"I heard that the price of a Firebolt is thousands of gold Galleons." Bradley said somewhat incredulously: "Who would give him such an expensive gift? I'm sure it won't be his uncle. ."

"Maybe it's his admirer... Harry has a lot of fans!" Roger guessed. "After all, he defeated You-Know-Who."

"Maybe Dumbledore." Zhang Qiu put forward a new idea, "We all know that Dumbledore is a little partial to Harry, and he even gave Harry an invisibility cloak."

"It's not Dumbledore." Ye Ting shook his head and explained: "The Invisibility Cloak is Harry's father's relic, but it's just kept by Dumbledore. No matter how partial Dumbledore is to his savior, he wouldn't do such a thing. Don't guess, I dare say, you absolutely can't think of who sent this Firebolt, it's a quite unexpected character."

In the end, Roger concluded: "In any case, we must pay more attention to Gryffindor. Zhang Qiu performed quite well in the previous game, but he still has to do his best when facing Harry Potter. Go ahead. Harry used to fly really well, now with Firebolt, your broomstick advantage is gone, so you have to train hard during this time or we might lose to Gryffindor of."

"I will train hard," Zhang Qiu replied, with pride in his tone, "but I don't think I have no advantage when facing the 'Savior', whether it's technical or broomstick."

After speaking, she turned her head and gave Ye Ting a big smile.

Soon, however, the wind changed.

The Firebolt was temporarily held by Professor McGonagall. Since Harry was under threat from Black throughout the school year, the professors suspected it was a gift from Sirius Black, and they feared that the Firebolt had been hacked. Magic, it is possible for Harry to die: for example, Harry falling while flying.

Eventually the professors decided to disassemble the broom to see if there was any dangerous black magic spell attached to it.

Many people are happy about it.

"I hope Harry Potter can't get that broom back before the Quidditch match - at least not until Gryffindor and us. Otherwise, we're likely to lose the game. ." Roger said with a sigh, although Zhang Qiu was full of confidence, he was still very worried, he didn't think Ye Ting's modified broom could surpass Firebolt, nor did he think Zhang Qiu's flying skills could surpass Ha Leigh Potter.

As for Slytherin, their Chaser Draco Malfoy even viciously hoped that the broom wouldn't be put back after it was disassembled.He became so jealous of Harry when he heard that Harry got the Firebolt, he even wrote to Lucius Malfoy to buy him one Firebolt - even seven Firebolts , so that the Slytherin Quidditch team can be allocated one.

It is a pity that although the Malfoy family is an old pure-blood family, they obviously do not have such financial resources.

He didn't even buy a Firebolt for Malfoy, because seven Nimbus 2001s had cost the Malfoy family a lot of money.

Chapter 0151

In fact, most "pure-blood families" with a glossy appearance are only ostensible.

The reason why they are said to be just good looks is because they have almost no source of income.

What kind of wealth does a typical pure-blood family have?Can refer to the Malfoy family or the Black family.

They have a large and magnificent manor, usually have a house elf to take care of it, and have a collection of antiques, gold and silver objects with a history of hundreds of years.

They generally have family vaults at the bottom of Gringotts with mountains of gold in them.

However, the manor is generally their ancestral home. Although it is invaluable, it cannot be realized at all.House-elves can't be traded.Although antiques seem to be invaluable, if one day you want to sell and discount them, you will find that you can't sell many gold Galleons at all.

And the gold in the vast majority of the family vaults will only become less and less after being consumed from generation to generation.

This gold is often accumulated by the ancestors of pure blood families over several generations, either from the wealth obtained by making alchemy items, refining potions, or by pretending to be a ghost in front of Muggles, or even by finding A treasure or a gold mine or something...

But as time goes on, the accumulation of wealth will become more and more difficult.

As Muggles continue to develop, it becomes more and more difficult to obtain wealth from them, especially after the enactment of the International Confederation of Wizards Secrecy Act, it is completely forbidden to obtain wealth from Muggles through magic— -Except Ye Ting's method, of course, because that's just a Muggle-style investment.

