Hearing that she couldn't fully open her mind to interference, Alaya felt extremely disappointed, but she turned to her and began to comfort herself: even if she left part of her mind interference, she could accept it, at least human mind interference was indeed much less.

Although her goal is to completely contact the interference of human subconscious with her own power and let human beings develop freely, but with a strong master like Ye Ting on her head, she can only take a step by step.

However, when she thought everything was a foregone conclusion, Ye Ting's words rang in her ears again.

"However, for the sake of being so cute, Xiaoye, I can take out a region of humans and let you play freely."

"Take out human beings from a region and give me... free play?"

Hearing this, the girl's eyes lit up.

"Master, does it mean that the human beings in this area are completely open to mind interference?"

"Of course." Ye Ting nodded affirmatively, "Since it is said that Xiaoye is allowed to play freely, then I will never limit it - even the entire Daqin regime will not be involved there except for necessary observation. Xiaoye can decide what to do with that area by himself."

"Woooo, the master is really awesome!"

With a burst of cheers, the little girl actually came forward.

With a warm feeling on his face, Ye Ting smelled a little girl's unique milky fragrance.

In the past, Alaya never did this, Ye Ting was the one who took the initiative in all the slightly intimate behaviors between her and Ye Ting - no way, such a cute little loli Ye Ting thought about it as long as she saw it. bully.

Seemingly aware that he had made a shy behavior, Alaya immediately pretended that nothing had happened just now, and forcibly asked Ye Ting a huge question.

"Then, then, which area will the Lord assign to you? Is it the colony of Io? Or Ganymede? Or Titan? Or the newly opened new area of ​​the ring world? You can't just assign it to you. An orbital settlement."

Ordinary orbital settlements are generally only the size of a city, and can be inhabited by hundreds of thousands or millions of people. Although the population of the inhabited places on those planets is only this number, most of these satellites that have been transformed into habitable planets are With the size of the moon, the upper limit of the carrying capacity of the population far exceeds the orbital settlement.

As for the newly opened area around the world, it is basically the size of the surface area of ​​the earth, and it is artificially constructed.

Unfortunately, Ye Ting shook his head silently.

"That's it... Then just give me an orbital residence." Seeing that the idea of ​​seeking a satellite colony was shattered, Alaya, who was disappointed, had to settle for the next best thing.

However, Ye Ting still shook his head.

Without waiting for the girl to complain, he first said, "Although these places can live in people, Xiaoye is so cute. How could I arrange these corners for Xiaoye?"

"What I arranged for Xiaoye, of course, should be the best."

"How about the earth, you say?"

Chapter 1034 Beyond Daqin

"Earth, earth, earth!?"

As soon as Ye Ting said this, he immediately surprised Alaya.

It's no wonder, after all, what Ye Ting is talking about is not other places, but the mother planet of mankind, the birthplace of the Qin Empire - the earth.

This is as ridiculous as the Han Dynasty divided Guanzhong to a prince who was not a prince, or the Tang Dynasty divided Luoyang, and the Ming Dynasty divided Jinling.

That is the earth.

Although more than [-]% of the population of the Daqin Empire today lives outside the earth, and even the ring world has been identified as the main residence of the Daqin Empire in the future.

Although the capital of Daqin is no longer Xianyang, it is no longer located on the earth.In its place is the Epang Palace, a giant movable space fortress.

But the status of the earth to Daqin is self-evident.

No matter how far Daqin's conquest of the stars and seas has reached, the earth's status as Daqin and as the mother planet of mankind will never change, just like the old road to the new continent after the era of great voyages - no, the relationship is better than that tighter.

For the Qin people living outside the earth, their ancestors originate from the earth, their culture originates from the earth, and their way of life originates from the earth. It has been transformed into the same appearance as the earth-whether it is living on Triton or living in a ring world, the animals, plants and even microorganisms around humans all originate from the earth, but they have been adapted to different planetary environments. Just a degree of transformation.

It is foreseeable that no matter which corner of the universe the human fleet reaches, the earth will forever imprint a deep, immutable imprint on them.

Now that Ye Ting actually said that he would hand over the whole earth to her, Alaya would naturally be so surprised and even surprised.

"Give me the earth, you...you're not lying to me." With disbelief, Alaya cautiously confirmed.

"How many times do you want me to say it? I won't lie to Xiaoye." Rubbing the girl's head, Ye Ting said fiercely, "Who do you take me for?"

"Hey hey."

Alaya, who knew that he was wrong, laughed stupidly, trying to get through.

"Hmph, you don't believe my master, Alaya should be punished."

Ye Ting didn't let it go because of her smirk, and flicked her forehead as punishment.

"It hurts." Covering her blushing forehead, the little Lolita let out a coquettish cry, "People know it's wrong, who told the Lord to reject me all the time... But why did the Lord give such an important place to the earth to others? "

After confirming that Ye Ting was not joking, the girl couldn't help asking curiously.

"That is our home planet after all." Ye Ting explained, "In Alaya's words, what you want to pursue is as many 'possibilities' as possible for human beings, just like fish want to use as many eggs as possible. To ensure the survival of future generations as much as possible, Alaya hopes to ensure the survival of mankind through countless possibilities, right?"


"In this case, no place can provide more possibilities for mankind than the home planet of mankind."

In fact, for the survival of human beings, Ye Ting and Alaya took two paths, corresponding to the two reproductive strategies of nature.

The former is less eugenic, and the offspring that are born are carefully cared for - a typical species that implements this reproductive strategy is most vertebrates such as mammals and birds.

The latter is to give birth as much as possible, cast a wide net, and don’t care about the offspring that are born. Life and death are fate and wealth is in the sky, as long as a few survive, it is earned—typically fish and most invertebrates.

Ye Ting agreed to Alaya precisely because he realized that a single route might limit the possibilities of human beings - just like before, although the society as a whole seemed very efficient, it was a little rigid.

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