpose has always adhered to this rigid concept, never breaking the rules that have been summed up.

And just after 21 years ago (in fact, it should be [-] years ago, and [-] years ago is for the [-]st century), after it came to the solar system, the predatory star's predation on the earth failed for the first time.

Earth is worthy of being the planet at the heart of the plot of the Xingyue world. It gave birth to two magical planets with two inhibitory forces that can restart the entire world countless times and split countless parallel worlds. The first predation that preyed on Yuxing failed.

Therefore, the second coming of the predatory star is almost predestined.

Therefore, for Daqin, it is necessary to establish an asteroid belt around the solar system as a defense mechanism for the "city wall" of the solar system.

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