Although now only a settlement of the tribe has been destroyed, Orgrim is keenly aware of the potential threat behind all this.

It seems that this is just a case of a colony being attacked by the alliance, but today the alliance can attack a colony camp, tomorrow can attack a tribe's granary, and the day after tomorrow can attack a tribe's gathering place... If this continues, not only the tribe's future The food plan of the army is disturbed, and even the current army's food and grass will have problems.

As a result, Orgrim made a decisive decision and sent a large number of soldiers to chase and kill this force, and the commander of the pursuers was now Orgrim's adjutant, Varok Saurfang.

This orc warrior is not an ordinary person. He has been serving the Horde since a long time ago. Whether it was the conquest of the draenei in Draenor or the capture of Stormwind in Azeroth, Varok was involved. And he has never been defeated on the battlefield. In addition, he is also one of the few orcs who is willing to think, which is why Orgrim takes a fancy to him.

In the original history, the veteran held high positions in the Horde, and at one point even became the recognized commander in the conflict between the Alliance and the Horde.

However, for such a future legend, there is nothing he can do when he encounters Ye Ting's army.

There is no other reason, the mobility gap is too large.

In fact, this legendary warrior deserves his reputation in the future. After several searches in the Arathi Heights, he quickly found Ye Tingjun's position.

So, he led the orcs to intensify their pursuit, preparing for a head-to-head battle with Ye Ting.

However, unlike the Alliance army he encountered in the past, the commander of this army is not a warrior who abides by the spirit of chivalry, but a sinister and cunning mage.

Facing Saurfang's army, he was not in a hurry to confront him head-on, but turned around and retreated continuously with the advantage of mobility. If Saurfang advanced a point, he would retreat a point. If the Horde advanced a mile, he would retreat. Just step back a mile.

As soon as the tribal army started, Ye Ting started to retreat.

When the tribe got the news and continued to stop the whole army, Ye Ting also stopped, keeping a distance of thirty miles from Saurfang, not too far or not too close.

Rao is Saurfang, an old warrior who was also made into anger and anger. Fortunately, he led the army to meet him, but the Alliance immediately retreated after hearing the news.Saurfang led his army to chase for dozens of miles, but he didn't dare to chase any further, so he turned around and retreated again.

When the tribe's military horses began to retreat, the alliance quickly caught up, maintaining the same speed and frequency of action as the tribe's military horses.

If Saurfang's army is in a hurry, Ye Ting's army will move quickly, and if Saurfang's army is slow, then Ye Ting's army will also be slow.

This cycle repeated dozens of times, and Saurfang's troops were extremely tired and miserable. How could a two-legged orc outrun a four-legged horse.

Saurfang was full of resentment and anger, but had nowhere to vent, so he had to grit his teeth. No matter what happened to Ye Tingjun, he ordered the army to hold their strength and march in a constant pursuit.

Saurfang's troops marched in a hurry, and the Alliance troops he was chasing also sped up and ran around in the Arathi Highlands.

However, this scramble actually has its purpose.

For more than ten days, the mobile troops led by Ye Ting penetrated into the Arathi Highlands for hundreds of miles. While leading Saurfang, they wantonly destroyed all the way, and constantly attacked the gathering places, reclamation camps or warehouses of the tribe. The Saurfang people did not catch up with the tribe's food, grass and military supplies to supplement themselves, but instead let Ye Ting turn the entire Arathi Highlands upside down.

Hearing this news, Orgrim sighed deeply, missing Grom Hellscream and his Warsong clan, the second-largest wolf cavalry force of the Horde, who he had left in Draenor.

In fact, the strongest wolf cavalry in the tribe should be the Blackrock clan to which Orgrim himself belongs, and the Warsong clan lives in the Nagrand grasslands of Draenor as well. The more powerful Blackrock clan obviously cultivates the number of wolf cavalry. Also bigger.

However, since the way he himself became the chief of the tribe was to step on the corpse of the original chief Black Blackhand, in order to appease people, he gave part of the power originally belonging to the Blackrock clan to the two sons of Blackhand, Red and Blackhand. Maim Blackhand in exchange for the allegiance of the former chieftain's two sons, including the Blackrock clan's wolf cavalry.

However, the two little black hands were loyal to Orgrim in the face, but they were plotting revenge in their hearts. Naturally, it was impossible to obey his orders honestly, let alone let their wolf cavalry go after the Alliance.

