"Your Majesty, the Star Destroyer's main gun 'Spiritual Killing' has been prepared. According to the plan, we are ready to launch artillery bombardment at the preset coordinates with 35% of the power, and apply for the permission to strike."

"Agree to the blow." Ye Ting nodded as approval.

So Orianna began the final countdown to the bombardment.

"The Star Destroyer Main Cannon-Spiritual Killing Artillery is ready, and the countdown begins."

As the countdown began, on the main gun muzzle of the Star Destroyer, which was like a huge mouth in the abyss, blue light began to converge, forming an unstable huge ball of light.






"0... start shelling—"


At that moment, a huge blue light beam shot out from the muzzle with a diameter of one kilometer, like a huge whip sweeping towards the surface of the blue planet.

The terrifying stream of spirits swept across the surface of the earth, and countless cities that originally belonged to human beings were destroyed in the stream of spirits.Whether it is a high-rise building or a transportation vehicle, it is decomposed into the most basic spiritual child in this spiritual stream, which makes the blue light beam a bit more powerful.

However, weaker than the steel jungle, the native green forest on Earth was unscathed in the beam, as were other animals and plants in the jungle.Not only jungles, grasslands, swamps, mountains, lakes... any natural landscape, products unrelated to human civilization have been preserved in this terrifying stream of spiritual sub-streams, the only ones that have been destroyed are those left by Da Qin on the ground, empty of people city ​​of.

The azure-blue shelling lasted for a full minute. Under the guidance of AI Orianna, "Spirit Killing" almost circled the earth along a set trajectory, and almost 99% of Daqin remained on the earth. The ruins of civilization were wiped out by this blow, leaving only a wasteland.

After that, the artillery bombardment ended, and the main guns of the star destroyer were withdrawn into the Epang Palace, and the huge space fortress slowly left.

Next, Daqin sent a large number of the latest generation of SCV engineering mechs to the earth.

In the 3th year of the first emperor, Daqin's SCV engineering mecha has been updated many times, and the construction principle has changed a lot: the complex pure industrial manufacturing mode of the past has been eliminated, and the [-]D printing construction mode was also announced more than [-] years ago. outdated.Today's SCVs are equipped with the latest magic mechanism that combines projection magic and alchemy magic.

The so-called projection magic is the magic that materializes magic power into a mirror image of the prototype.Although it has the advantage of a single use method, the efficiency of using magic power is really poor.If the magic power is not enough, the projected mirror image is a fake, with various problems: either limited by strength, or limited by the realization time.

Alchemy magic is the magic of equivalent substitution. On this basis, the creation of matter is completed. The product of alchemy is not a fake like projection magic, but it has the defects of requiring raw materials and being too complicated.

And now the built-in [Projection Alchemy Magic Institution] in Daqin SCV is the greatest achievement of the Atlas Academy under the auspices of Daedalus.Combining the advantages of alchemy and projection magic, it is not only as simple and easy to use as projection magic, but its creations are by no means fakes created by projection magic. Much less, but enough raw material is required.

But the raw materials it needs are not diverse. In fact, most of the raw materials can be replaced with general-purpose basic materials-except for a few rare materials, the part of the organization that belongs to alchemy can make the basic materials equivalent Convert to most common substances - and these basic materials can be mined on all major planets in the solar system.

Therefore, as long as the basic materials are provided, SCV can perfectly place the building tools you want to build where you want through the preset drawings.

Over the years, the biggest process in Daqin, the construction of the ring world, has been successful because of the extensive use of this technology.Otherwise, with the resources in the solar system, even if all the solid planets in the solar system are dismantled, there is no way to gather the materials needed for the entire ring world.

You must know that the total weight of the solid planets in the solar system is actually much lower than that of the gaseous planets, and the earth itself is already the largest of the solid planets—how many solid planets are there in the solar system?As for the asteroids in the asteroid belt, they are not as heavy as the moon when added together.

Chapter 1036 Sociology+8

As the SCV reached the surface, a mighty project unfolded on the surface of the earth.

The purpose of these SCVs is not to transform the earth, but to restore the earth to what it was two hundred years ago, before the Xianqin Empire appeared.

No, strictly speaking, it should be transformed into the appearance of the earth around the first year of AD when Ye Ting did not interfere with history.

It was impossible to completely restore all this. Even the most sophisticated computer, the most talented historian and sociologist could not deduce all this, let alone to be accurate to every thing and every person.

However, Mooncell is an exception.

The original role of this alien supercomputer was to record the existence of life on Earth.With the continuous evolution of the self and the continuous expansion of the scale, today's Mooncell has the power to deduce the entire solar system.Since BB took control of Mooncell, Ye Ting has often used Mooncell's computing power to accomplish many earth-shattering events.

Even so, Mooncell's computing power has never been exhausted.In fact, Mooncell's observations of Earth have never stopped.

In order to make more complete observations, Mooncell has to record many "ifs", and the calculation device placed on the moon is there for this.

Mooncell uses its enormous computing power to infer past knowledge and future predictions.The center keeps everything about that "future prediction".

If it is said that the future Xingyue world has countless parallel worlds under the operation of two major restraining forces, then Mooncell uses terrible computing power to deduce the posture of countless parallel worlds about the earth.

What Laplace dreamed of, the demon who knew everything and knew the future, was the truth of Mooncell.

And now Ye Ting wants to borrow the information about the future "without Ye Ting" from Mooncell.

That is, the official history of the original moon world, the information of a certain "if" today.

The preset construction drawings and construction tasks in SCV are all set by Mooncell. The basis for the setting is this "if", which is bound to restore the earth without the existence of the Xianqin Empire as much as possible.

And after that, there are "people" that exist on the earth.

If it is said that everything can be restored to the appearance in the "if" world, how can the people in the "if" create it?

It doesn't matter, modern biotechnology + the creator ability of gods can create the desired human beings.

This is the same as playing a game to pinch people. Entering character data here, you can output specific characters there. Basically, the appearance is no different from the characters in "if". In addition, the existence of Alaya can be pinched. The characters that come out are endowed with what they want, and the people created in this way completely restore the characters that appear in "if".

In fact, the creation of life by technological means, especially the creation of the same kind, is an act that violates the realm of the gods for human beings, and the life created by this will always have one kind of flaws - whether the method is based on science or magic.

However, Ye Ting is not worried about this - because he has many gods here.

Due to the power of the gods, the people created in this way do not exist as ordinary human beings, but basically converge with normal people.

That is to say, with this technology, Ye Ting is completely able to reproduce the world line of "if" on the surface of the earth.

Above the Afang Palace, the human batch manufacturing factory was soon launched. Nearly [-] million humans who existed in the "if" world line were manufactured one by one, and then sent to the earth one by one for placement.

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