However, even if he made the right choice, it could not hide the brilliance of Burns.

At this time, due to the appearance of terrorist attacks, Borns, whose prestige had already risen greatly, had already reached its peak after the threat of the Dark Lord.

This all proves that her actions a week ago were not reckless, but prescient.

Think about how these powerful pureblood families would have helped Voldemort had it not been for her actions.

If it wasn't for the fact that his subordinates were wiped out, Voldemort had to be forced to take the initiative, and no one knew how long he would lurk.

Now, although Borns is only the head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, her status is no different from that of the Minister of Magic.

With the exception of the Minister of Magic's Office and Logistics, which belonged directly to Fudge, all other departments fell to Burns.

Now, she has put Fudge on the air, and if it weren't for the emergency now, Burns might have been awarded the post of Minister of Magic.

Chapter 0354

According to the "Daily Prophet" news, everyone learned that on the day the Minister for Magic rejected Voldemort's request, Voldemort made a rather brutal response.

That afternoon, in Brogdale, Kent, Death Eaters destroyed the Brogdale Bridge, causing many Muggles to accidentally fall into the water.

This is not the end, he sent giants in the southwest of England to wreak havoc on the Muggle world, trees were uprooted, roofs were overturned, road signs became bent, and a large number of casualties...

To cover it all up, the Ministry of Magic is going crazy, the people at the Misinformation Office are working overtime, and the Department of Magical Accidents and Disasters has sent out several batches of amnestics to revise all the Muggles who saw what happened. Memories, trying to convince them that it all stemmed from the sudden appearance of a hurricane, most of the staff of the Division of Fantastic Creatures Management and Control were sent to Somerset, where they searched around but couldn't find the giant.

Of course, the Ministry of Magic wasn't always on the run, eating ashes on the backs of Death Eaters and wiping them.

For the confrontation with the Death Eaters, the Aurors had been prepared for a few months, so they were more calm than expected when dealing with these troubles.

For all possible actions of the Death Eaters, the Aurors have already planned and arranged in advance, and now they only need to execute step by step.

After the Ministry of Magic rejected Voldemort's demands, the reaction of the Death Eaters was actually more violent than expected, and their frequency of Muggle attacks almost increased several times.

However, thanks to the efforts of the Aurors, although there was an accident that Brogdale Bridge was destroyed and the giants ravaged, there were still several attacks that were prevented by the Aurors in advance.

Many wizards who were suspected of being Death Eaters had long been monitored by the Aurors in advance. When the frequency of attacks was not that high, these people did not show their guilt.

However, when Voldemort gave an order, the Death Eaters attacked across the board, intending to cause huge damage to Muggles and teach the Ministry of Magic a lesson. These people were finally used, and the Aurors found doubts.

About half of those under surveillance were either not Death Eaters or were not called.

The remaining half, under the orders of Voldemort, tried to carry out terrorist attacks on Muggles.

Due to the efforts of the Aurors, only a quarter of these men succeeded in killing Muggles, and almost half of their attacks were stifled in the cradle.

The Aurors then arrested the Death Eaters.

However, the Death Eaters are not vegetarians. Even if the Aurors have the advantage of number and first mover, about one-third of the Death Eaters still escape, and under the desperate resistance of the Death Eaters, the Aurors Also caused some casualties.

On the whole, while the Death Eaters were still successful in terrorizing Muggles, the Aurors were a great success.

Following the raid a week ago, the Aurors' latent surveillance and arrest operation this time successfully brought dozens of Death Eaters to justice, dealing a heavy blow to Voldemort's power.

Although the power of Voldemort in the past was overwhelming and his followers were like clouds, the now reborn Voldemort did not have enough time to gather enough men.

Add to that the one a week ago, and now, even dozens of wizards are quite a force for Voldemort.

He really can't afford to lose.

Therefore, the Ministry of Magic led by Burns did hit him seven inches again.

In this regard, Voldemort was furious again, and he made a deep oath that he would torture Burns severely in the future, in order to avenge this great revenge.

However, what he didn't know was that this arrangement did not come from Burns, but Ye Ting who was far away at Hogwarts.

Combining the original work and his own intelligence, Ye Ting easily guessed Voldemort's plan and made specific arrangements for it.

Facts have proved that Ye Ting can be regarded as a last resort.

All Voldemort's reactions were in his calculations.

Taking the lead, he greatly weakened Voldemort's power without breaking a sweat.

Today, Voldemort has few strengths to rely on.

The number of Death Eaters who followed him was only about a hundred people. Most of them were small families or loose-person wizards. Among them, there were very few reliable and capable wizards.

And elites like Lucius Malfoy, Antonin Dolohov, Bellatrix Lestrange, etc., are basically left.

In addition, he also has a group of werewolf subordinates headed by Fenrir Greyback. Although Voldemort has always looked down on werewolves and has an attitude of lingering when they are called, at present, werewolves have become The main force he can rely on.

In addition, the giant is also an ally of Voldemort.

During the summer vacation, Hagrid and Beauxbatons' headmaster, another witch with giant blood, Madame Maxime, went to the deep mountains of France, trying to persuade the giant tribe there to join them - at least refusing Voldemort's win over .

However, they ultimately failed.

Led by their leader, Gao Gao Ma, the Horde of Giants became Voldemort's allies.

This is all the power that Voldemort currently has at his disposal.

At the breakfast table at Hogwarts, Ye Ting analyzed the current situation with Hermione, Zhang Qiu and Luna.

After understanding all this, Hermione sighed deeply.

"The Dark Lord has been hit so hard, will he still take the initiative to attack?" she asked. "If the Dark Lord has been hit too hard and continues to lurk, wouldn't we have nothing to do with him?"

"No," Ye Ting shook his head. "The Dark Lord is arrogant and arrogant. Even if he has learned some lessons from his last failure, it is difficult to change the essence of a person."

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