Chapter 0563 Saurfang's Ambush

As Ye Tingjun further burned, killed and looted in the Arathi Highlands, the tribes continued to fall one by one, and the Saurfang army was unable to successfully round up his opponents, Orgrim realized that he had to do something.

Facts have proved that, in the face of a better understanding of the geography of the Arathi Highlands, and a more mobile alliance, the Horde's infantry is completely unable to surround and swallow the opponent by relying on its numerical superiority.

The battle-hardened Saurfang did not try to use certain gathering places as bait to ambush Ye Ting, but relying on the Griffin Knight flying in the sky, Ye Ting could always detect something wrong in advance, and never stepped on it. Saurfang's trap.

Finally Orgrim no longer hesitated. He found that he had to form a strong enough cavalry to really solve this big trouble. Otherwise, even if the tribe occupied the Arathi Highlands in name, they would not be able to effectively control this place-unless they could A large number of troops are divided, and every city and village is stationed with heavy troops to guard, but this way of dispersing one's overall strength will make the breakthrough of Stromgarde even more distant.

In desperation, Orgrim had no choice but to try to offend the chiefs of the various clans. He recruited the wolf cavalry troops from almost half of the orc clan to form a 5000-strong wolf cavalry army and handed it over to Saurfang for him. The army that encircled and suppressed Ye Ting.

Although the orcs themselves are poorly disciplined, and these wolf cavalrymen from different clans are more scattered together, but with this number alone, Saurfang understands that his opponent will definitely not be able to jump up.

To this end, he ventured to use an important settlement camp of the tribe, Bodgor, as a trap, preferring to sacrifice this important place, but also to kill the cavalry of the alliance.

Saurfang deliberately revealed flaws in his pursuit route, and at the same time ambushed the wolf cavalry near Bodgor. ten miles away.

Compared to the infantry, the cavalry is faster, so he can keep the ambush farther away from the ambush location, which is more foolproof.

On Ye Ting's side, it was natural to see that Saurfang had a flaw in the pursuit and interception of his own forehead. This flaw made Bodgor, who had been strictly guarded by the original tribe, a neglected place. Once they seized the opportunity If they attacked decisively, the tribe would have no time to support it, and could only watch the destruction of this settlement camp.

However, according to Ye Ting's knowledge of Saurfang, he naturally knew that this seasoned veteran was not a traditional orc reckless man who was rash and careless and easily exposed his opponents to flaws, but a calm and old-fashioned commander. Officer, Bodgor's flaw was revealed too deliberately.

He also raised this point to several of his commanders in the ad hoc meeting.

"So, we have to give up this goal, right?" Kurdran was obviously a little pity for this.

"Of course not," Ye Ting shook his head, "How can we give up such an obvious goal? As long as we conquer this place, most of the tribe's agricultural production in the Arathi Highlands will fail, which will greatly increase their logistical pressure. A possible ambush... when will they catch us?"

"Although it was true before," Alleria looked at Ye Ting with a confident face, looking a little worried, "But what if they also have cavalry?"

"Orc cavalry? Orc cavalry are only those wolf cavalry." Speaking of this, Ye Ting showed a disdainful expression, "As long as I follow the tactics I arranged before, their wolf cavalry is nothing to be afraid of."

"You just know what you have in mind." Alleria was relieved after hearing this.

On the contrary, Liadrin patted her breastplate earnestly and said to her: "Don't worry, Madam Alleria, if there is any accident, my paladin will protect the superior and your safety."

"What about me? And my griffon knights, what should they do?" Kurdran said angrily.

"It's really strange," Liadrin looked at him with a strange expression. "The winged one actually asked what to do when walking on the ground. There is no danger at all just because you can fly."

In short, with the strategy determined, Ye Ting decisively led the troops through the flaws in the tribal defense line and took Bodgor directly. His decisiveness was even given to Varok Saurfang, and his ambush was almost gone. Not in place.

After a fast marching day and night, in the early morning of the third day, Ye Ting led his army to the western periphery of the Bodgor camp.

There are only less than a thousand defenders in this camp, guarding the large settlement camp and the food and grass supply base.

Here, there are almost tens of thousands of orcs working hard to learn the human race wheat, all kinds of vegetables, and raising pigs, cattle, sheep and other livestock to feed the tribe's tactics in the future.

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