With the continuous development of the wizarding society and the continuous rise of major magic academies, the educational monopoly of pure-blood families in magic was soon broken. These public education organizations headed by Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry brought wizards In a "renaissance" in society, the knowledge of magic spells, alchemy, potions, etc. was continuously disclosed, alchemy and potions masters among the half-blood wizards continued to emerge, and the number of competitors continued to increase. Magic props and potions The price of alchemy and potions continued to drop, and pureblood families could no longer use alchemy and potions to make great fortunes.

But in the wizarding world, aside from the production of alchemy, potions, and herbs, there are few other sustainable industries.

In fact, the wizarding world of Harry Potter has reached the threshold of great abundance of material production, which can be regarded as reaching the threshold of communism.

Although the magic of the Harry Potter world lacks lethality, it is quite powerful in terms of production and life.This directly causes the most basic living resources in food, water, clothing, etc. to become quite cheap.

Of course, it's not entirely because of Transfiguration.

In fact, there are five exceptions to Gamp's Basic Law of Transfiguration: food, magic items, magical creatures, non-existent entities, and the concept of incorporeal form.These five exceptions are beyond the reach of Transfiguration.

However, magic can achieve this in other ways.

In terms of food, magic can increase a small amount of food. The most typical ones are magnifying spells and copying spells. It can also make crops grow faster and bigger, and can make barren farmland a great harvest. Even Hagrid is not good at it. A magical wizard can use a puffing spell to make his pumpkins grow taller than adults.

Not to mention water, a water-making spell can solve all problems.

In terms of clothing, furniture, and even houses, it is quite convenient to use magic to make them. Manipulating the movement of substances is the most basic magic method. The transformation spell also has a good effect in making these daily necessities.

Some superb wizards can even simplify the complex process of making a certain furniture or a certain dish into a short spell, that is to say, as long as there are raw materials and know the corresponding spell, even an English witch who has never entered the kitchen Can also complete a Kung Pao Chicken.In fact, in the wizarding world, magic books about cooking and housework are quite popular among housewives.

Poor families in wizards like the Weasleys are only troubled by the fact that they have to feed four or five children and can't afford new magic books and wands.

Even if their family can't even get a gold Galleon, they can still live in a big house with hundreds of square meters, with an endless yard, and the family can still eat whatever they want all day long.But these are still luxuries for many Muggles who are far more wealthy than they are.

So, for wizards, other than the production of magic items, all industries are worthless - why pay for things that can be obtained through spells anyway?

However, a pure-blood family spends a lot of wealth every year in order to maintain the family's luxurious life, to communicate with other families, and to manage with various classes; and such wealth consumption is far from the Ministry of Magic. Taking a position, or opening one or two alchemy props or potion shops can be earned back.

All this keeps them decaying and degenerating.

In fact, there have been many pure-blood families with a long history that have become obsolete because they cannot make ends meet, and have abandoned their last decency.

There are also many families who can only get by on loans from Gringotts.

And that's one of the reasons why Voldemort's idea of ​​"pure blood supremacy" inherited from Slytherin, or Gellert Grindelwald's idea of ​​"witcher supremacy" appeals to these pure blood families.

According to Voldemort or Grindelwald's idea, wizards can abandon the "International Confederation of Wizards Secrecy Act", take the initiative to appear in front of Muggles, defeat and control Muggle society through magic, plunder Muggle wealth, and enslave Muggles.And through such means, the pure blood family can obtain a lot of wealth and resources from the Muggles, once again filling their treasury in Gringotts, allowing their family to continue to enjoy the same extravagant life as before!

Among them, Voldemort went one step further than Grindelwald. He not only wanted to enslave Muggles, but also rejected Muggle-born wizards. He also looked down on half-blood wizards.He wanted to build a wizarding society in which power was in the hands of pure-blood wizards, and in such a society pure-blood wizards were a privileged class that exploited half-blood and Muggle-born wizards and rejected the creation of Muggle wizards.Since Muggle wizards have no access to the wizarding world before awakening their magic power, whether they can access magic depends entirely on the wizarding world's initiative. In this way, their power can be completely controlled by pure-blood wizards. Unable to resist.

In Ye Ting's opinion, Grindelwald's idea is quite ridiculous, while Voldemort's strategy is more feasible.

Because the wizarding world's demand for the Muggle world is not as great as it thinks.

0152 Participating in the World Cup

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