On the other hand, after entering into an industrialized and electrified society, the human beings of Blue Star are almost inseparable from oil and electricity. It can be said that energy has become the pulse of human society. Once energy is lost, human society may collapse. .

Ye Ting doesn't expect the draenei's use of Arkenite crystals to reach the point where humans use petrochemical energy and electricity.

But in order to fully utilize the full potential of draenei technology, the draenei's current use of Arkenite crystals is not enough.

Of course, the transformation of Arkenite crystal could not be difficult for Ye Ting.

As early as in Xingyue World, he created magical engines such as [Xiandao Magic Furnace], [Xianjing Soul Engine], [Deep Space Engine], etc. Naturally, he is particularly good at this work.

But for him, the Arkenite crystal is indeed a great new thing, and its structure and the principle of automatic growth are indeed worth studying.

It took a very short time for Ye Ting to further strengthen the Arkenite crystal, which greatly increased its proliferation speed and energy accumulation speed.

But Ye Ting was still not satisfied.He believed that the potential of Arkenite crystals could be further exploited if water from the Sunwell or even the Well of Eternity could be obtained.

But that's all, it's enough for the draenei in Ye Ting's plan.

On this basis, he produced a product called [High-Energy Arkenite Crystal] through purification.

Like ordinary Arkenite crystals, [High Energy Arkenite Crystals] also have the ability to gather energy and grow.

However, compared with ordinary Arkenite crystals, [High Energy Arkenite Crystals] have higher energy gathering speed and energy storage effect, which is an enhanced version of Arkenite crystals.

There are pros and cons. While the effect is enhanced, its requirements for the environment are also higher - it must be a place rich in magic power to grow high-energy Arkenite crystals.

In addition, high-energy Arkenite crystals are not blue or purple, but orange-gold.

After that, he referred to the principle of the [Xiandao Magic Furnace] to create a magic field, and further transformed the [excited] Arkenite crystal. Nucleus] Generally, an energy field is generated to provide magic power for magic items of a specific wavelength within the range of the energy field.

Ye Ting called the transformed Arkenite crystal as "energy field crystal".

In fact, the manufacture of [Xiandao Magic Furnace] itself refers to the principle of [Misser Energy Core].

However, no matter how much Ye Ting studies, the current energy field crystals cannot be compared with [Xiandao Magic Furnace] and [Misser Energy Core], both in terms of energy storage and energy field size. The advantage is that the output is large enough. , as long as there are enough Arkenite crystals, this energy field crystal will be continuously produced, replacing quality with quantity.

In order to give full play to the numerical advantage, Ye Ting added the Draenei's [Crystal Defense Tower] technology into it.A crystal tower is designed with the energy field crystal as the core.

The shape of the crystal tower is a huge energy field crystal coat with a magic ring engraved with a magic circle. The design of the magic ring continues the architectural style of the draenei. Its color is not the mainstream purple, but the golden tone of Shattrath. ——That was Ye Ting's best color scheme for draenei architecture.

The magic ring can help the crystal to increase the range of the energy field, and at the same time, it can resonate with the crystals within a certain range, and transfer magic power to each other with almost no loss.

If a large number of such crystal towers are arranged, it is equivalent to artificially creating a magic net that belongs only to the draenei. Within the scope of this magic net, the weapons and equipment of the draenei can receive a steady stream of magic power.

Of course, the energy field crystal itself also has the function of storing energy. In the absence of replenishment, the simple crystal tower itself can also support long-term use.

And Ye Ting's other transformations of the draenei technology tree are all based on Arkenite crystals and energy field crystals.

Chapter 1107 Industrialization, Assembly Lines, and Crystal Power Armor

After improving energy, Ye Ting's first step was the production model.

As mentioned above, although the Draenei have quite advanced technology, the production mode is still mainly manual, and Ye Ting mainly improves this aspect.

To let those skilled draenei technicians put a lot of effort into sanding the simplest parts, casting metal?Ye Ting would not do such a brutal thing.

Highly skilled technicians should work on the most sophisticated parts, or develop more advanced technology, instead of focusing on ordinary craftsmanship.

Therefore, Ye Ting began to widely promote machine production and assembly line operations among technicians.

Because of the transformation of the Arkenite crystal, Ye Ting was regarded as a god by the draenei technicians within a day or two, and even Bishop Harut's disciple Romuir highly praised him. It can be said that Ye Ting The prestige among them has basically reached "worship" - even Yrel, the supreme commander, does not have such a high prestige.

Therefore, although the technicians did not understand Ye Ting's request, they still obeyed obediently.

With the current technical level of the Draenei, it is not difficult to create an assembly line, and the biggest problem for them in building automatic processing machines is not technology, but design.But with Ye Ting there, the design problem wasn't a problem at all.

As a result, within a day, the simplest production line for draenei-style armor was established.

Although it was a little unaccustomed at first, but soon, the draenei technicians shouted: "It's really fragrant!"

The most basic raw materials are processed step by step on the assembly line, and finally become a set of standard armor. In this process, only one or two technicians are required to monitor and control, and other tasks are handed over to machines and ordinary civilians.

This scene shocked the technicians.

Not to mention the speed at which this armor line can produce a set of armor, but its demand for manpower is much lower than that of hand-made armor.

Moreover, the assembly line does not have high requirements on the level of responsible technicians.

Even if the technician himself recommends that he cannot manufacture a pair of standard armor independently, he only needs to understand the key nodes of the assembly line to complete his work perfectly.

The power of industrial production is terrifying.

With Ye Ting as a demonstration, the draenei technicians showed their magical powers one after another.

Based on the templates given by Ye Ting, they designed production lines for various products and established factories one after another—warhammer factory, shield factory, building material factory, crystal rough polishing factory, and even more subdivided factories for various basic parts. ...

In just two weeks, various factories were spread all over the grounds of Auchindoun, producing a steady stream of various materials.

The draenei, who always feel that there is insufficient military resources, now have to worry about raw materials.

As for Ye Ting, he was not idle, and actively designed new weapons for the draenei.

The first is the draenei armor.

Unlike the armor made by blacksmiths of humans and dwarves in Azeroth, the draenei prefer armor produced by technicians.

The crystal civilization of the Draenei has developed brilliantly, and these armors are no exception.

The draenei are not pure metal armor, they are also inlaid with various crystals, and they are endowed with various abilities, such as increasing defense, calming the mind, affinity with holy light, etc. - it can be regarded as a popular enchanted armor. .

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