"Yes," Garona said, "while orcs are naturally obsessed with power, Gul'dan is even more gloomy and capricious, where I will always live in fear and always be vigilant of those around me..."

"In fact, it's the same among humans," Ye Ting added.

"But you are not." Garona looked into Ye Ting's eyes.

"What?" Ye Ting thought he had heard it wrong.

"But you are not," Garona repeated, "you trust me, you are willing to treat me kindly without fear of my sudden attack on you, you are willing to guarantee me with other humans, and you even believe that I will not leave with my kin. "

"Yes, I believe in you," Ye Ting nodded, "but that's because I know you, I don't treat others like this."

"That's enough." Garona said decisively, "As long as you are willing to believe me, it's enough, I just need someone who can treat me as an equal, someone I can rely on when I'm tired, someone I can talk to about my grief, Someone who shares happiness, someone who… I can always turn my back on."

"It's... a simple wish." Ye Ting sighed.

Garona's humble petition sounded so bleak.

However, now Garona has a smile on her face.

"Yes, this is just a small wish of a slave-turned-orc, but she has been praying and looking for someone who can fulfill this wish, and now, she is standing in front of her new friend."

Garona said, looking at Ye Ting with longing and anticipation.

"Will her new friend be the one who can fulfill her little wish?"

Chapter 0409 Garona's Allegiance

Ye Ting stared at Garona's eyes, his heart was very complicated.

Although Ye Ting took advantage of her character and deliberately did what he liked when he first came into contact with Garona, Ye Ting did not feel any joy in his heart after gaining her trust so easily.

He just felt bouts of sadness.

Not for himself, the true mage does not care about the means of doing things in the pursuit of wisdom and strength.

But for Garona.

Whether in the original book, or now, she's a poor, ill-fated girl.

In the original fate, the orcs captured the Northshire Abbey, rescued Garona, and then she was sent by Gul'dan to his "ally", Medivh, in the name of the messenger.

From Medivh, Garona gained a lot, such as trust, such as friends, such as... a child of her and Medivh.

Then, because of Sargeras, she had to kill Medivh herself and closed the Dark Portal with Lothar and Khadgar.

After this, Garona was welcomed by the human side and became friends with Khadgar, Lothar, and King Ryan. However, Gul'dan took control of her again and made her kill his friend, King Ryan.

Since then, Garona has been incognito for a time, but she has never been able to escape the fate of being controlled. She was once controlled to assassinate Ryan's son, and later the supreme leader of the alliance, Varian Wrynn, was controlled to assassinate her again. Another friend of Khadgar.

Although these two times were unsuccessful, it was still a huge blow to her.

However, this time, Garona was in front of Ye Ting, and he had a chance to gain her power and at the same time, change her twisted and sad fate.

So, he also looked at the female orc solemnly, and said in an unquestionable tone.

"Of course, Garona, it's up to me to fulfill your wishes. You can entrust your trust to me, just as I entrust your trust to you."

Of course, as an egoistic mage, Ye Ting would never really trust someone other than himself, not because of indifference, but because he knew too much.

He understands magic better than anyone, and knows better than anyone how much magic can do in controlling a person. Spells such as house grabbing, charming humans, and spiritual suggestion are just pediatrics, similar to Sargeras controlling Medivh, Or maybe Gul'dan's control of Garona would be considered a more advanced means - at least in most cases, such control is difficult to detect.

However, at this moment, facing such Garona, Ye Ting still wanted to give her a certain degree of trust.

After removing Gul'dan's influence, of course.

After hearing Ye Ting's approved answer, the female half-orc seemed to have been redeemed, and the whole person became relaxed.

As a top stalker, as a lone ranger who has been alone in the orc tribe for more than ten years, she was originally full of defenses against everything, even when she was beside Ye Ting, while she was relaxed on the surface, her keen five senses Will still pay attention to all the bells and whistles around.

But now, Ye Ting knew that she had really relaxed, let go of her constant vigilance, and let go of her instinctive doubts.

Then, under Ye Ting's surprised eyes, Garona knelt down on one knee in front of him, touched her chest with her hand, and said in a solemn and solemn tone.

"I, Garona the Orc, swear by my blood and my glory that I will serve you, Archmage Sander Leif, from this moment on, your will is mine, and I am your sharpest blade, At your disposal."

This sudden pledge of allegiance shocked Ye Ting.

Although he wanted to gain Garona's loyalty, he never thought of this step.

His original intention was to have a good relationship with Garona, or even engage in ambiguous things, tying her to his side through emotions...

However, what happened now that the favorability bar suddenly turned into a loyalty bar?

Could it be that his actions were too sensational and the impact was too great, and the Garona line ended like this?

Faced with the situation that Galgame changed to SLG in seconds, Ye Ting, who was caught off guard, finally had to persuade.

"Actually...you don't need to do this step, really," he said warmly, "trust does not need to be achieved by allegiance, and the relationship between people is not just a master and a slave. As friends, we There should be equality between the two, shouldn't it?"

Saying that, he stretched out his hand, trying to help Garona up.

However, Garona was still half-kneeling firmly on the ground, unwilling to accept Ye Ting's kindness.

"Of course I know, we are friends." Garona grinned and gave Ye Ting a smile, "Thank you for always treating you as someone equal to you, but I do this for my own reasons. ."

She sighed deeply, lowered her head, and continued.

"In the past, I had no goals, or in other words, to live, to survive is my only goal. I have no relatives, no friends, and no one who is truly loyal. I struggle alone in the orc tribe, and I work for Gul'dan. Service is for a better life.”

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