The audience took a breath in unison, it was too dangerous.

Krum calmly shifted his position, and then cast an eye-scare spell on the fire dragon's remaining eye.

Due to the constant movement of the fire dragon, he tried three or four times before he succeeded in hitting. This time, both eyes of the fire dragon were temporarily blinded, and it was completely lost.Krum's location.

It has to be said that Krum's plan was quite successful. The violent celestial fireball dragon randomly attacked and spewed flames to vent his anger. Under this frantic struggle, even his own eggs were trampled to pieces. a lot.

However, this kind of blind attack has no effect at all. The blind fire dragon did not touch a cold hair of Krum. He took this opportunity to break into the fire dragon's lair - this is of course very dangerous, because the fire dragon only needs With a flick of his tail, he might have hurt him, but he did it anyway, and the result was undoubtedly successful, he dexterously stole the golden egg from the dragon's nest.

"He's shown a lot of guts—ah—yes, he's got the golden egg!" Bagman exclaimed.

The overwhelming applause shattered the winter air like shattering glass.Krum has accomplished his mission.

Next comes the scoring stage.

Madame Maxime gave Krum six points, and seemed to repay Karkaroff's six points to Fleur.

Mr. Crouch gave him eight points.

Dumbledore gave nine points.

Bagman gave it a seven, explaining that Krum's spell caused the dragon to destroy too many of his eggs, a reason everyone agreed.

Ye Ting also gave seven points.

Finally, it was Karkaroff, who actually gave Krum ten points.

The headmaster's eccentricity was already evident, and the audience was immediately booed again.

Now it's Harry Potter's turn, and he's the last player of the day.

When entering the arena, Harry seemed quite nervous. In fact, compared to the previous three players, Harry himself had not experienced so many big scenes. This time, becoming a warrior is purely to catch ducks on the shelves.

However, the audience is very interested in him. Who let him kill Voldemort when he was a baby?

Harry's opponent was a Hungarian Horntail, which stood at the other end of the field.

It crouched low, guarding its nest of eggs, its wings half folded, its wicked yellow eyes fixed on Harry.

This is an extremely large lizard-like reptile covered in scales.It wriggled its spiky tail violently, leaving a few meters of potholes on the hard ground.

The Hungarian Horntail is one of the furthest fire-breathing dragons, reaching distances up to 50 feet.It is also considered to be the most vicious and aggressive of the fire dragons.When protecting dragon eggs, this fire dragon will also be more aggressive, so many people think that Potter is at a disadvantage in drawing lots.

Unlike the other warriors, Harry tactically did not go head-to-head with the dragon, raising his wand at the start.

"Firebolts are flying!" he shouted.

When he finished the spell, nothing happened, many in the audience thought he had mispronounced the spell, and there was laughter from the Slytherin audience.

But suddenly everyone heard something whizzing through the air behind him.A Firebolt rounded the edge of the Forbidden Forest and flew towards the field; it flew into the field and stopped suddenly in mid-air beside Harry, who collapsed immediately.

"Harry used the Flying Charm and summoned his broomstick," Bagman said loudly, "and the youngest warrior. Harry didn't choose to fight the dragon head-on like Miss Granger. Instead, the sword went sideways. , play to his strengths. Harry was a good flyer at Hogwarts, as far as I know, and a Seeker for Gryffindor. Oh, of course, he's no match for Miss Zhang."

Harry kicked the ground and took off into the air, and when he was in the air, he found himself becoming a duck to water, and all fear was gone from him.

He dived down.The wasp's head moved with him.Harry sensed it was about to shoot flames, and leaped to avoid the attack.

"Oh my God, this is thrilling! He's flying well," Bagman yelled - the audience screaming and gasping. "Did you see that, Mr. Krum?"

Harry circled and flew higher and higher, the wasp's gaze still following him, its head turning round and round around its long neck, and Harry dropped abruptly the moment the wasp opened its mouth, but this time He was out of luck - he dodged the flames, but the wasp's tail was drawn towards him.As he turned to the left, a long spike from that tail pierced his shoulder and ripped through his robes.

Seeing Harry injured, the audience screamed and sighed, but fortunately he was not seriously injured.

However, for Harry, the most unfortunate thing was not that he was injured, but that all his previous actions were useless.

The wasp doesn't seem to want to move the nest, it's too careful to protect its eggs.Although it kept coiling and twisting, spreading and folding its wings, folding and unfolding, and staring at Harry with those terrifying yellow eyes, it dared not get too far from its eggs - but Harry's purpose was Lead him away.

He started flying around non-stop, here and there, being careful not to get too close or it would shoot him with flames, but posing enough of a threat to make sure it kept its eyes on own.The wasp's head swayed from side to side, staring at him from a pair of vertical pupils, all the fangs in its mouth exposed.

At last the Horntail got impatient, and it cocked up, its huge black, rough wings fully extended, as wide as a small plane.

Seeing this scene, Harry immediately swooped down, and before the fire dragon understood what he had done and where he had disappeared, he rushed to the ground with lightning speed and rushed to the nest of eggs. And the pair of front legs with sharp claws protect them.

So he let go of the Firebolt and grabbed the golden egg with both hands.

"Look!" Bagman shouted, "Look! Our youngest warrior got the golden egg the second fastest! The fastest is Miss Granger, I can't believe it. What's going on here. The younger Warriors are actually doing better, and that's going to make the difference between them and the other older Warriors!"

Chapter 0256 Golden Egg and Sister Delacour

Then it was time to rate Harry.

Madame Maxime scored eight.

Ye Ting, Crouch and Dumbledore all scored nine points.

Bagman scored a ten for betting heavily on Harry.

And Karkaroff only gave Harry four points, which made him a complete joke.

To sum up, in the first game, out of 60 points, Hermione scored the highest 54 points, the second was Fleur with 50 points, Harry third with 49 points, and the last was Krum, only got 47 points.

After the game, all the warriors gathered in the tent again. For them, the tent now feels completely different: it has become friendly and warm.

"You've all done a great job!" said Ludo Bagman, jumping briskly into the tent, looking as if he had just managed to cross a fire dragon himself.

"Okay, I just have a few words to say. The second project will start at 2:24 am on February [-] next year, and before that, you can take a long break - but we will leave you with some questions. Consider! You look down at those golden eggs you hold in your hands and you see they can be opened... see the seam there? You have to unravel the clues provided in the eggs - that will tell you what the second item is , you can get ready! Are you clear? All right? Okay, let's go!"

Everyone left the tent with their golden eggs, but the hapless Harry was stopped by a witch who suddenly jumped out.

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