Whether it is Shattrath or Auchindoun, as the two most important cities of the Draenei, their city defenses are extremely strong.Just attacking one Shattrath, the orcs sacrificed so many people, if attacking two cities at the same time...

Orcs simply don't have the ability to take down two cities at the same time with their subordinates' blood.

If they had to do this, then their casualties would be at least tenfold, which they couldn't bear.

In this way, the orcs are in an embarrassing situation.

However, more importantly, the current orcs can't afford it at all.

In this attack on Shattrath, the Horde gathered almost all the major clans of the Orcs, which is not without brilliance.But at the same time, such a large-scale gathering consumes an astronomical amount of food.

If everyone is at home, the soldiers can go out hunting and gain something.

Now everyone is gathered under the city of Shattrath, hundreds of thousands of people are piled together, people eat and horses chew like a huge black hole, no matter how much food they can't fill.The nearby ecosystem simply can’t support so many orcs. It can be said that the nearby forest and grassland have been hunted down long ago, and now everyone has no income at all, and all they can consume is the tribe’s food reserves.

Of course, the most important thing is the food reserves of the seven clans - after all, they are the leaders of the tribe.

However, even the seven major clans couldn't help but eat like this.

On the other hand, the environment of Draenor is not as rich as Azeroth, and the fel energy from the Burning Legion continues to damage the environment - the future orcs will attack Azeroth because they have spoiled Draenor. .

It can be said that the landlord's family has no surplus food these days.

Therefore, compared to the draenei who have a small population and have a strong city to rely on, the orcs can't afford it.

Both Blackhand and Gul'dan realized that this war had to end sooner.

And their choice is to concentrate their strength, attack Shattrath again, and they must fight.

So what will Auchinton do?

Confused, Gul'dan turned to Kil'jaeden.

Since chasing down the draenei has always been Kil'jaeden's personal affair, he has seldom acted personally, and rarely used the main force of the Burning Legion on his own initiative.

But when things got to this point, he couldn't help it.

After learning about the plight of the orcs, Kil'jaeden was cruel and summoned an army of demons.

However, he finally did not want to go too far. The purpose of this army was not to assist the orcs in attacking Auchindoun, but simply to monitor and deter.

Secret weapons like the Dark Star, Kil'jaeden believes even the draenei will have few.

Therefore, Auchindoun wanted to support Shattrath, and the only way left was to send reinforcements.

And he deployed the demon army between the two cities, and while monitoring Auchindoun, he also clearly told Auchindoun that the draenei were guarded here, and dispelled their idea of ​​supporting Shattrath. .

He believed that with the cleverness of the draenei in Auchindoun, nothing would be foolish.

This can be regarded as a soldier without a fight.

Therefore, in Shatas, Velen could only watch in despair as a large number of demons were being summoned continuously, blocking their only way to survive.

On the other side, the orcs also gathered in a steady stream, and a green ocean appeared again under Shattrath City.

"This time, it's really over."

He said to Archbishop Karma next to him.

"Yes, but we have no choice."

Karma persuaded, and at this moment there was fearless determination on his face.

"If a sufficient number of draenei are not slaughtered," said Neri, on the other hand, her face lowered, her face full of disgust at herself for thinking like this, "then the desires that control them will not get Even temporary gratification. They will hunger for us on fresh trails. Those who escape will be killed. They have to believe they killed most of us. And in order for them to believe that… ...it has to become a reality."

"Yes, exactly."

Wei Lun took a long sigh of relief, and he still can't let go of the fact that he took the initiative to send his compatriots to death.

"All but a few of us know what we're escaping from Argus."

Nellie comforted.She is not only persuading Wei Lun, but also persuading herself:

"Someone will remember this. Someone will remember what Kil'jaeden did, what happened to our people. We were willing—and we are now—to keep even those of our race together. A small part will die gladly without declining."

Next, a tragic farewell.

Velen speaks to every people who decide to die.

He embraced them and blessed them.

He will collect their special objects and bury them in the ground.

He watched stoically as the dying men repaired their armor and sharpened their blades, as if the outcome wasn't clear.

He also watched them set off, singing old songs, and walking inside the walls, waiting for the hammer or the ax or the spear to end their lives.

They decided to bury themselves with as much orc blood as possible in a tragic battle.

Chapter 1124 Fighting Shatas Again

After a lapse of more than a month, the fire of war finally ignited again in the city of Shattrath.

A month was enough for Shattrath's technicians to repair the collapsed city walls and rebuild the city's defense system.

Having learned the lesson of the last time, the draenei dare not underestimate the methods of the orcs.Although their civilization is very backward and their productivity is low, the power of the Burning Legion gives them a powerful siege force.

To this end, the draenei people have prepared more artillery fire and arranged more crystals to charge the shields-they have taken out all the strategic reserves with the will to die.

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