Now they have endured it long enough. Although Prince Rhaegar disregarded the existence of his original spouse and was jealous of Robert, which led to the subsequent rebellion, the Martell family was quite dissatisfied with Targaryen, but they were still with Targaryen after all. The family has been married for generations, and now only Daenerys has the power and will to overthrow King Robert's rule.

Joining Daenerys' side is also the best choice for the Martell family to take revenge.

In addition, Daenerys also needs the presence of the Martell family.

After all, if she was going to counterattack Westeros and attack the Seven Kingdoms, she would have to cross a strait from Essos.

And the existence of the Martell family can give them a suitable landing place for the army.

Of course, when negotiating a secret contract with Oberyn Martell, the "Red Viper", the Martell family's request to marry Doran's son, Quentin Martell and Daenerys, was sternly rejected.

The one who spoke was the Pope of the Dragon God, Melisandre. She knew the relationship between Daenerys and their envoys, and Daenerys herself was inconvenient to speak-it would be a shame for the woman to refuse in person. .

However, for an alliance like Martell who did not directly become a subordinate and was maintained only by secret contracts, how could they maintain trust without any hostages or secret contracts as a bond?

Finally, after meeting the divine envoy Ye Ting, Oberon still had an idea.

He suggested that his niece, Arianne Martell, claim to convert to the Dragon God, and then join the Dragon God Church as a saint who serves the gods.

In this way, the alliance can be considered solid. After all, the angels will never deceive mortals (hehe).

Chapter 0175 Rebellious Arianne

The Fallingwater Garden was the private residence of the rulers of Dorne.It is a palace with fountains and gardens.It is located three leagues (a unit of length) west of Sunspear, the capital of Dorne, on the beach, separated by a coastal road.

Prince Maron Martell erected this garden as a gift to his Targaryen bride, marking the union of Dorne and the Iron Throne.Balconies here overlook numerous pools and fountains, shadowed by blood orange trees, pale pink marble floors fill gardens and courtyards, past a row of carved beams and through elegant arches.

Autumn here is very hearty.Hot by day, cool by night, salty winds blowing from the sea, and fountains and pools.There are also many children, boys and girls of noble birth.Noble families and families from all over Dorne and all classes will send their children to the Garden of Flowing Water to raise them.Here, children can play together on the beach, pool, fountain.

Today, however, the atmosphere in this garden is not very pleasant.

A quarrel is about to take place here.

On both sides of the quarrel, one was the ruler of Dorne, Doran Martell, a cautious, quiet man who never showed his emotions.He had severe gout and had difficulty walking.He is nearly fifty years old, but just looking at his white hair and the wrinkles at the corners of his forehead and eyes, it is not surprising that he is considered to be an old man in his sixties or seventies.Years of sickness and the pain and hatred of his sister's tragic death at the hands of the enemy made him old to this day.

On the other side of the argument with her was his eldest daughter, Arianne Martell.

Arianne was plump and beautiful, with olive skin, big black eyes, and curly jet-black hair.She was as small as her mother, only five feet two inches tall.Arianne was 23 years old, and despite her high status and beauty, she was still unmarried.

She is the eldest daughter of Prince Doran and his wife Melario.According to Dornish tradition, she is the heir to Sunspear and the Land of Dorne.

Because of her father, she is still unmarried.

Arianne also once hoped to take the initiative to find a more suitable partner. She also has many suitors, and she herself believes that she thinks handsome men are her weakness, especially when they have an adventurous and taboo temperament. she is.

However, his father rejected all such candidates, and even did not let her have contact with these people. She always thought that this was the way her father wanted to deprive her of her inheritance, causing her to resent her father very much.

Now, after Pentos's sword-drawing ceremony, a letter from Prince Oberon has left her in complete despair.In the letter, she found that she was actually arranged to be a saint in the Dragon God Church. This is a naked desire to deprive her of her inheritance.

Arianne is determined to resist. As Dorne's first heir, she has no real power but still has some power. Her childhood playmate in Fallingwater Garden and several illegitimate daughters of her uncle Oberon are with her. The relationship is good, and now she is her confidant.

Arianne herself was a calculating, adventurous, and hot-tempered man.She will do whatever it takes to get what she thinks she deserves.Now she has contacted these confidants, as well as some of the guard commanders in Sunspear City who had taken refuge in her, waiting for an opportunity to rebel against her father and force him to pass the throne directly to her.

However, how can a newborn fox compare to an old fox?

Soon, her conspiracy was seen through by her father.

So Prince Doran locked his daughter in a comfortable cell in the tower.

Cut off from outside communication, even the servants who looked after her were forbidden to talk to her, and Arianne went on a hunger strike.

In the end, Prince Doran had to speak to Arianne himself.

Before being taken to see her father, she had thought about being simple and humble, sincerely repentant, and begging for forgiveness at her father's feet, otherwise she would never hear the noise of other humans.

But when she saw her father again, for some reason, she couldn't get down on her knees and beg as she had planned.

She just said, "Father."

He looked at her face for a long time before saying, "Why? Tell me, Arianne. Tell me why. You are my daughter, Arianne, the little girl who came to me with a broken knee. It's hard to believe you're plotting a plot against me. I must know the truth."

"Why?" Arianne sneered, she felt it was time to settle the account. "Hehe, to Duke Tywin and the Lannister family, you always swallow your voice like a saint; but you have no tolerance for your own flesh and blood."

"'Suffering is the best you can be' Arianne, don't take patience for patience. I've been dedicated to Tywin Lannister from the day they told me of the deaths of Arya and the children. I hope with all my heart that I can take away everything he holds dear before killing him with my own hands." The father's face twitched, as if the words pained him. "Is this what you want?"

"Really?" The princess felt that he was avoiding the important points: "I want my rights."

"Your rights?" the prince asked rhetorically.


"You'll have Dorne when I die. Are you so desperate to get rid of me?"

"I should ask you that, father. I have nominally inherited power over Dorne. However, Uncle Oberyn is the one who is in real power, and you make him the deputy lord of Sunspear and take charge yourself. Taxes are collected, the treasury is handed over to the governor, the sheriff is in charge of the order of the city, the judge presides over the legal arbitration, the bachelor handles irrelevant correspondence, the only thing I have to do is drink and entertain guests, you are arrogating me."

"That's not true."

"No? Why don't you ask my brother?"



Father's face sank. "It's not honorable for you to be so suspicious, Arianne. Quentyn should be the one who plotted against me. When I sent him away as an adopted child, he was just a child who didn't understand what Dorne needed. To him, His adoptive father, Anders Ellenwood, is more father-like than I am, yet your brother remains loyal and filial."

"Why not? You like him, always. Not only does he look like you, he 'thinks' like you, and you're going to pass on Dorne to him—don't bother denying it! At fourteen, I think Here comes the letter." The words in the letter burned like fire in her memory.

"'One day you will take my place and rule over Dorne.' Those are your words. Tell me, father, since when did you decide to disinherit me? From the day Quentin was born, or from The day I was born? What did I do to make you hate me so much?" She was annoyed that she didn't want to be so weak in front of her father now that her eyes were full of tears.

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