Because developing a hero is not just about training her ability, but also needs to establish correct values ​​for her.At the same time, on the road to becoming a hero, he still needs to handle all kinds of affairs for the new hero like an old mother, and he also needs to act as a psychiatrist to build her confidence like just now.

This is really... Ye Ting dares to say that even the hero's mother can't do as much as him.

However, seeing a new hero gradually grow into a savior, the inner satisfaction is indeed full.

It felt like... it was like raising a daughter.

...Speaking of which, at this age, it's time for him to become a father...

Interrupting his own delusions, Ye Ting glanced at Yrel, who had regained his confidence.

"Then now, let's move on."

Just as he was about to take a step, he was pulled back by the girl again.


He was about to ask the reason, but as soon as he turned around, he saw a cute face with purple skin coming up.

A piece of warmth was printed on his face.

"Thank you, Lord Sander. This is...a reward."

The girl defended shyly, and then hurriedly stepped forward and left first.

"This girl..."

Touching the wet print just now, Ye Ting smiled and followed.

The two speeded up all the way, and didn't care about the footsteps betraying their tracks.

In other words, after entering the corridor leading to the prison, they were already considered as a large army of orcs far away from the arena. The orcs who stayed behind in the underground prison of the arena were simply unable to fight against them, and they were not afraid to expose their movements.

The only thing that can threaten their plans now is the large army of orcs still in the auditorium of the arena, and they are now purely seeking speed, in order to escape before those orcs can react.

When the two came to the door of the dungeon, the orc guards who heard their footsteps had already arrived here.They recognized Yrel at first sight—a mighty gladiator, of course, well-known among these jailers.

"You are... that Yrel!"

The leading orc was startled first, then furious: "You actually want to run away! How dare you do that!?"

As if he had been greatly insulted, he took the lead, and the big axe in the middle was cut off at Yrel.

"My only shame is that I have survived for so long in your group of smashed people!"

Without the slightest hesitation, Yrel also rushed towards him. The right warhammer blocked the heavy blow, and the left shield smashed towards his face.

Shield Bash!

The round shield slammed into the beastman's face with great force, easily smashing his nose bone and front teeth into pieces, making his entire face as ridiculous and terrifying as an overturned soy sauce shop.

At the same time, the captain of the jailer was smashed and flew out.

In the long and narrow corridor, facing the flying people, the jailers had no room to dodge at all, so they were all smashed to the ground by the flying captain and made a mess.

Taking this opportunity, Yrel rushed forward immediately, wielding the warhammer to kill the jailers who could not dodge one by one.

In less than a moment, among the orcs who fell to the ground, there was only the one who was barely alive as the captain of the jailer.

At this moment, Yrel was stepping on his chest, and his vitality was quickly passing under the double pressure of severe pain and suffocation.

"You...kill'll die too..."

In the difficult suffocation, he barely managed to say a word in a hoarse voice.

"Do you think I'm still afraid!"

Yrel snorted coldly, and clenched his feet again.


The Orc Captain's sternum shattered under the trampling of the draenei's hooves.The ruptured rib pierced directly into his lungs and heart under intense pressure, ending his final life.

For his life, Yrel didn't care at all, the girl just searched the waists of the jailers and collected all the keys that could be found.

Chapter 1070 Collective Prison Break

In this way, Ye Ting and Yril went all the way to prison.

While the army of orcs faced off against the draenei, the warchief Blackhand also dispatched scouts to investigate the movements of other civilizations on Draenor.

While the immediate priority is to destroy the draenei, the Horde's ultimate goal is to conquer these civilizations one by one.The Black Hand has long set his sights on the rest of the planet's inhabitants.

The island named Farren is the last stronghold of the original beast.Its dense forests and remote location make it one of the few areas on Draenor unaffected by fel magic.

Although Highmaul has fallen into the hands of the orcs, there are many other gathering places of ogres on the land of Draenor.These ogres, along with gronns, one-eyed ogres, and magroons, are targets of the orcs.

In addition, the Orc's biggest target is the high-ranking arakkoa in the Spires of Arak.This intelligent race once dominated the land of Draenor.Although they are now in decline, they still have regained a lot of ancient Apexis (a kind of magic based on Apexis crystals) technology, and they even erected on the towering main city - Tongtian Peak He has a giant cannon that can guide the power of Yan Yang and guard his territory.

As for the spore people in the swamp, the saber-toothed tiger people in the jungle, the magic pod people and other weaker races, they are regarded by the orcs as future slaves and things in their pockets.

Although the war to conquer these races has not yet begun, many people of these races are already imprisoned in Highmaul Prison at this time.

Of course, there are many draenei.

They were all warriors captured by orcs all over Draenor, and were sent to Highmaul as gladiators because of their good fighting power.They were all locked up here, along with Yrel, before going on the field.

Except for those beasts, the opponents Yrel met in the arena basically came from among them.

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