The agile Garona and Lothar maintained a strange and unbalanced posture. The former was leaping high, leaning forward, a terrifying energy attack just flashed above his head, while the latter raised his sword high. , as if to split another energy missile in front of him.

In the corner, Khadgar, who had been prematurely aging due to drawing too much vitality, was dragging a Stormwind-style greatsword forward, as if he wanted to go around behind Sargeras and give him a sudden sword.

Right in front, Sargeras was hovering high, his hands forward, and he firmly supported the magic barrier, but his eyes were full of entanglement and confusion, and the battle for the soul in his body made him hesitate.Beside him is a violent energy storm, which is continuously instilled into his body.

The original fierce battlefield is now like a huge statue artwork, quietly placed there, everything is lifelike, and everyone can appreciate it carefully.

However, the rapidly decreasing magic power in the body is undoubtedly reminding Ye Ting that all this is just the effect of time magic.

Ye Ting reminded himself that he couldn't focus on irrelevant things. He had to hurry up and finish preparations before the magic ended.

Almost once, if Sargeras was alert, Medivh's soul could no longer shake him.

So he took out his Infinity Sword and ran towards Sargeras.

"After working for a long time, as a mage, I still use the sword to solve the problem..."

With a self-deprecating smile, Ye Ting finally came behind Sargeras.

Take one, two, three steps back.

——The time-stop magic is about to be lifted.

Ye Ting calculated in his heart.

Four, five, six steps back

- three seconds

Ye Ting started to run.

- two seconds

Ye Ting clenched the sword of infinity in both hands, his muscles were tense, ready to stab at any time.

- one second

Ye Ting ran behind Sargeras, took off with his explosive speed, and stabbed forward with his sword in both hands.

- The time stop is lifted.

In Ye Ting's eyes, the world suddenly moved.

The dragon's breath continued to spray, and the ripples on the magic barrier began to roll.

Garona's jumped body began to fall, and the energy attack flew over her head, while Lothar slashed down with his sword, hitting a magic missile flying in front of her.

Khadgar moved on, but was too weak and staggered.

Sargeras seemed to have noticed something, and forced himself to twist his neck to look back.

However, the dust settled.

Before the time stop was lifted, Ye Ting had already completed all the preparations.

After the time-stop was lifted, Ye Ting, who jumped high, appeared right behind Sargeras, and his Infinity Sword was only a tiny fraction of the Demon King's back.

Before Sargeras could react, inertia helped Ye Ting complete the rest.

Made of top-grade materials and experienced multiple enchantments, the Infinity Sword is no less sharp than any legendary weapon. Coupled with the powerful magic-breaking ability and powerful impact, the sword tip can easily penetrate Sargeras' skin sank into his body, and finally passed through his heart and came out from his chest.

"You should be the one to be destroyed!" the young mage said softly.

Sargeras could no longer maintain the magic. Under the influence of inertia, Ye Ting flew forward with him for a few meters before falling to the ground.

The unmaintained magical barrier finally collapsed, and the blue light immediately dissipated in the air. Fortunately, the three guardian dragons and one of the premise Risfa guardians were skilled, and they stopped the attack in time and did not accidentally hurt themselves. people.

No more terrifying magical missiles harassing Garona and Lothar, the two quickly ran towards where Sargeras had landed.

There, Ye Ting was half-kneeling on the ground, and the sword of infinity was deeply inserted into Sargeras-or Medivh's chest.The latter leaned down, with his arms on the ground, not yet dead.

"It's still... it has evolved into this," the astral mage said, "I just didn't expect... it's actually you... and a sword..."

"Sorry," Ye Ting said sadly, "I'm sorry I'm late, I'm sorry I didn't know all this, now all I can do is stop you and break the cycle of reincarnation for you that you couldn't break free."

Medivh sighed hard, and her expression softened.

"I never wanted to hurt anyone," he said. "I just wanted to have my own life."

As he said that, he raised his hand convulsively, and the magic light gathered in his palm, ready to disturb Ye Ting's consciousness like he did with Lothar.

However, Ye Ting just pressed the Infinity Sword lightly, and the rune on the Infinity Sword immediately shone with the brilliance of magic, and then the magic condensed by Mediwen failed again.

That's another effect of the Breaker enchantment.

Chapter 0432 Death of the Guardian

The magic-breaking effect of the Infinity Sword can not only break most magical defenses, but also make it impossible to cast spells or fail to cast spells after being actively activated.

However, the second effect is rather tasteless. It can only be effective when the sword is inserted into the opponent's body.

However, in most cases, if this sword is inserted like this, no matter how strong the mage is, it will be damned. What else do you say?

Therefore, this effect has not been established.

Until now.

The activation of the magic-breaking rune not only invalidated Medivh's magic, but also caused him to suffer a serious magical backlash.

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