Unbeknownst to them, their actions made Kil'jaeden furious.

"How on earth did they discover our ambush!?"

In front of his hands, Kil'jaeden roared.

"No...don't know...my master, we have no idea what's wrong."

In the face of the wrath of the Demon Commander, Gul'dan, who was arrogant in front of the orcs, seemed rather humble at the moment.

"I don't know!?" Hearing Gul'dan's answer, Kil'jaeden became even more furious: "I don't know how the army appeared here, defeated the Horde with weapons from nowhere, and finally I don't know how to find out in advance. After our ambush, I don't know anything, what do I want you for!?"

This time Kil'jaeden was really angry.

For Velen's betrayal, Kil'jaeden has always been extremely angry, otherwise he would not have hunted down the draenei for ten thousand years.

After the draenei settled on Draenor, Kil'jaeden followed the trail.Seduced the orcs, the native race of Draenor, and used their power to slaughter the draenei. This is Kil'jaeden's most proud achievement: using the savage and backward race to kill those who claim to be kind and fraternity The draenei was his biggest mockery of Velen's "hypocritical" idea.

However, this could only ease his anger at the betrayal a little, and only Velen's blood could calm his anger.

He was going to do it.

Under Shattrath, everything changed.

The first time they attacked the city, the hypocritical ants actually brought out the power of the "shadow" that they had been despised in the past, and severely damaged the tribe in one fell swoop.The arrogant Burning Legion didn't even notice the change in the draenei's ideas, and it ended up suffering a dark loss.

In the second siege, Kil'jaeden tried his best to temporarily transfer an army from the Burning Legion that was fighting everywhere to prepare for an accident, but the accident happened in an unexpected way.

In fact, soon after the golden army showed up, he understood their origin - those people were not some unexpected spoilers, but the draenei who had escaped from Shattrath to Auchindoun organized army.

But that's what made him even more angry.

If the support came from somewhere else, such as the Lightforged draenei who fought with the Legion of Light in the universe against the Burning Legion (not all of the draenei followed Velen in the Thousand Years Escape, and a Zhi directly joined the naaru as a Lightforged draenei), and he wasn't so angry yet.But it was precisely this army from Auchindoun, another city of the Draenei on Draenor, that turned his whole plan upside down, and it was the feeling of being "out of control" that annoyed him the most.

Known as "The Deceiver", Kil'jaeden has always prided himself on his wit and cunning.The current loss of control is a denial of his wisdom—especially as the army sees through his plan: use the orcs' defeat as bait, lure them into an ambush, and then wipe them out in one fell swoop.

Such tactical deception has always been Kil'jaeden's most proud means, but now, he seems to feel that he has been crushed by his IQ.

And soon, new bad news came, which made his anger even more.

"Report the fraudster, our attack failed," came a demon who came to deliver the letter, and there were still many burn marks caused by energy attacks on his body: "The defense of that city is too strong! As soon as we approached, we were attacked by a large number of energy cannons. We suffered heavy casualties and had to retreat. Your lord, you…”

The demon hesitated for a while, and finally continued: "Your judgment is wrong, Auchindoun's staying power is not as weak as you think."

"...Get out of here!"

Kil'jaeden trembled with anger when his plan to attack Auchindoun with the demons that guarded Auchindoun failed.

At this moment, he deeply felt that everything he was proud of in the past was deeply insulted in front of the city called Auchindoun and its ruler.

Chapter 1132 Too tender

In fact, the real reason why the draenei chased down the Horde and retreated halfway was not because they noticed that Kil'jaeden had arranged an ambush. Ye Ting and Yrel were not so good at it.

The reason why they decided to retreat was only because of the problem of energy replenishment of the army.

According to Ye Ting's design, whether it is the armored weapons of the draenei or the [Immortal], the Arkenite crystal as its energy source can get a steady stream of energy transmission from the crystal tower within the range of the crystal tower. The energy can be said to be infinite before it fails.

In this case, the draenei warriors can freely consume their energy shields, and the [Immortal] can also use their full firepower at will, without considering the consumption problem at all. In this case, the combat effectiveness of the entire army is the strongest.

However, the radiation range of the crystal tower is limited, and if you chase down the enemy, you will inevitably get out of the power supply range of the crystal tower.

In this case, they had to control their own energy consumption, and naturally did not dare to chase too far.After all, the number of troops who came to Shattrath by jumping was not too many, only more than a thousand people, and the number of orcs was ten times that of them.

Under the circumstance that the combat power cannot cause crushing, once there is an accident that drags the battle into a war of attrition, then one's own side will be severely damaged due to insufficient energy.

In order to avoid accidents, Yrel gave up and continued to chase out of caution.

In this way, they escaped by accident.

For this, Yrel did not know it.Although through the crystal tower, she also came to Shattrath in person, but as a commander, she did not even appear in the front line in person, but just supervised and commanded the battle in the rear.

With Kara's presence, the balanced faction draenei is at least a lot more convenient in terms of command.

When the army returned to Shattrath one after another, Yrel and Ye Ting, as well as the Auchindoun leaders who came to Shattrath one step ahead, had already met with Velen and others.

Looking at the little Sao Hoof, whose appearance has not changed much, but has a more mature temperament, Wei Lun can't help but be filled with emotion.

At the beginning, he had rashly promoted Yrel from a rookie, and entrusted her with nearly half of the strength of the draenei. In fact, he was just holding the mentality of grabbing the last life-saving straw and giving it a try.

He had never hoped that Yrel would save the world, save the draenei, and even the end of the first Shattrath War was not within his expectations.

In his vision, as long as Yrel can successfully lead the remaining draenei to escape the clutches of the Horde and the Burning Legion, it will be the greatest success.

But now, Yrel's success really surprised him.

In just over a month, the young leader not only managed Auchindoun well, but also established an unprecedentedly powerful army, which even defeated the entire Shattrath head-on. To capture the tribal army of Shattrath, but also pushed back a wave, directly beating the tribe to flee for dozens of miles.

Such a change, such a victory has long exceeded Velen's imagination.

Young people today are really scary.

Sure enough, I'm getting old and can't keep up with the times.

With this thought in mind, he took the initiative to step forward and greeted Yrel first.

Generally speaking, such behavior is an act of respect from a low-status person to a high-status person.

Among the draenei, Velen has always had the highest status.Although the Prophet never cared about the level of etiquette and status, this time, he took the initiative to do so.

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