Beside Velen, masters such as Akama, Nellie, and Maraad also attacked one after another to help the soldiers deal with the most difficult enemies.

However, there are too many attacking enemies, and the hellfire that falls from time to time makes them exhausted, and even if Wei Lun and others make all-out shots, there is something they can't take care of.

Under such an attack, even Shattras couldn't last long.

Finally, with a loud bang, a piece of the city wall collapsed under the continuous blow of Hellfire, revealing a huge gap.

The draenei who had been standing on that wall suffered heavy casualties when the wall collapsed.

Although I finally noticed that Velen here killed the hellfire, everything was irreversible.

The collapsed city wall gave the orcs a clear breach.

And so, a tide of mad orcs and roaring ogres swarmed the gap, wielding their weapons, and the draenei on the other side didn't give in.

One side desperately wanted to rush in, and the other side desperately wanted to stop the comers, so the bloody battle started at this gap.

This gap of several meters has become a huge mouth of the abyss that devours life.

Even Wei Lun, who was used to seeing wars for ten thousand years, was stunned when he saw this scene.

The fury he had ever seen in any orc in the heat of battle was incomparable to what he had seen before.

These orcs have no tactics, no defenses, no retreat when it's time to retreat, and no amount of casualties can stop these killing machines from throwing themselves into this terrifying meat grinder.

They're just killing, sowing death and accepting death, foolishly rushing into the trapped dead end.

This was the way it should have been for the orcs, they fell heavily, blood poured from them, and Velen didn't mourn for it.But the draenei...

Even the draenei were infected by the horrific slaughter and became a part of it.The noble life that used to live for tens of thousands of years is now the same as these short-lived and wildly reproducing indigenous races. For this space with a length and width of only a few meters, he simply put his life into it, and then simply Dan's demise is almost meaningless.

However, the so-called meaning is completely unconcerned for both sides of the battlefield.

They paid no attention to anything, only the urge to scream in their blood, and the battle roar from their throats, could affect them., no, thousands of people died in this small gap, blue and green corpses piled up the gap, in this Asura field, there is only massacre, chaos, and endless madness.

At this moment, Wei Lun seemed very powerless.

He wants to stop all this, wants to stop this needless death, he doesn't want his people to join this worthless battle for the stupid reason of "fighting for a gap of more than ten square meters", and finally die worthless.

But he couldn't.

Because if you don't fight you will die, and even now, even if he knows that his people are on the road to death, he cannot stop them from fighting.

Just as he was trying to endure the powerlessness and sadness in his heart and wanted to do something, a light in the distance caught his attention.

The light was so dazzling that many draenei and orcs on the battlefield couldn't help but turn their heads to look.

Even the fierce battle in the gap in the city wall stopped for a second or two.

In the sky in the southeast direction, a black star with dazzling rays of light was slowly rising.On the surface of the dark stars, the terrifying energy is constantly condensing, agitating, expanding and compressing, as if something terrible is about to change.

Then, from among the stars, a huge black beam shot out suddenly, in the direction of them.

He had seen such a scene once.

That time, it was still the orcs attacking and the draenei defending.

That time, the place where the black star rose was Shadowmoon Valley, which eventually destroyed the Temple of Karabor, the holy place of the draenei.

This time, the orcs were still attacking, and the draenei were defending.

This time, it was Talador where the black star rose, and the draenei were defending their capital, Shattrath.

Familiar scenes, familiar plots, and familiar characters are just like the reappearance of the Battle of Karabor.

Chapter 1104 Dark Star, Magic Nuclear Bomb

Under such circumstances, the orcs took it for granted that this was their own support, and they all became excited, feeling that the outcome of the war had been decided.

The draenei who participated in the Battle of Karabor showed despair, and the scene of failure had already surfaced in their hearts.

Even Kil'jaeden himself, and his spokesperson - Gul'dan, who personally presided over the "Dark Star" attack on Karabor - were not alert.

They just looked at each other suspiciously, taking the situation as a backhand arranged by the other party to ensure that Shattrath was broken.

After all, with what they know about the draenei, how dare these "dead brains" use the power of shadows in public.

Although they have absolutely no idea where the other party found the second Dark Star.

But when they saw each other's suspicious eyes, the two immediately understood.

This time the Dark Star was not arranged by the other party at all.

But now, everything is too late.

The energy of the dark star has been condensed, and the beam of destruction has been launched.

This time, it was not the orcs who raised the dark star, but the draenei.

This time, the place where the dark star rises is no longer the Shadowmoon Valley dominated by orcs, but the draenei city of Auchindoun.

This time, the direction the beam was aimed at was not the Draenei, nor Shattrath, but the Horde army and the open space in front of Shattrath in front of them.

When the shadow's beam hit the center of the Horde's ranks, many of the orcs didn't even react.


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