Being chased by a cavalry archer is more dangerous for a wolf cavalry than to face the enemy head-on when chasing a cavalry archer.

Neither the wolf cavalry nor the warg can protect their backs.

For the arrows coming from behind, the orcs basically have no chance to resist or dodge, and the death rate is greatly increased.

Even if they didn't die, these many orcs would fall from the Warg's back like a gourd rolling on the ground after being hit by the arrow, and could not get up for a long time.

When being chased, the situation is even worse than before.

The cavalry archers behind will soon rush up, and then easily take the lives of those wolf cavalry cavalry with their sharp elven swords or long knives.

Of course, Saurfang managed to escape from Ye Ting's cavalry archers in the end, and even more than [-] wolf cavalrymen under his command were spared.

However, the real reason they survived was their numbers.

There are more than [-] wolf cavalry soldiers, which is not a lot.

Considering the higher endurance of the orcs, it is more difficult to kill, so it is understandable that the cavalry archers did not do their best.

However, although Ye Ting and his cavalry archers were not completely victorious in this battle against the wolf cavalry, the impact of this battle was far-reaching.

As far as the cavalry archers themselves were concerned, it was in this battle that they actually used this powerful kite tactic on the battlefield for the first time, and in the process actually tested and corrected the tactics, correcting many novice's If they make mistakes, I believe that they can use this tactic again in the future, and they will be able to play a greater lethality.

In the Horde, the war also caused considerable shock to the orcs.

The wolf cavalry lost more than half, and the important Bodgol settlement camp was destroyed, although the prestige of Orgrim was greatly reduced, and the ambitious people under his command began to move.

However, Ye Tingjun's shock to the tribe temporarily suppressed the potential chaos of the tribe - the spearhead was temporarily directed at this unprecedented and invincible cavalry archer.

With this force galloping across the Arathi Highlands, the tribe finally realized that it was not so easy for them to occupy this land for a long time and establish effective production and governance.

Orgrim has since seen that there is no danger to defend, and he has considered sending a large number of troops to be stationed in various places in the Arathi Heights, in case the Alliance raids again.

However, after this victory, Ye Ting took it as soon as he saw it, and took the team back to the Wall of Thoradin for a rest, which made the tribe feel empty.

In fact, he also saw the situation the tribe is facing now, and now temporarily withdraws the army, on the one hand, considering that the tribe should react and avoid being targeted by the tribe before leaving.

On the other hand, he also wanted to slow down the rhythm of the entire war and slightly reduce the external pressure on the tribe, so as to detonate the chaos within the tribe.

This potential chaos has always existed in the tribe, a society where the strong are respected.They will choose the strongest as their leader, but if the leader is constantly facing defeat, the leader will lose prestige and will eventually lead to a new struggle for dominance.

Chapter 0567 The Sword Points The Hinterlands

The victory of Ye Ting and the cavalry archers caused some waves not only in the tribe, but also in the alliance.

Although the cavalry archers have always existed in the past, most of them are horse archers, and the regular archers like the nomadic cavalry archers of the earth have not shown their heroic appearance in the history of Azeroth-maybe Is this because there are no nomads in the humans of Azeroth?

In short, in this battle, Ye Ting led the rangers in the early [-]s to act as cavalry archers, turning the tribe's enemy back into the sky, and also defeating the wolf cavalry with several times their strength in the confrontation, so brilliant The record of the alliance shocked the countries of the alliance.The cavalry archers can be regarded as entering their eyes.

However, when they carefully analyzed how Ye Ting formed this temporary army, the enthusiastic human kings discovered that it was too difficult for a soldier to be proficient in shooting arrows right away, and it was not possible for these countries to complete it in a short time. task.You must know that most of these human kingdoms are based on agriculture or fishing, and they do not have the riding skills of nomads, nor do they have a large number of rangers who are proficient in archery like elves.

As for Quel'Thalas, there is a sufficient number of rangers. As long as King Anastarian is willing, he can build several times the number of cavalry archers in minutes.

But the king didn't take it too seriously.

This is not difficult to understand. Quel'Thalas itself is a country with dense forests. The interior of the country is completely unsuitable for archers to fight, and the high elves themselves have a limited population. Quel'Thalas has no desire to expand at all. There is a high probability that the detachment will not be of much use.

In addition, today's Quel'Thalas has reached the point of being obsessed in the pursuit of magic, basically everything is inferior, only the magic is high, and the cavalry archers' improvement of the ranger's combat power has not been placed in the rule of the high elves. in the eyes of the reader.

In short, for the archers that showed their talents this time, the alliance party basically couldn't form what they wanted, and those who had the resources could not look down on the archers. Therefore, in the end, it did not have much impact on the military composition of the alliance, but Ye Ting's own His prestige has grown again, and as long as the war continues, he can basically be regarded as the second-in-command of the alliance.

After the battle was over, Ye Ting had a rare free time.

At present, the alliance is still in a strategic defensive situation. As long as the two points of Thoradin's Wall and Stromgarde are guarded, he does not need to shoot in the daily defensive battle.

So he took Jaina from Lordaeron and taught him by his side.

On the one hand, even though life in the barracks was much harder than in the Royal City of Lordaeron, at least the effect of his personal teaching was better.

On the other hand, he also wanted the young Jaina to see the orcs with her own eyes, to see the damage they caused to the alliance, so as to avoid this girl, like in the original book, who did not experience the disaster brought by the orcs, and only saw the failure with her own eyes. The pain of the orcs, and as a result, adhering to the concept of equality of life, the butt was crooked to the orcs who were the invaders.

For such a talented and assertive girl as Jaina, letting her experience it will be more useful than just teaching her.

It's been like this for a few weeks.

Among them, Ye Ting spent most of the time with Jaina, and only once led the group of high elves into the Arathi Highlands to show a picture, but that time made the tribe nervous, and the grass and trees were all soldiers for a long time.

In the past few weeks, the progress of the Horde's attack on Stromgarde and Arathi Highlands has been delayed.

As for Stromgarde, due to the maritime support of the alliance, this dangerous ancient human capital is not like an isolated city that is deep in death, but a part of the defense line that is backed by the alliance territory. City every cent.

The Wall of Thoradin on the other side was even more solid, and the Horde tried several times but gave up.

During this process, Orgrim, as the new chieftain, began to be questioned for his leadership ability when he lost his troops but failed to achieve results. Orgrim.

In addition to conspiracy, Orgrim is really strong in hard power, and temporarily stabilized his position after killing ten challengers in a row.

However, he knows that such a victory can only be maintained for a while, and if he continues to fail to produce new victories, it is only a matter of time before he is overthrown.

For several days, Orgrim was holding the map of Arathi Highlands, thinking about ways to break the situation. He found helplessly that the combination of the Alliance's Wall of Thoradin + Stromgarde nails was really impeccable, no matter what he thought about it. There is no way the Horde will break the game in Arathi Highlands in the short term.

Now that there is a dilemma in Arathi Highlands, the only way out is to get out of here.

In the west of Arathi Heights, there is the Wall of Thoradin, which is destined to be unable to break through. Then, the only way to go is the mountains to the east.

Although the mountains are naturally dangerous, it is easier to break through than the Wall of Thoradin.

In addition, he thought of the trolls the Horde had met before. Although the number of these trolls was too small to help the Horde fight against the Alliance, according to them, there were a large number of forest giants in the northeastern part of Lordaeron. Among them, the Amani trolls are the most powerful. If they can get the help of these trolls, the situation of the tribe will be much better.

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