Then, with Voldemort's character, he will definitely hide the Horcrux in the hands of someone important, or an important place in memory.

There are only two places where Voldemort and his two childhood companions are connected at the same time: one is the orphanage and the other is the cave.

However, after all, there are people in the orphanage all the year round. If the Horcrux is hidden here, then Voldemort will definitely not set a trap-because if there is a Muggle confusedly encountering a trap, something unexpected happens, causing a bad impact, then magic The Ministry will send someone to deal with such an incident, and the Horcrux will easily be exposed.

Then there is only one option left, and that is the cave that Voldemort visited in his childhood.

Chapter 0306 Caves and Charming

After visiting the Wu's Orphanage, it was already afternoon.

However, the three did not go home, but went directly to the cave that existed in the memories of the souls.

Since the three never actually came to the cave, they had to get there by physical movement, not by Apparition.

In order to save time, Ye Ting directly found a deserted place, transformed into a giant dragon, and flew the two girls all the way to the cave.

This time, Furong really saw Ye Ting's Animagus, and she immediately thought of Hermione's performance in the first stage of the Triwizard Tournament.

As smart as she is, she quickly asked the truth from Hermione's mouth-Hermione also mastered the means to transform into a dragon.

In this regard, Furong was extremely envious. She was lying beside Ye Ting's ear all the way, and Ye Ting finally agreed to help her master such skills at the right time.


By the time they arrived near the cave, it was already night.

After Ye Ting landed, the girls couldn't wait to fall to the ground.

Even with magical protection, flying on a dragon's back for long periods of time is no easy task.

Here, the three can smell the sea and hear the sound of rough waves.

Ye Ting looked at the moonlit sea and the starry night sky in the distance, and a cold breeze was blowing in his hair.

Their foothold was on a high black rock outcropping the sea, and the waves rolled and foamed beneath them.

Turning his head and looking back, there was a cliff standing, the steep rock wall fell straight down, and it was dark and hard to see.

"What do you think?" Ye Ting asked.

Listen to him as if he wasn't an ideal picnic spot here.

"How did they bring the children of the orphanage here?" Fleur asked, and she couldn't imagine a more uncomfortable place to travel than here.

"Ah, that's the Muggle way of traveling," explained Hermione. "The seaside is a favorite place for Muggles to travel. For the poor orphanage, the beach here is enough for the orphans to breathe the air of the sea and see The waves. The real tourist spot, though, should be halfway up those cliffs in the back, in a place that's barely a village."

"Hermione is right," Ye Ting added, "I believe they brought the orphans there, but I think only the Dark Lord and the children he bullied have ever been to this place. After all , Muggles can't climb this big rock unless they're very good at it; the boat can't get close to the cliff, the surrounding waters are too dangerous. I can imagine how the Dark Lord got up, magic must be more effective than rope. He also brought two small children, presumably for the pleasure of intimidating them. I think he would have just come up by himself, what do you think?"

Furong looked up at the cliff again, goosebumps all over her body.

Ye Ting helped the two girls to the edge of the rock. There were many jagged grooves on the rock that could be stepped on, leading to the giant pebbles below the cliffs that were half exposed to the sea.

It is very dangerous to climb down the rock from here. Hermione took the initiative to use a floating spell, and the three of them jumped off the boulder lightly one by one.

The lower rocks were washed away by the sea.

The girls felt the sea-smelling icy water splash on their faces.

"Fluorescent flashes!"

Furong was the first to descend on the giant pebble closest to the front of the cliff, crouched down and chanted a spell.

A few feet of gold glittered on the dark sea below him.The dark rock wall beside him was also illuminated.

"See?" Fleur asked softly, raising her wand higher.

Under the rays of light, Hermione searched for a long time before she saw a crack in the cliff, and the dark sea water swirled in it.

She tapped her wand, and a red light flew from the tip of the wand, arcing through the dark water, eventually hitting the edge of the crack and staying there.

The red light illuminated the perimeter of the crack, marking them as well.

Hermione nodded to Fleur.

"You don't mind getting wet, do you?"

"It doesn't matter." Furong replied.

The three cast a bubble head spell on themselves, and then dived into the water one by one.

Ye Ting was the first, he slid gently from the pebble into the sea water and swam towards the dark crack on the rock surface.

With his wand in his mouth, he was in perfect breaststroke.

The girls boldly changed into bikinis and followed suit.

The sea was terribly cold.

Through the bubbles, the girls seemed to be able to smell the pungent smell of salt and seaweed. They followed Ye Ting and swam in the direction of the red light.

Soon, the crack turned into a dark passage, and Hermione could see that the passage would definitely be filled with sea water at high tide.

The slimy-drenched walls were only three feet apart, and they shone wet like tar in the red light.

Go a little further in, and the dark passage turns to the left, reaching the deepest part of the cliff.

The girls continued to swim with Ye Ting, rubbing their numb fingers on the rough, wet rocks.

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