After the plan of the sea attack went bankrupt, the only way for the Horde to attack Lordaeron was to take the Sador Bridge.

This also means that the Sador Bridge, which was originally just a feint attack, will become the main attack route of the orcs in the next war, and will bear greater offensive pressure.

The Stormgard Kingdom in the Arathi Highlands alone cannot withstand the main attack of the entire tribe.

Therefore, the army of the Alliance must urgently rush to the Kingdom of Stormgard, in time for the news of the failure of the orc sea battle to reach the base camp, and before the orcs start a large-scale attack, they can arrange defenses in the Arathi Highlands.

So, after returning to the camp, Ye Ting had no chance to rest, and immediately followed the army to the Arathi Heights.

However, with war, surprises of all kinds are always ubiquitous.

When the army of the Alliance rushed to the dividing line between Lordaeron Kingdom and Stormgard Kingdom, it was also the dividing line between Hillsbrad Hills and Arathi Highlands, the city wall built by Thoradin the Great— While under the Wall of Thoradin, bad news came from Stormgard's defenders in the Wall of Thoradin.

The Sador Bridge was captured by the Horde two days ago, and now the Horde has surrounded the capital of the Stormgard Kingdom, Stromgarde.

Today, Thoras Trollbane, the king of Stormgard Kingdom, is now trapped in Stromgarde with his army. If it were not for the dangerous terrain of Stromgarde built on the highlands, Stormgard Kingdom would have been completely occupied by now.

Facing the army of the orcs, the defenders of the Wall of Thoradin are now in a panic. They have lost contact with the king and they have no strength to fight the orcs.

At this moment, both Lothar and Ye Ting were fortunate that they were able to come a step earlier. Otherwise, once the Wall of Thoradin was also occupied by orcs, it would be them who would suffer.Because at that time, if they wanted to counterattack the Arathi Highlands, they had to face an exceptionally strong line of defense-this high wall was built by Emperor Thoradin to fight against the troll empire.

According to the defenders, the Sador Bridge fell overnight, and Stormgard's army fell into a rout.

But neither Ye Ting nor Lothar could figure out how the orcs could do this—after all, they wanted to defend the bridgehead, but it was more beneficial to the defenders than defending the city wall.

Finally, a rumor from the defenders revealed the mystery.

"The battlefield was suddenly enveloped in a thick, fetid fog, and the dead soldiers suddenly stood up, turned their spears, and turned to attack their former comrades. A group of knights in hoods, riding skeleton horses, accompanied by the icy cold wind Charged to Stormgard's position."

This was the scene before the collapse of Stormgard's army.

The death knights of the Horde finally appeared in the war against the Alliance.

Chapter 0552 Battle of Offensive and Defensive

Although Lothar and the soldiers under him have never fought an enemy like a death knight.

However, based on the rumors of the Stormgard defenders, they can feel how powerful these guys who master the power of death and shadow are - at least, not ordinary warriors like the Alliance can handle it.

It is unfortunate for them to face such an enemy, but fortunately, they soon ushered in support with extraordinary strength.

In the holy city of Stratholme, the first batch of Silver Hand recruits have now completed their training. Shortly after Lothar led the main force of the Alliance to the Wall of Thoradin and stationed, the Silver Hand Paladins arrived here and led them It is the remaining few of the Silver Six: Uther Lightbringer, Gavinrad Doom, Saidan Dathohan, Tirion Fordring, and Liadrin.

Among them, Uther is the leader of all, followed by Gavinrad, Saidan and Tirion.

Since Liadrin was a high elf inserted through Ye Ting's relationship, she formed her own line in the hand of silver, leading all the high elf paladins in the hand of silver.And because of this, in the alliance army, on the surface, they were to obey Sylvanas, the commander-in-chief of the high elves, but in fact they obeyed her introducer, and at the same time they also gave her what the other five silver saints have. The person with the power of the seal - Ye Ting.

Her deputy is the elite warrior Ye Ting personally introduced to her, Lailora, known as the Killer of Dawn.Now that she has mastered the power of the Holy Light, Layla can truly be called the Killer of Dawn.

After the arrival of the Silver Hand, the commander-in-chief Lothar immediately summoned his men and started a combat meeting to discuss the next goals.

"Let's talk about it." At the battle meeting, Lothar waved his hand and said to the two rows of alliance generals sitting on both sides: "What should we do next, how to deal with our opponents."

