So Ye Ting began to use the historical allusions of Azeroth to tell Yrel stories.

Talk about the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, talk about the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, talk about "Guanzi", talk about "Han Feizi", talk about "The Monarch"...

No one knows what Yrel has learned from it, but it is foreseeable that this draenei girl who thrived under the education of Velen, after this experience, her three views will inevitably be greatly affected. distortions - or return to the "right" path.

In addition to his academic progress, Yrel is also proud of himself in the arena.

For two weeks in a row, she went to the arena every two days on average, and defeated a lot of various enemies.

For example, three or four Clefthoofs, such as Deinonychus King Evilclaw, such as a one-eyed demon, such as a rare ogre magician... She even slaughtered a huge thunder elephant with tears.

You know, the Thunder Elephant has long been a friend of the Draenei and is the most commonly used battle mount for the Paladins of Draenor.

Thunder elephants are basically to draenei what warhorses are to humans, chocobos are to elves, and wargs are to orcs.

At this time, Yrel was basically a big celebrity in Highmaul Arena.

Even the orcs from Frostfire Ridge know that there is a powerful female draenei gladiator in Highmaul Arena, who has won seven consecutive battles in the gladiatorial arena, which is regarded as the gladiator with the most consecutive victories in recent years.

Generally speaking, every time a gladiator who is highly cared for will encounter an opponent who is no weaker than the last time, so Yrel's ability to win seven games in a row basically shows her strength.

And her most recent record was single-handedly defeating a small Goron giant, which is basically something only the best warriors can do.

As a star gladiator, Yrel is best known for her superb martial arts, unmatched physical strength, and astounding stamina.

Although the first two are the most impressive, only the real masters understand that the most rare thing for Yrel is the last point.

With a height of nearly ten meters, a rock-like skin, and strong muscles, the Goron giant is the real fighting machine and top predator on the land of Draenor. The best of them can even slaughter ordinary dragons.

In terms of blood, Goron is also the true ancestor of races such as orcs, ogres, and one-eyed demons, and the fighting power is mediocre. Medium size and strength are decreasing, but intelligence and sociality are increasing).

In orcs and ogres, being able to hunt gronns has always been the highest honor.

But against such an enemy—even if it was only a juvenile—Yrel prevailed single-handedly, thanks to her unrivaled stamina.

This little Goron was completely dragged down by Yrel.

In the eyes of many orcs, Yrel is already able to compete with the top masters of the orcs in a single round of combat power.

In fact, despite Ye Ting's constant training and his own talent, Yrel still hasn't grown enough to compete with Orgrim Doomhammer and Groom Hellscream by force alone. Picking point.

The reason why Yrel can show such fighting ability, especially such endurance, is largely because she has learned the abilities of Paladin and Shadow Knight from Ye Ting.

From Azeroth, Ye Ting, who has experienced the war between the orcs, can be regarded as witnessing the birth of the profession of paladin in Azeroth. Although he is not a user of the Holy Light, Ye Ting has a close paladin, the high elves. The leader of the Paladins, one of the Six Saints of Silver, Liadrin, who mastered the Holy Code of Virtue.

Regarding the profession of paladin, in fact, as the predecessors who use holy light, the draenei have long been dissatisfied with letting the user of holy light be a pure healer. They tried to introduce the power of holy light into melee earlier than humans. Professionals also gave birth to Paladins earlier, and the research on Paladins is naturally more in-depth than Azeroth.

But perhaps because of the different sources of holy light, the paladins of Azeroth also have their own characteristics compared to the draenei.

Now that Ye Ting taught Yrel these skills, Xiao Sao Hoof, who was both a warrior and a priest, quickly mastered the abilities of a paladin.

After returning to draenei city, she will be the first to have both Azeroth and draenei paladin skills as long as she can learn the draenei paladin skills.

As for the [Shadow Knight], it is a profession based on the concept of shadow and holy light, just like the shadow priest is to the priest.

In fact, there is a profession that is closest to [Shadow Knight], and that is [Death Knight]. Compared with the shadow knight's pure power of shadow, the death knight masters the power of death, shadow and blood.

Compared with [Shadow Knight], which is a melee priest who directly masters shadows, death knights are more like melee warriors who use specific spells to master these powers.

However, in any case, Yrel now has a preliminary grasp of these two forces of mutual generation and mutual restraint.Although in order to retain her strength, she did not directly apply these powers to gladiatorial combat, these two powers-especially the Holy Light gave her a steady stream of physical strength and continuous fighting ability.

Now, Yrel has been basically learned in terms of skills, and what is lacking is just an opportunity, a chance to truly make a name for herself and establish her as the king of the arena.

Only then will she have enough ability to start the next plan.

Chapter 1061 Green skin!Green skin!

The moment Yrel had been waiting for soon came.

It was the sixth day after her victory over Little Gronn.

In the past few days, she has been arranged to participate in gladiatorial fights more and more frequently, from once every two days to once a day, and finally to three or four times a day. more than the sum of the previous days.

The orcs seemed tired of her draenei domination of the arena, and after discovering that no strong opponent could defeat the invincible draenei, they began to try fatigue tactics. she.

However, their attempts failed.

With the continuous power of light and shadow in her body as support, even if Yrel does not directly use these two powers, she still has the ability to continue fighting and recovery far beyond ordinary people.

It's unfair to say, but in the real world, occupations and occupations are not the same.

In the game, for the sake of balance, the strengths of each profession are equivalent. Warrior, Paladin, Priest, Mage... each profession is basically equal, even if there are slight differences, it will not affect the overall situation.

In the real world, however, this kind of fairness never exists.

Warriors, thieves, hunters - or archers - such occupations are basically the most diaosi and the most common occupations. They do not require much talent, and basically people with slightly better physical fitness can learn the skills of these occupations. .

But at the same time, most of these professions are placed on the battlefield as cannon fodder, and neither in rarity nor strength can be compared with other professions such as mages, priests, and paladins.

After all, human beings have limits. How can manipulating energy come from simply exploring physical abilities?

But compared with paladins and warriors, paladins add the power of holy light to warriors, so compared to warriors, paladins are enhanced in all directions under the action of holy light-whether it is defense, The ability to assist or restore is far superior to that of warriors. It can be said that the paladins of warriors can do it, and the paladins of warriors can not. How can warriors be compared with paladins?

In the war between humans and orcs, the appearance of paladins represented the last shortcoming of humans against orcs-the quality of individual soldiers was filled.If it wasn't for the racial superiority of the orcs, the top powerhouses of the orcs who were all warriors could not even compete with the paladins of the Silver Hand.

As for the draenei, this race may seem overly peaceful, but that's just for policy reasons.

Physically, draenei have never been inferior to orcs, but in terms of size, draenei are as strong as orcs and a head taller than them.With such physical strength and the blessing of the Holy Light, it can be said that, except for the strongest elites, ordinary orc warriors who encounter draenei paladins are serving dishes.

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