So the team started again and ran all the way out of the city.

There were not many orcs guarding the city gate, about a dozen people were defeated by the gladiators in just one encounter.After Ye Ting's magic opened the door, the gladiators rushed out of the city.

They are finally free.

Chapter 1073

Escape from Highmaul was a big step on the road to freedom for the former slave gladiators.

But each of them knew that just escaping the city didn't mean escaping to heaven.

Today's orc tribe has become the most powerful force in the whole of Draenor. If they want to truly be free, they must be able to escape the sphere of influence of the orcs.

Until then, they'll all be hunted down by the Shattered Palm clan, who would never let their slaves escape with such swagger—especially if their liberators killed their chieftains with their own hands.

For an orc clan, this is undoubtedly a great insult.

The bad news is that the Orc tribe's sphere of influence is enormous.For now, Nagrand and Frostfire Ridge in the seven major regions of Draenor have basically all belonged to the territory of the orcs, and Gorgrond and Shadowmoon Valley are also nearly half of the sphere of influence of the orcs.

Only the original beasts of Tanaan jungle, the arakkoa of Aklan Peaks, and the draenei of Talador still maintain the rule of the region, and most of the other races can only survive in their own corners.

But the good news is that although the clans of the orcs are unified by the tribe, this unification is nothing but an alliance of clans.

Even though the current orc chieftain is more powerful than the past orc co-owners, he can directly command only the chiefs of the clans, but usually cannot interfere in the internal affairs of the clans.

In human terms, "My vassals are not my vassals." Orc tribes are not the kind of central empire where the decrees are uniform everywhere.

This also means that as long as they can escape the sphere of influence of the Broken Palm clan, they can be hunted down significantly less.

Although the other clans may also try to capture and enslave them when they see them, compared to the purposeful pursuit of the Broken Palm clan, the other clans can encounter at most some patrols and hunting teams of about a hundred people. The threat posed is not great.

But before fleeing, Yrel still intends to use some means.

Following the paladin's light, the gladiators came to a camp surrounded by wooden fences, which was the beast pen of the Broken Palm clan, which housed wolves and kodos.

Although the warriors of the Shatterclaw clan were mainly infantry, with few wolves and kodo riders, considering tactical factors, they still retained a small number of wargs and kodos as mobile power.

And now, Yrel's purpose is to put out their only mobile arm, making them unable to pursue.

At that time, everyone is chasing two legs with two legs. Who can chase who?

Under her leadership, the multi-ethnic army quickly entered the animal pen.

How could a small number of animal trainers guarding the animal pen stop the gang of tigers going down the mountain, and almost the entire army was wiped out in just one encounter, so the gladiators captured this place and slaughtered all the living creatures in the camp soon.

When the chasing advance troops that the Broken Palm clan had managed to organize arrived here, all they saw was a mess.

"Damn! These nasty cowards, they dare not confront us, but they actually attack my Whitemane (name of Warg)! How dare they!"

Their leader, Kirok the Scarred, couldn't help but scold when he saw this scene.

As the vanguard of the pursuit force, Kirok the Scar is one of the rare Warg knights in the Shattered Palm clan, and the leader of the Shattered Palm clan's wolf cavalry - he was a member of the Warsong clan before he became an ogre slave gladiator. The Warg Knight.

And his advance team is basically wolf cavalry.

Originally, their advance team was sent out, and they rushed to the animal pen as soon as possible, in order to meet their wargs, and then go after the escaped slaves.

Although their numbers were in the early [-]s, far less than the gladiators, cavalry and infantry were not the same.

Regardless of the difference in individual combat power, the speed cavalry alone has an absolute advantage, which means that the cavalry can actively choose whether to fight or leave, while the infantry can only passively face the cavalry.

In this way, just by harassment, the cavalry can wear down all the infantry.

In the hearts of the orcs, as long as Kirok and his subordinates step onto the Warg, those daring escaped slaves will die.

Pursued by the wolf cavalry, they would live in boundless fear for days on end, and were eventually eaten to death by the wolf cavalry.

It's a pity that Yrel's foresight made it all come to nothing, and Kirok and his subordinates ran in vain.

To make matters worse, due to a miscalculation of the gladiators' tactics, the main force of the Shattered Palm pursuers was organized more slowly than expected, and by the time Kirok's messenger returned to Highmaul, the time would resume. Delayed for half an hour.

By the time Kirok and the advance party reached the stable, the gladiator team had waded across the river under the cliffs of Highmaul to the other side.

Compared with the highmaul castle built in the mountains, it is very close to the vast plains of Nagrand, and will soon enter the sphere of influence of the Warsong clan nomadic in the grasslands.

Here, Yrel finally stopped.

"Why don't you go forward, Lord Yrel?"

"We don't need a break yet."

"We can keep going, my lord."

The gladiators thought that Yrel stopped to let them rest, and they all said that they still had more energy.

But Yrel shook his head.

"I stopped here because escaping here is almost out of the Broken Palm clan."

Having said that, she pointed to the grassland.

"Going there is a small camp, which is the 'Mulgore Sentinel' belonging to the Warsong clan. As long as you go around there, you can enter the territory of the Warsong clan. Although the Warsong clan is also very dangerous for us, it is also a large-scale The clan, the Broken Palm clan is simply unable to send a large army into the territory of the Warsong clan, which means that we are now temporarily escaping."

"And this also means that I may be temporarily separated from you. After all, our final destination is not the same. I want to return to Shattrath, and you each have your own home."

Yrel greeted everyone with the salute that gladiators do to each other before battle in the arena.

Originally, this gesture represented killing, representing immortality, but now it was made by Yrel, but it was full of farewell.

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