"What other choice is there," Uther, the commander of the Silver Hand, who had just arrived, said eagerly. "Of course, immediately support Stromgarde and rescue His Majesty Thoras! We can't let a king of the Alliance die here. "

"Reckless move!" As soon as Uther's voice fell, Sylvanas snorted coldly and retorted: "The Horde has such a powerful fighting force as the Death Knights, and they captured the defense line of the Sador Bridge in just one face-to-face. We don't know anything about such a dark force, so rashly attacking is simply irresponsible for the lives of our soldiers."

"The Silver Hand will be in charge of fighting against the Death Knights!" Uther exclaimed, "The power of the Holy Light will dispel all darkness. With the Holy Knights of the Silver Hand, the Death Knights will not be an obstacle for the Alliance."

"The power of the Holy Light... It's a pretty good word to say." Sylvanas sneered mockingly at Uther's declaration, "But who knows how your recruits will behave on the battlefield, I I will never put the lives of my soldiers on illusory hope."

"Please don't question the power of the paladin, Lady Windrunner." Uther's expression became serious in the face of Sylvanas' questioning.

"Yes, the power of the Holy Light is invincible!" Others in the Silver Hand also echoed.

Originally a meeting to discuss strategic decisions, the atmosphere became tense due to heated debates.

Lothar shook his head and was about to speak when his adjutant Turalyon immediately stood up and persuaded everyone on both sides to go back.

After no one spoke, Lothar nodded and said, "The Silver Hand's opinion is to directly support Stromgarde, and Miss Sylvanas objected, so what's your opinion?"

"My opinion is to stand at the Wall of Thoradin and wait for the orcs to attack." Sylvanas said, pointing to the map, "Everyone, please see, although the Horde successfully broke through the defense line of the Sador Bridge, come here. When they arrived at the mainland of Lordaeron, but after entering the Arathi Highlands, they actually didn't have much to go: the east and west of the Arathi Highlands were the sea, and the north was a natural danger that was difficult to cross, the Alterac Mountains, so they After capturing the Arathi Highlands, there are only two ways to go further - either storm the Wall of Thoradin and enter the Hillsbrad Foothills, or venture through the Alterac Mountains to the Hinterlands ."

Everyone looked at the topographic map of Arathi Highlands in front of them and nodded in approval.

"Actually, in my opinion, as long as we can hold on to the Wall of Thoradin, whichever path the orcs choose, we will have the advantage. In fact, breaking the Wall of Thoradin and entering the Hillsbrad Foothills is their best Choice, because Hillsbrad Hills is a four-war place, as long as they enter here, the tribe can choose the next target at will, they can pick up the soft pinch, first attack the smallest country Alterac; they They can also go straight to Huanglong and attack the kingdom of Lordaeron in the hinterland of the alliance; they can also cut off the wings of the alliance, pass through the Silverpine Forest, and attack the more western Gilneas. At that time, our alliance will be passive. If we are in danger, we either have to divide our troops to fortify everywhere, and we are finally defeated by each of them. If we forcibly join forces, we will have to face the alienation within the alliance, which can be said to be in a dilemma..."

"Ms. Sylvanas is so right," the Ranger General said, and Lothar's adjutant Turalyon immediately agreed, "Compared to the ownership of Arathi Highlands, what is more important at the moment is Hiroshima. It is indeed necessary to defend the Wall of Thoradin well for the safety of the Elsbrad Hills."

However, his unsolicited approval was not favored by Sylvanas, and the ranger-general even gave him a glare for his extravagance.

In addition, Ye Ting and Uther also cast a strange look at him.

Ye Ting felt very strange that Turalyon would take the initiative to agree with Sylvanas. Referring to the precedent in the original book that the paladin fell in love with Alleria, it was reasonable for him to do so - maybe He really is the type that has absolutely no resistance to spirits.

However, whether it was Alleria or Sylvanas, even if Turalyon fell in love with Vereesa in the end, Ye Ting could tell him clearly: You are thinking about shit.

As for Uther, he may have resented Turalyon's opposition to him.

As the first Paladins, Turalyon and Uther were both noble, but that didn't mean they were saints.

Compared with Turalyon, Uther's beliefs are purer, but also more "pedantic", which makes him only general.In comparison, Turalyon is more realistic and can see the essence of war more clearly. In this way, he can be said to be handsome. In the original book, it was he who took over the duties of the commander-in-chief of the Lothar Alliance.

This is the source of their conflict.

What's more, although Uther is of high character, he is the kind of character who doesn't like being directed.Lothar and Fao were able to stand above him by virtue of their qualifications, and gave him orders, but Turalyon... my little brother dared to refute my opinion, it's not good.

Chapter 0553

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