If it weren't for being too young, coupled with the great changes in draenei society, Yrel wouldn't have been reduced to the point of losing the Holy Light.

But now...

This girl means to put her faith in him.

Ye Ting sighed, mad believers are mad believers, anyway, the theory he gave is indeed correct.

If you think about it for the best, as long as Ye Ting can stick to his own opinions, then Yrel's own beliefs will not be broken, and those with such beliefs will definitely become powerful users of the Holy Light.

Thinking of this, Ye Ting stopped comforting the girl, but began to think about how to make good use of the girl's fanatical trust in him.

Perhaps through this kind of trust, Ye Ting can create a person who truly masters the power of light and shadow at the same time.

Although in Ye Ting's mouth, the Holy Light and the Shadow are mutually reinforcing, but when they are actually used, ordinary people want to master both the Holy Light and the Shadow at the same time, and the only result is schizophrenia.

But Yrel was not.

Since she pinned her beliefs on Ye Ting instead of self-support, the two opposing concepts would not be so prone to mental breakdown.

But first of all, Ye Ting had to create a logical and self-consistent concept that took into account both the Holy Light and the Shadow.

Chapter 1050 Sign up for gladiatorial fight

In fact, when teaching Yrel the way of light and shadow, there is one thing that is not mentioned to the little hoof.

That is the so-called way of light and shadow, which is actually a very subjective attitude in nature.

Just like the "good" and the "evil" of the shadows that the Holy Light insists on: Generally speaking, the concepts of "good" and "evil" are not innate, but because of the rise of intellectual life, after the intelligent life of higher intelligence forms a society distinguished.

The so-called "good" and "evil" have always followed the social morality of intellectual life.

What agrees with morality is "good", and what does not conform to morality is "evil".

However, the so-called morality is defined by people. With the changes of social situation, the standard of morality is never static.

In philosophy, morality is nothing but the result of social practice, which has always been driven by sensibility and desire—not reason.Reason can only distinguish between right and wrong, but does not cause any action. Desire, on the other hand, can cause action, but cannot distinguish between right and wrong.

Therefore, the so-called "good" and "evil" are always relative and cannot really represent "right" and "wrong".

This is like the morality of slave society cannot be applied to feudal society, and the morality of feudal society is fallacy in capitalist society.There are different moral standards for different situations and different positions.

And how can Holy Light and Shadow itself be able to distinguish such complex things?

Therefore, what it can distinguish is only the morality of man's heart—that is, man's restraint on himself.

That's why the Scarlet Crusaders were able to slaughter innocent souls without being cast aside by the Light - an act of their own accord in their moral standards.

It can be said that even if he is a lunatic, as long as he firmly believes that he is exercising justice, even if he destroys the world, the Holy Light will still be on his side.

From this perspective, operating the Holy Light in a religious manner naturally has its own specific meaning. After all, religion does not need to be reasonable in some cases.

Although Ye Ting did not understand this deep logic for Yrel because of time, the girl still had a deep understanding of this theory, and her sense of the Holy Light became deeper and deeper.

By the time the morning light shone through the half-foot window, she had already mastered the power of holy light that could dispel the shadow energy in her body on her own.

However, at Ye Ting's prompt, she did not rashly remove the power that was hurting her.

Compared with the power of the Holy Light that she had been exposed to since childhood, she did not know much about the shadow and Xiao Sao Hoof, and it took a certain amount of work to get started quickly.So Ye Ting deliberately left this power to give her an intuitive understanding.

Just when Ye Ting wanted to start explaining the way of the shadows to her, suddenly, his ears moved.

Although he is not a powerhouse specializing in melee melee combat, the bloodline of the dragon and the materialization of his soul make Ye Ting's body approach perfect at this time. This perfection is not only reflected in the physical aspect, but also in the senses.

In short, he has five senses that are far superior to ordinary people.

Just now, he heard footsteps and heavy breathing in the distance, and there was also a familiar stench--he would never forget that smell, that he was in Azeroth. The old rival of the time, the taste of the orcs.

Apparently orcs are approaching here.

Since he made up his mind to leave everyone, Ye Ting naturally couldn't expose himself.

So he winked at the girl: "Someone is coming, I'll hide first, you should pay attention to yourself."

Next, the girl discovered that the figure of the man in front of her gradually became transparent until it disappeared into the air.

She immediately realized the situation, so she pretended to be embarrassed and huddled in the corner.

Soon, the candlelight in the distance reflected a long dark shadow, and a tall and strong orc walked into the prison.

Unlike ordinary red orcs, this orc's complexion is a little pale, and the most striking thing about it is that it lacks a palm.

Where it should have been the left hand, it was slashed with a knife and replaced by a sharp blade mounted on the arm.

Ye Ting saw his origin at a glance.

Apparently, he is from the famous Shatterpaw clan, whose chief is Kargath Bladefist.It is customary for the Shattered Hand to show their allegiance to the clan by ritually severing the body.Orcs who are promoted to warrior status in the clan are to give their left hand - in the form of amputation or amputation, the remnant of their amputation is often replaced by some poor weapon or tool - this is also what distinguishes them. Obvious features.

I saw that the orc came to the iron railing with arrogance and patted the iron railing hard.


The blade and the iron fence collided, making a crisp sound, but Yrel still curled up in the corner with a sullen look, as if he didn't hear anything.

The orc didn't care either, with a high-spirited look, he spoke in a rough voice.

In the battle of the orcs, Ye Ting had learned the orc language from Garona, so he could understand what he meant.

"Draenei little girls, your luck is here!" When the orc spoke, his mouth full of buck teeth was ugly, "Although you are just a bunch of shameful losers, your only destiny is Become slaves to our Broken Hand clan, but Chief Kargath has given you a chance to be free—"

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