"They're probably dead." His face was still twitching, and he pressed his hand there, trying to stop the bleeding, but in vain.

The constant blood loss made him suddenly dizzy and weak in his hands and feet.

"Even so, I have to move forward." He said to himself calmly. "My personal strength should also be enough-"

Gul'dan stopped talking and listened carefully.

What is that sound?

It was a very weak, chattering voice that made his scalp tingle, but it was mixed with grimness and—jeering.

"This laugh... is that you, Sargeras?" he asked. "You're trying to laugh at me? When I get your burning eyes, let's see who has the last laugh! Demon!"

He turned a corner and found himself in a new hall with surprisingly blank walls and nothing on it—carvings or frescoes.

Seemingly infected by something unspeakable, Gul'dan eventually walked to the nearest wall and began to write something on it, scribbling his own experience here and the guards inside with his own blood.

There were many times when he hesitated whether to continue writing, and his hands were slowly getting up.

"I was ambushed...by the guards," he wrote heavily. "I'm dying."

He knew it was a fact, and he did everything he could to write down his experience before death came.

But behind him, he could already hear those hungry voices.

They came to him.

"If my servants hadn't abandoned me," he wrote, his vision blurred and his throat so choked that he couldn't say a word.But he knew it wasn't their fault, it was all his own.

He had always thought that everything was under his control, when in fact he was nothing more than a deceived fool, a pawn of the Burning Legion, a slave in the hands of a demon.

His existence was a joke, a pure joke, and it would soon end.

"I'm a fool," he thought.

He stopped writing in his hand and turned to run away, but found it was too late.

Next, the claws pierced deeply into his body, and Gul'dan only heard his own desperate screams.


At the same time, on the beach outside the temple.

Red stretched out an arm to block Maim from trying to keep going.

"No, we don't have to go any further," he said softly, and he roughly bandaged the wound with a belt taken from the fallen soldier, but the blood still seeped from it.

"We have to catch up to Gul'dan," insisted Maim.

Although the wounds on his body made his steps unsteady, a wide bandage was tied around one of his legs, and the clothes on his shoulders were soaked with blood.

"There's no need for that." His brother pointed to the front, "These... guys have already completed the task for us."

From the building in front of them, they saw some strange things emerge, some of which they seemed to have seen--those nasty warlocks would summon these creatures to fight for them.

However, these guys in front of them seem to be uncontrolled, they are irrational, and there are bloodstains on their fangs and claws - blood from the orcs who entered the temple.

These guys washed up on the beach one by one, and launched a frantic attack on the orcs in front of them.

They gnawed at the bodies of their victims like hungry beasts.

Some orcs were stunned by the appearance of the monsters, but others responded immediately.

They eventually wiped out these things, however at the cost of many orc lives.

These guys ran out of this building.

Although he is just a warrior, Reid can also feel a magic breath coming from the depths of the dilapidated temple in front of him. This power is very powerful, but it is evil beyond imagination.

It is full of hatred, directed at any creature that exists in the world.

Only monsters can survive under this power.

According to the various howls from the temple, it seems that there are more of these monsters entrenched in it.

No matter what the consideration was, Reid felt that there was no need to go deeper into the temple, otherwise their subordinates would most likely be folded inside.

Suddenly, the place under their feet began to vibrate, and there was a loud noise from the entrance of the temple, and a deep sound that seemed to be mixed with laughter came from the depths of the temple.

This breath rushed out of the building, accompanied by a stench and corruption, and some other things were mixed in it.

This made Red and Maim tremble.

Although he could not see anything in the temple, he was certain that something evil was gushing out of this incredible place.

Finally, there was a loud rumbling sound in the temple, which seemed to be a huge explosion. The vibration generated by this explosion not only caused the orcs to fall to the ground, but also caused waves of waves.

The explosion was over quickly.

But the sound continued, the ground was still shaking, the rock beneath their feet began to shatter, and the island seemed to be breaking apart.

"Gul'dan is no longer a threat." The explosion finally ended, and Red rose from the ground.

He was sure his words were true.

With such a terrible upheaval in the temple, whatever Gul'dan hoped to find here, he would find only his own death.

"So, what should we do now?" Maim asked suddenly as they turned their backs to the temple.

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