In the face of the threat of the tribe, these unwilling heroic spirits naturally have to contribute their own strength.With their help, a large number of immortals and probes greatly complemented the overall strength of the draenei, and also strengthened the firepower and construction capabilities of the draenei army.

The emergence of a large number of new technologies and the birth of new arms have also produced many new tactics.

Today, the training programs of the draenei recruits have added new items such as "jump training", "infantry artillery coordination", "infantry tank coordination" and so on.

Jump training is mainly to train recruits to adapt to the crystal jump, the purpose is to enable them to jump into battle immediately after the jump.

As for the infantry artillery coordination and the infantry-tank coordination, the former is to cooperate with the tactics of the photon fort and the immortal, paying attention to the gradual advance of the infantry with the advancement of the artillery fire coverage; the latter pays attention to how the infantry attacks on the battlefield under the protection of the immortal, and how In order to cooperate with the immortal, to find out the leaks and fill the gaps, establish a defense line.

At the same time, the original Auchindon army also had to train in batches.

After all, these new tactics are too unfamiliar to the draenei, many of which they have never experienced in their thousands of years of war history.Although they did give the Horde a "surprise" in the battle of Shattrath, it did not mean that they really mastered these new tactics.

The fact is just the opposite. In the original battle, because it was used to the past battles, the army did make a lot of mistakes: for example, it did not make full use of the sturdy immortals, leaving them behind as pure fire support; such as charging Too casual, resulting in the rear firepower not being able to be fully utilized in order not to hurt one's own people, etc...

Although the tribe is conspiring to accumulate strength, it is fortunate that they will take revenge in the future and experience the shame of Shatas.

However, the draenei side will naturally not wait for the orcs to return. I believe that in the next war, the orcs will truly see the lethality of modern warfare.

Chapter 1140 Reorganization of the Council of Bishops

While the entire draenei military system was undergoing major changes, Yrel himself was not idle.

Not only is there reform in the middle and lower layers of draenei society, but as the highest consul of the draenei today, Yrel also leads the change in the power of the upper draenei.

Simply put, Yrel re-established the draenei's supreme governing body, the Council of Bishops.

Of course, she has only just become the top consul, and since her rights are not stable, she naturally won't rashly offend the former bishops.

What she mainly did was to expand the size of the Bishops' Council, set up many new departments, and added many new characters.

The original bishops council had five members, namely:

Governor of Shattar, Archbishop Ossar, Mayor of Shattrath City, and leader of scholars.

Chief Ranger, Exarch Neri, leader of the draenei rangers.

Chief Technician, Archbishop Hataru, representatives of draenei engineers and scientists.

High-ranking vigilante, Archbishop Akama, the supreme leader of vigilantes (paladers).

The spokesperson for the dead, Archbishop Maladaar, former leader of the Auchenai, and now the leader of the Shadow Vindicator (Shadow Knight).

Now Yrel has promoted three more new archbishops, namely:

High Priestess, Archbishop Isana, leader of Aldo, leader of Priests of Light.

High Priestess, Archbishop Samara, new leader of the Auchenai, leader of Shadow Priests (Soul Priests).

Heroic Spirit Leader, Archbishop Askara, Immortal Leader.

Of the three newly promoted, only Isana has held a high position in the draenei.For a long time, she served as Velen's deputy, responsible for leading the priests of the Draenei, and was a very trusted junior by Velen.

When Velen entrusted Auchindoun to Yrel, Velen entrusted her with the task of assisting Yrel, which shows her ability and Velen's trust in her.In Auchindoun, Isana did not fail Yrel, and worked diligently to help her establish a leadership position in Auchindoun, which can be said to be Yrel's direct line.

As for the new leader of the Auchenai, Samara, she is Yrel's older sister and has the same special talents as Yrel.In the past, she was also known for her excellent talent in the Temple of Karabor, but in order to raise Yrel, Samara resolutely gave up the priest's job after graduation, turned to become a merchant, and raised Yrel at the same time. you.

For a long time, Samara was just an ordinary civilian in the village of Ampori, but this did not mean that Samara's talent and ability were inferior to other bishops - in the "Official History", the parallel world of Draenor, Samara Ra is captured by Shadowmoon chief Ner'zhul.

According to Ner'zhul, Samara's blood was able to summon the Dark Star - a sign of Samara's affinity for the power of shadow, even more than the power of light.

This is the truth. After this period of training, coupled with Yrel and Ye Ting's frequent small stoves for Samara, today Samara's achievements in shadow power have surpassed all Soul Priests.

With the rise of the Way of Balance, among the Draenei, professions like Shadow Knight and Shadow Priest have gradually begun to rise, especially the emergence of Shadow Knight, a melee profession that manipulates the power of shadows, greatly increasing the draenei Human frontal killing ability.

However, considering that the contradiction between the users of Holy Light and Shadow still exists, Yrel decided to imitate the "Guardian" to establish a "Shadow Guardian" system, and let the old archbishop Maladaar be responsible for establishing this system. And lead the emerging "Shadow Vindicator".

As for the original Auchenai and the Shadow Priests, Yrel promoted Samara to take charge.First, Samara is her elder sister, her absolute direct lineage, and secondly, Auchenai originally belonged to the Archbishop Maladaar, who recognized her the most, and there would be no trouble if he handed over to Samara.

Among the three new archbishops, the one with the most special status is Askara.

Unlike the others, Askara was not an ordinary draenei, in fact, she was not even a living creature.

Her identity is that of a heroic spirit—to put it uglier, it is an undead.

Yes, Askara was nothing but the soul of a dead draenei.

However, her identity before her death was not ordinary.

Askara was an eredar native to Argus.Because of the Burning Legion, she and the other draenei, under the leadership of Velen, boarded the space fortress Ginidar, crossed the sea of ​​stars, and began to flee.

The road to escape was not always smooth, and the threat of being hunted lingered in their dreams, making them unable to sleep peacefully.Along the way, they've visited many different worlds in search of safe haven - Draenor was only their last option - but they couldn't make much more stops, as the Legion would soon find out their whereabouts.Before the demons arrived, the draenei had to board Genidar and disappear into the sea of ​​stars again.

In this long escape career, many heroes have emerged among the Draenei, and the archbishops of the Bishop Council are one of them, so they were entrusted by Velen to lead the position after they descended on Draenor.

And Askara is one of those heroes.

Askara doesn't have great physical strength or forging skills, but she also has skills she is good at - among the draenei, she is known as the most powerful healer ever.

Because of her talent in holy light spells, Velen even gave her an artifact - a priest's staff named [Ture, Naru Daobiao].

With powerful Light spells and a kind heart, Askara has built a great reputation among the draenei.That relic would cast a divine magic aura on her, and in the eyes of many draenei, it was the ray of hope.

However, she did not survive until the spaceship landed on Draenor.

In the thousands of years of escape, the spaceship Ginida has come to a planet named Shagail.The draenei thought they had found a place to settle, a place to start over.

But they were wrong.

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